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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1999-01-10 发布日期:1999-01-10
  • 通讯作者: 张丽兵

On the taxonomy of Phlegmariurus (Herter) Holub sect. Huperzioides H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang (sect. nov.) with notes on the infrageneric classification of the genus Phlegmariurus in China

ZHANG Li-Bing, KUNG Hsian-Shiu   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-01-10 Published:1999-01-10
  • Contact: ZHANG Li-Bing


本文在研究中国种类基础上将这个属看作不同于石杉属Huperzia Bernh.的独立的属,其特殊性尤表现
拟石杉组Sect. Huperzioides(sect. nov.)作了分类学研究,共记载了该组植物13种,内含4个新组合:
Ph.petiolatus(Clarke)H.S.Kung et L. B.Zhang,Ph.cryptomerianus (Maxim.)Ching,Ph.ovatifolius
(Ching)W. M. Chu, Ph. nylamensis (Ching et S. K. Wu)H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang; 7个新异名: Hu-
perzia formoana Holub [ = Ph. taiwanensis Ching], H. austrosinica Ching [ = Ph. petiolatus ], Lycopodi-
um minchegense Ching [ = Ph. mincheensis Ching ], Ph. mincheensis var. angustifolius C. Y. Ma [  = Ph.
mincheensis ], Ph. longyangensis C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. fordii ], Ph. nanus C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. fordii ], Ph.

yangdongensis Ching et C. F. Zhang [ = Ph. fordii ]; 以及1个中国分布新记录种: Ph. hamiltonii。

关键词: 马尾杉属, 属下分类, 拟石杉组, 新组, 分类, 中国


After the genus Phlegmariurus (Herter)Holub was proposed by J. Holub 1964,
the repercussions are different, with some botanists accepting it, while others refusing. We
take it as a separate genus since the related species from China are distinctly different from
those of Huperzia Bernh. The plants of this genus in China are classified into three sections:
Sect. Huperzioides H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, sect. nov.; Sect. Carinaturus (Herter)H.
S. Kung et L. B. Zhang, comb. nov. and Sect. Phlegmariurus. A key to sections is given.
The taxonomy on the new section, Sect. Huperzioides, is presented. Thirteen species are re-
ported in China, involving 4 new combinations: Ph. petiolatus (Clarke)H. S. Kung et L. B.
Zhang, Ph. cryptomerianus (Maxim.)Ching, Ph. ovatifolius (Ching)W. M. Chu, Ph.
nylamensis (Ching et S. K. Wu)H. S. Kung et L. B. Zhang; and 7 names are considered for
the first time as synonyms: Huperzia formosana Holub [ = Ph. taiwanensis Ching ], H.
austrosinica Ching [ = Ph.  petiolatus ],  Lycopodium mingchgense Ching [ = Ph.
mincheensis Ching ], Ph. mincheensis var. angustifolius C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. mincheensis ],
Ph. longyangensis C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. fordii ], Ph. nanus C. Y. Ma [ = Ph. fordii ], Ph.
yandongensis Ching et C. F. Zhang [ = Ph.fordii]. One new record in China is found: Ph.

Key words: Phlegmariurus, Infrageneric classification, Sect. Huperzioides, New section