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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-05-10 发布日期:1998-05-10
  • 通讯作者: 王萍莉

Palynological Evidence for Taxonomy of Trigonobalanus (Fagaceae)

WANG Ping-Li, PU Fa-Ting, ZHENG Zhong-Hua   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-05-10 Published:1998-05-10
  • Contact: WANG Ping-Li


壳斗科三棱栎属Trigonobalanus Forman含3种,即:三棱栎T.doichangensis,南美三棱栎T.excelsa,轮叶三棱栎T.verticillata。通过用光学显徽镜、扫描电子显微镜、激光共聚焦显微系统及透射电子显微镜对3个种的花粉进行观察并比较分析,确认它们分别属于显然不同的3个类型:(A)花粉粒为扁球形,赤道面观宽椭圆形,极面观钝三角形;孔在角上,内孔具明显的孔室,孔缘加厚;外壁覆盖层无穿孔,孔区外壁-2(从化学分层)特厚;表面具疣波状纹饰。三棱栎为此类型。(B)花粉粒为长球形,赤道面观长椭圆形,极面观近三角形或三瓣形;萌发孔多为3拟孔沟(-3沟),位于三角形的边上;外壁覆盖层具穿孔,表面具粗瘤(疣)状纹饰。南美三棱栎为此类型。(C)花粉粒近球形、赤道面观近圆形,极面观3裂圆形,3孔沟在边上;覆盖层具穿孔;表面具小瘤和蠕虫状短条纹饰。轮叶三棱栎为此类型。以上3个种的花粉粒形状、萌发孔、外壁结构、表面纹饰等特征,特别是萌发孔特征、类型及位置,在壳斗科的花粉形态中表现出较大差异,越出了种间的区别,故笔者认为K.C. Nixon和W.L. Crepet将3个种分立为3个单型属是自然合理的,即:Formanodendren(F.doichangensis(Camus)Nixon et Crepet), Colombobalanus(C. excelsa(G.Lozano,J.Hdz-C.et J.Henao)Nixon et Crepet),Trigonobalanus(T.verticillata Forman)。

关键词: 花粉形态, 三棱栎属, 南美三棱栎属, 轮叶三棱栎属, 壳斗科


The genus Trigonobalanus consists of three species which are disjunctly distributed
in Asia and South America. Pollen grains of T. doichangensis (Camus) Forman, T.
verticillata Forman and T. excelsa G. Lozano, J. Hdz-C. et J. He-nao were examined un-
der light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), laser scanning confocal
imagine system(MRC-600) and transmission electron microscope(TEM). Pollen morphology
of these species of Trigonobalanus showed great variation in shape, aperture position and
structure of exine. The pollen morphology of Trigonobalanus may be divided into three
types: (A)Pollen grains of T. doichangensis are suboblate, with P/E=0.88~0.96, broad
elliptic in equatorial view, obtusely triangular in polar view; 3-colporate, goniotreme,
vestibulate and thickened on margin; the exine 2-layered, the thickest in aperture area, tec-
tate-imperforate, verrucose-rugulose (SEM). (B) Pollen grains of T. excelsa are prolate,
with P/E = 1.23 ~1.55, long-elliptic in equatorial view, trilobate or subtriangular in polar
view; 3-colporoidate (3-colpate), pleurotreme (pretrime); tectate-perforate, crass-tubercu-
late or verrucose (SEM). (C) Pollen grains of T. verticillata are subsphaeroidal with P/E
= 1.10~1.18, subcircular in equatorial view, trilobate-circular in polar view; 3-colporate,
pleurotrime; tectate-perforate, fine-tuberculate or vermiculate short-striate (SEM). The
pollen morphology of the three species of Trigonobalanus well supports the view-point of
Nixin and Crepet to treat them as three monotypic genera, i.e. Formanodendren (F.
doichangensis(Camus) Nixon et Crepet), Colombobalanus (C. excelsa (G. Lozano, J.
Hdz-C. et J. Henao)Nixon et Crepet) and Trigonobalanus (T. verticillata Forman). The
results also show that the three genera are closely related to Fagus and Ouercus.

Key words: Pollen morphology, Trigonobalanus, Colombobalanus, Formanodendren