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李子龙1,2, 秦军1,2, 陶跃群1, 何乃峰1, 刘秋生1,2†, 朱志强1,2   

  1. 1 中国科学院力学研究所微重力重点实验室 北京 100190;
    2 中国科学院大学工程科学学院 北京 101408
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-11 修回日期:2023-05-10 发布日期:2023-05-10
  • 通讯作者: †liu@imech.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:
    * 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.11532015)、中国载人空间站空间蒸发相变与传热强化实验研究项目(TGMTYY14019-1)、中欧载人航天应用合作项目(Y935011041)和中国科学院国际伙伴计划对外重点项(115111KYSB20200008)资助

Investigation of pinned Evaporation droplets under different wind velocity

LI Zilong1,2, QIN Jun1,2, TAO Yuequn1, HE Naifeng1, LIU Qiusheng1,2†, ZHU Zhiqiang1,2   

  1. 1 Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100190, China;
    2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 101408, China
  • Received:2023-04-11 Revised:2023-05-10 Published:2023-05-10

摘要: 为研究附壁钉扎液滴在受到剪切流作用时的蒸发特性与传质规律,设计搭建了可以对气流速度精确控制下的液滴进行实时光学观测的闭环风管。利用风管给液滴施加剪切流,通过顶视和侧视高速CCD相机采集液滴的形貌信息,实验研究了10 µL~30 µL的液滴在受0 m/s~10m/s风速下的蒸发动力学特性与传质规律。研究发现,剪切流作用下的液滴蒸发经历三个阶段,且气流能显著提升液滴蒸发速率。对10 µL的小液滴,在2 m/s风速下,其蒸发速率相比于无风情况下提高了168%,但在高风速下,增大风速不能显著提升液滴的蒸发速率。气流对液滴形貌的影响主要与Weber数、表征风力和粘附力之比的无量纲数k'相关,液滴体积越大,其形貌受风速影响越显著,通过动力学分析定量化推导了前后接触角差值与风速的关系。研究了剪切流对于气液界面传质的影响,得到了无量纲Reynolds数与Sherwood数的关系,推导了风速与蒸发速率的理论关系式,与实验结果一致性好。

关键词: 剪切流, 液滴, 蒸发, 传质, 非对称液滴蒸发

Abstract: In order to study the sessile droplets evaporation under the shear flow, a closed loop wind tunnel that allows for high-quality optical observation was designed. Droplets were subjected to shear flow in the wind tunnel and the CCD cameras mounted horizontally and vertically were used to acquire the shape information to experimentally investigate the droplet evaporation. It is found that the droplet will experience three stages under the shear flow and airflow could enhance the evaporation rate significantly. For the droplet of 10µL, the evaporation rate is 168% higher in 2m/s wind speed than that without wind, However, increasing the wind speed can not improve the evaporation rate when the wind speed is high. The effect of airflow on the shape of droplet is mainly dependent on the Weber number and the dimensionless number k', which characterizes the ratio of wind force and adhesion force. The effect of shear flow on mass transfer at the gas-liquid interface was investigated, and the relationship between the dimensionless Reynolds number and the Sherwood numbers was determined. It was determined that the theoretical relationship between wind speed and evaporation rate is consistent with experimental data.

Key words: airflow, droplets, evaporation, mass transfer, Asymmetric droplet evaporation
