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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-11-10 发布日期:1998-11-10
  • 通讯作者: 席以珍

Pollen Morphology of Neottianthe (Orchidaceae) and Its Taxonomic Significance

XI Yi-Zhen, LANG Kai-Yong, HU Yu-Shi   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-11-10 Published:1998-11-10
  • Contact: XI Yi-Zhen


学家把N.calcicola,N.monophylla,N.pseudo-diphylax 3种均归并于N.cucullata。孢粉学资料表

关键词: 花粉形态, 分类意义, 兜被兰属


 The genus Neottianthe (Orchidaceae) consists of about 12 species in the world,
 of which all are found in China and nine are endemic to China. The pollen morphology of this
 genus is very specific in shape and composition.  All pollen grains in Neottianthe are of a
 compound pollen grain, called massula, in which of many monad pollen grains adhere togeth-
 er. A massula is usually long and narrow trigonous cone in shape. Pollen grains can be divid-
 ed into five types according to ornamentation, of exine surface: (A) pollen surface almost
 smooth, or very obscurely fossete, (B)perforate, (C) fossulate or foveolate, (D) reticuloid,
 and (E)typically reticulate. Neottianthe. calcicola, N. monophylla, N.pseudo-diphylax
 and N. cucullata have been merged into one species, N. cucullata, by some taxonomists.
 This treatment is not supported by the pollen morphological data, because pollen morphologi-
cal characteristics of above-mentioned four species are different from each other. Therefore,
 pollen morphology shows that they are all independent at the specific level. Finally, it must
 be stressed that N. camptoceras is uniquite in the genus Neottianthe for its pollen shape,
size and surface ornamentation of pollen exine.

Key words: Pollen morphology, Taxonomic significance, Neottianthe