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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-09-10 发布日期:1998-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 杜桂森

A Study on the Spore Morphology of Bryum Hedw. in China

DU Gui-Sen, WANG Mei-Zhi, ZHANG Yu-Long   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-09-10 Published:1998-09-10
  • Contact: DU Gui-Sen


 通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了中国真藓属Bryum Hedw.13种孢子的形态特征。根
性,证明真藓属确为一个自然分类群,真藓属孢子的形态比丝瓜藓属Pohlia Hedw.进化。这给苔藓的

关键词: 真藓属, 孢子形态


Spore morphology of thirteen species of the genus Bryum Hedw. were observed
by LM and SEM. The results show that the ornamentation of spore exine could be divided
into three types: Type I , blunt at the top of baculate processes, to which four species be-
long: Bryum argenteum, B. lonchocaulon , B. uliginosum and B. arcticum. Type Ⅱ,
sharp or with small processes at the top of baculate processes, represented by seven species:
B. pallescens, B. caespiticium, B. pallens, B. pseudotriquetrum, B. paradoxum, B.
alpinum and B. thomsoii. Type Ⅲ, expanded into hemispherical-shaped at the top of bac-
ulate processes, represented  by  two species:  B.coronatum  and  B.sauteri. The
Bryum species may also be divided into three groups according to the variation of spore diam-
eter. Group I , with spore diameter under 10 μm, including one species, B. uliginosum.
Group Ⅱ, with spore diameter 11~20 μm, including seven species: B. argenteum, B.
alpinum, B. coronatum, B. pallens, B.paradoxum, B.sauteri, B.thomsonii.
Group Ⅲ, spore diameter 21~30 μm, with five species: B. pallescens, B. caespiticium,
B. pseudotriquetrum, B. lonchocaulon, B. arcticum. There are resemblances of spore
morphology and exine ornamentation among the thirteen species. In the view of palynology,
the genus Bryum is a natural taxon which is more advanced than the genus Pohlia Hedw.
But spores of thirteen species are different at some characters such as diameter, shape of
proximal leptoma, etc., which indicates the genetic differentiation in the genus Bryum.

Key words: Bryum, Spore morphology