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刘玉壶, 吴容芬   

  1. (中国科学院华南植物研究所)
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1982-11-18 发布日期:1982-11-18
  • 通讯作者: 刘玉壶

A preliminary study on Sabiaceae of China

Law Yuh-Wu, Wu Young-Fen   

  1. (South China Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1982-11-18 Published:1982-11-18
  • Contact: Law Yuh-Wu


 This paper is a preliminary study on the Sabiaceae in aspects of its morphology,
taxonomy and geography.  We propose that the Sabioideae and Meliosmoideae as two
new subfamilies of Sabiaceae according to the external morphology, flower structure
and geographical distribution of these two genera respectively.
      This paper follows the taxonomic concepts of Luetha Chen on Sabia and C. F.
van Beusekom on Meliosma.  We agree with them for their classification of these two
genera above the specific rank.  As to the revision work of Sabia by van de Water
and C. F. van Beusekom’s work on Meliosma we disagree  for their unduly broad
specific concepts.  We rather treat the species of these two genera according to their
habitats in regions on a relatively narrower sense.  The genus Sabia of China are
classified into 2 tribes, with 16 species, 5 subspecies and 2 varieties in which 4 sub-
species and l variety are as new combinations, the genus of Meliosma in China are
classified into 2 subgenera with 29 species, and 7 varieties of which 4 varieties are new
      After examining the affinity of the species of Sabia and Meliosma in China and
its neighboring nations such as Burma, Japan and Bhutan, we found that their migra-
tion initiated from China, as the primitive species of these two genera occured in
northeast and central part of Yunnan, sou theast of Sichuan, north of Guizhou and
west of Hubei, the region may probably be the main origin of these two genera.
     As shown in tables 1 & 2, the localities where the species of these two genera den-
sely populate they are from Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong coinciding with the
concepts of C. F. van Beusekom and van de Water about the distribution of exotic
species of these two genera, it may reasonable be pointed out that the center of distri-
bution of these two genera is Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and nieghboring nations,
upper Burma and northern Vietnam.  Futhermore, it may be seen that starting from
this center the number of species become less and less as they proceed far and far away
but become more advance in evolution.