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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1982-11-18 发布日期:1982-11-18
  • 通讯作者: 杨纯瑜

The taxonomy, distribution and medicinal value of the medicinal plants of the family Huperziaceae and Lycopodiaceae in China

Yang Chun-Yu   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1982-11-18 Published:1982-11-18
  • Contact: Yang Chun-Yu


 The family Lycopodiaceae and Huperzi aceae includes 400 species  in the world.
They are widely distributed in the tropics temperate and frigid zones.  In China there
are about 60 species widely distributed in the southern and northern provinces.  The
plants contain quinolizidine alkaloids.  The physiological activity of them is strong
enough for medicinal use.
     The paper describes the medicinal plants  of  the  family  Lycopodiacea'e  and
Huperziaceae in China including their taxonomy, distribution and medicinal value.  A
key to 12 species of the plants is offered. T he main references are cited after every
species.  The distribution of species is based on specimens identified.  The chemical
constituents and the scope of pharmacological action in clinical use as well as the effect
in folk use also mentioned.