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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-09-10 发布日期:1998-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 徐炳声

The Species Problem in Plant Taxonomy in China

HSU Ping-Sheng   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-09-10 Published:1998-09-10
  • Contact: HSU Ping-Sheng


Nooteboom和Peter Raven都认为中国的分类学家往往持有狭隘的物种概念,而这是由于他们缺

关键词: 物种问题, 植物分类学, 中国


Nooteboom (1992) and Peter Raven (pers. comm. ) have pointed out that Chinese
taxonomists often hold a narrow species concept and that this may due to the small volum of
collections, especially type specimens, available to them which led to the unadequate study
on the variability of the species. Raven remarked that “this leads me to believe that the actu-
al concept of species used in plant systematics in China tends to be fairly typological”. What
they said are by no means unreasonable. Indeed, the taxonomical status of a considerable
number of species in the Chinese flora is probably open to question. New species based on a
single character or solely on vegetative characters are of frequent occurrence. Evidences from
a very limited number of researches on the patterns of plant variation heretofore available in
China have shown that some “species” are, in fact, ecological races ( Clinopodium ), geo-
graphical races (Cunninghamia & Indigofera ), or taxa with topoclinal variation (Les-
pedeza & Rhododendron ). Species based on plasticity of phenotype variation have been or
still regarded as “good species” ( Rorippa ). Segregates of an interspecific hybrid with diverse
leaf characters have been given different species names ( Ilex ). The originally complicated
situation in taxonomy of an agamic complex becomes even more complicated after the publi-
cation of additional new species (Malus). A careful analysis of a species with rather compli-
cated patterns of variation leads to the combination of 25 specific names, of which 10 were
published in the 80’s by Chinese taxonomists ( Clematoclethra ). Examples of these kinds
will greatly increase with the broadening of research work at the species level.
      Orthodox plant taxonomy is based largely or solely on morphological characters. The ex-
omorphic characters have the practical advantage that they are relatively easy to observe and
to record. The taxonomical species concept can meet the needs of general purpose classifica-
tion. But the notion that the taxonomical species concept is a solely intuitive judgement or
preference of an individual worker and one could hardly say what is right and what is wrong
is quite problematical. The species category today is much more capable of objective interpre-
tation than ever before. A correct species concept stems from a correct and thorough under-
standing of the nature of variation pattern of plants and its taxonomical value. Hence, as a
herbarium taxonomist, the first thing is to study as many collections as possible. Secondly,
the incorporation of evidence from other sources whenever possible is highly desirable. These
evidences,if they are not very useful as taxonomical criteria, are frequently of great signifi-
canee in contributing to a better understanding or interpretation of the variation pattern of a
given taxon. The taxonomist might find the discontinuities he seeks better expressed in ei-
ther the phenotypic or the genetic variation. A logical application of these two sorts of criteri-
a would lead to a more rational classification at the specific level in a great many genera.

Key words: Species problem, Plant taxonomy, China