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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-07-10 发布日期:1998-07-10
  • 通讯作者: 许介眉

A Study on Karyotype Differentiation of Allium fasciculatum (Liliaceae)

XU Jie-Mei, YANG Lei, HE Xing-Jin, XUE Pei-Feng   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-07-10 Published:1998-07-10
  • Contact: XU Jie-Mei


发现4个种的染色体基数为10,除本种外其余3种分别是A.decipiens Fisch.;A.kujukense Vved.和
A.chelotum Wendelbo。根据这4个种的核型特征和分布格局,基数10可能有不同的起源,至少粗根韭
eri Thwaites在核型上的相似性,表明它们很可能共同起源于基数为10但现已绝灭的祖先种。此外,还


Karyotypes of three local populations of Allium fasciculatum Rendle were ana-
lyzed. The karyotype of the population from Dagze of Xizang was 2n=2x=20=4m+10sm
 +4T+2t(2SAT), the one from Xiangcheng of Sichuan was 2n=2x=20=10sm+6t
(2SAT)+4T, and the one from Lixian of Siehuan was 2n=2x=20=6m+10sm+2t
(2SAT)+2T. Although there were differences in karyotypes among the three populations,
they were very similar in morphological characters, except that plants in the Dagze population
were lower. The karyotype of the Lixian population is considered to be a primitive one that
has evolved into the more asymmetrical karyotypes of the Dagze population and Xiangcheng
population by structural aberration. In the genus Allium, only four species, A. fascicula-
turn, A. decipiens Fisch., A. kujukense Vved. and A. cheloturm Wendelbo. have so far been
found to have the basic chromosome number of x=10. According to karyotype characters
and the distribution pattern of these four species, the basic number x = 10 may have different
origins. At least that of A. fasciculatum is different from that of the other three species and
might have originated the latest. A. fasciculatum was similar to A. hookeri Thwaites (the
latter has x=11) in karyotypical and morphological characters. Therefore, they are consid-
ered to have originated from a common extinct ancestor that had the basic number of x = 10.
ey words  Allium;A.fasciculatum Rendle;Karyotype differentiation