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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1999-03-10 发布日期:1999-03-10
  • 通讯作者: 耿宝印

A new species of Sparganium from the Eocene of Fushun, Liaoning Province

GENG Bao-Yin   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-03-10 Published:1999-03-10
  • Contact: GENG Bao-Yin


本文描述了辽宁抚顺始新统黑三棱属的一个种——抚顺黑三棱Sparganium fushunense,化石标本仅保存果枝部分。根据新标本头状聚花果显示的形态与结构特征,对该属的现生种和化石种做了详细的比较。

关键词: 抚顺, 始新统, 黑三棱属, 抚顺黑三棱


 Sparganium fushunense Geng is described as new from the Jijuntun Formation
(Middle to Late Eocene) of Fushun region in Liaoning Province, China. The preserved fer-
tile branches bear fruiting heads. A morphological comparison of the fruit heads is made be-
tween the specimens studied here with those of the living species and other fossil species.
The results show that the new species is distinguishable mainly by the shape of the tepals and
the size of the fruits.
      Sparganium fushunense Geng, sp. nov.
      Head-bearing axis at least 14.5 cm long, about 1.0 mm wide, with longitudinal striae
more or less parallel on its surface. Axes with 4~6 lateral fruit heads, interval between
heads 0.5~2.0 cm. Fruiting head sessile, globose, about 5 mm in diameter, made up of
tightly packed tepals and fruits radiating from a small receptacle. Tepals narrowly obovate,
apically rounded, about 1.8 mm long, 0.2~0.7 mm wide. Fruits elliptic, sessile, with
smooth surface, 1.16~1.25 mm long, at apex with a beak 1.5~2.0 mm long. Seed ellip-
tic, long axis 0.48~0.75 mm long, short axis 0.23~0.45 mm long. Seed coat cells irregu-
larly polygonal , 4.1~19 vn in diameter, with smaller ones in both the apical and basal
parts,the larger ones in the middle part and a papillate process at the apex.

Key words: Fushun, Eocene, Sparganium, S. fushunense