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郭延平, 潘开玉, 葛颂   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1997-07-10 发布日期:1997-07-10
  • 通讯作者: 郭延平

Sporogenesis and Gametogenesis of Endangered Adenophora lobophylla Hong (Campanulaceae)

Guo Yan-ping, Pan Kai-yu, Ge Song   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1997-07-10 Published:1997-07-10
  • Contact: Guo Yan-ping



关键词: 大、小孢子发生, 雌、雄配子体发育, 裂叶沙参, 泡沙参, 桔梗科


 Reported in this paper are the microsporogenesis, megasporogenesis and the development of male and female gametophytes of the endangered species Adenophora lobophylla. The anther is four-sporangiate with its wall composed of four layers: epidermis, fibrous endothelium, middle layer and glandular tapetum of binucleate cells. The cytokinesis of microspore mother cell in meiosis is simultaneous, and tetrads are tetrahedral. Pollen grains are 2-celled at the dispersal stage. Ovule is anatropous, unitegmic and tenuinucellate with a hypodermal archesporial cell developing directly as the megaspore mother cell which undergoes meiotic division and then forms a linear tetrad. The embryo sac is of Polygonum type. The polar nuclei fuse before fertilization. An endothelium differentiates when the uninucleate embryo sac forms. Comparative studies were made with the closely related and widely distributed species A. potaninii. No differences between them were found. No obstacle to sexual reproduction in this endangered species was observed. As a conclusion, no endangering factors were found to influence the sporogenesis and gametogenesis of A. lobophylla. According to our observision and the references on embryological studies of the Campanulaceae(s. l. ), there is no evident differentiation in sporogenesis and gametogenesis in this family.

Key words: Sporogenesis, Gametogenesis, Adenophora lobophylla, A. potaninii, Campanulaceae