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廖亮, 徐玲玲   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1997-01-10 发布日期:1997-01-10
  • 通讯作者: 廖亮

New Taxa of the Genus Ranunculus from China and Their Karyotypes

Liao Liang, Xu Ling-ling   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-01-10 Published:1997-01-10
  • Contact: Liao Liang


新种R.shuichengensis L,Liao有两种核型类型,即基本型2n=2x=16=4m+2sm+10st(2SAT);杂合型2n=2x=16=4m+2sm+9st(1SAT)+1t(1SAT),其核型和近缘种R.trigonus Hand.- Mazz.核型相似,但其随体染色体短臂比后者更小而不同。新变种R.silerifolius var.dolicanthus L. Liao核型(2n=2x=16=4m+2sm+10st(2SAT)与原变种Var.silerifolius不同。根据形态和染色体的特征,我们认为本文中两个新分类群和R.Trigonus是国产毛茛组中x=8至x=7的过渡类群。

关键词: 毛茛属, 水城毛茛, 长花毛茛, 核型


 Ranunculus shuichengensis L. Liao from Guizhou Province and R. silerifolius Lévl var dolicanthus L. Liao from Yunnan Province are described as new and their karyotypes are also reported in this paper. The new species showed two karyotypes, i. e. the commnon type 2n = 2x= 16 = 4m + 2sm + 10st(2SAT) and the heterozygoustype 2n = 2x = 16= 4m + 2sm + 9st(1SAT) + 1t(1SAT). The karyotype variation was the occurrence of het eromorphous SAT-chromosomes. It is similar to R. trigonus Hand-Mazz. in mophology and karyotype, but different from the latter by petals broad-obovate, achenes suborbilcular and reduced short arm of SAT-chromosomes (See Plate 1 ). The karyotype of the new variety (2n=2x=16 = 4m + 2sm + 10st(2SAT)) is not the same as that of var. silerifolius. According to the characteristics of the morphology and chromosomes, we consider that the two new taxa under study and R. trigonus are intermediate in the transition from x = 8 to x= 7.

Key words: Ranunculus, R. shuichengensis L. Liao, R. silerifolius Lévl var. dolicanthus L. Liao, karyotype