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  1. (浙江博物馆)
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1981-08-18 发布日期:1981-08-18
  • 通讯作者: 韦直

Antheroporum Gagnep. (Leguminosae), a genus new to China

Wei Zhi   

  1.  (Zhejiang Museum)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1981-08-18 Published:1981-08-18
  • Contact: Wei Zhi


     The genus Antheroporum was proposed by Gagnepain (1915) in Notulae Syste-
maticae. He cited two species under the genus, A. pierrei as type species from Thai-
land and A. harmandii from Southern Viet-Nam. As stated in the original description,
anther-loculi dehiscing by a terminal pore. Hutchinson (1964) pointed out that Gagne-
pain,s conception was shown to be erroneous as they are dehiscing by a slit lengthwise.
Therefore the genus Antheroporum must be transferred  to tribe  Tephrosieae Benth.
(incl. Millettieae Hutch.).
     This paper reports a record of the genus new to the Chinese flora, i.e.A. harman-
dii has its former range of distribution far extends northward to the SW provinces of
China, and a new species, A. glaucum, from Yunnan province. A key to three species
of the genus is provided as follows:
     1.  The keel and standard almost equal in length
        2.  Leaflets glaucous beneath, glabrous; petiole and petiolule glabrous, blacken in
             drying;  Yunnan........... 1.A.  glaucum
          2. Leaflets densely appressed pubescent beneath; petiole and petiolule velvety-
            pubescent; SW China, Viet-Nam  ........................  2. A. harmandii
     1.  The keel about 2 times shorter than the standard; Thailand, Southern Viet-Nam
         ..................  3. A. pierrei