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汪小全, 韩英, 邓峥嵘, 洪德元   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1997-03-10 发布日期:1997-03-10
  • 通讯作者: 汪小全

Phylogeny of the Pinaceae Evidenced By Molecular Biology

Wang Xiao-quan, Han Ying, Deng Zheng-rong, Hong De-yuan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-03-10 Published:1997-03-10
  • Contact: Wang Xiao-quan


 运用PCR方法分别从松科8属、9种植物中扩增出一长约2550bp的cpDNA片段,这一片段包括rbcL、trnR、部分accD及基因间的非编码区(相对于黑松cpDNA中的同源片段而言)。运用18种限制性内切酶对这一cpDNA片段进行酶切分析,共获得86个酶切位点,其中54个为变异位点。运用PAUP(version 3.1.1)和Mega(version 1.01)软件对数据进行分析,结果Wagner简约树和Neighbor-

关键词: 分子系统发育, 限制性片段长度多态性, rbcL基因, 松科, 银杉属


The molecular phylogeny of the Pinaceae represented by nine species of eight genera was investigated through PCR-RFLP analysis of a cpDNA fragment,  which was approximately 2550 bp long and homologous with the DNA fragment from the upstream of rbcL to part of accD in cpDNA of Pinus thunbergii.  Identified by 18 restriction endonucleases were 86 recognition sites, of which 54 were polymorphic. The restriction site data were analyzed with PAUP (version 3.1.1 ) and Mega (version 1.01). As a result, the most parsimonious Wagner tree constructed by branch-and-bound search is similar to the neighbor-joining tree in topology.  Cathaya,  Pinus,  Larix and Pseudotsuga  form a monophyletic group, and Larix is closely related to Pseudotsuga. Cathaya is more closely related to Pinus  than to Pseudotsuga  and Larix,  but the close relationship between Cathaya and Pinus is not well supported by the bootstrap test. Abies has a close relationship to Keteleeria.  Moreover, the system proposed by Zheng and Fu (1978) that the family Pinaceae was divided into three subfamilies, i.e., Abietoideae, Laricoideae and Pinoideae, is artificial, because the former two are not monophyletic.

Key words: Molecular phylogeny, RFLP, rbcL gene, Pinaceae, Cathaya