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  1. (复旦大学生物系)
  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1983-02-18 发布日期:1983-02-18
  • 通讯作者: 徐炳声

A Preliminary Numerical Taxonomy of the Family Caprifoliaceae

Hsu Ping-Sheng   

  1. (Department of Biology, Fudan University)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1983-02-18 Published:1983-02-18
  • Contact: Hsu Ping-Sheng


 A numerical taxonomic study of Caprifoliaceae is presented. For the sake of ana-
lyzing the resemblances between the 33 species or OUT’s selected at random from the
total 13 genera of the family, a summation of 32 characters was employed in the numeri-
cal analyses.  Raw data for each character were given equal weighting by condensa-
tion in order to have adequate comparisons, and the characters were converted to 51
states, each with a new range of zero to one. Owing to the lack of sufficient data from
other lines for numerical analyses, the characters used in this study were largely mor-
phological.  The estimation of the coefficient resemblance between each pair or OUT’s
was established using the association coefficient method.  The resulting values com-
prise the 33×33 OUT’s basic similarity matrix.  The clustering technique used was
unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA).
     It can be stated that the scheme of phenetic relationships shown in the resultant
dendrogram (Fig. 1) is on the whole in accord with the concepts hold by most current
taxonomists, but with some noteworthy exceptions.  If the phenon line of tribal de-
markation is drawn at the level of 0.6820, the OUT’s could be roughly divided into
five groups or tribes.  The fact that the highest degree of correlation between Group
I Sambuceae and Group II Viburneae on the one hand, and the great distance between
them and the rest genera of the family on the other hand agrees well with the data
obtained from morphological (Troll and Weberling,  1966),  anatomical  (Wilkinson,
1949, Metcalfe and Chalk, 1950), embryological (Moissl, 1941), sereological (Hillebrand
and Fairbrother, 1970), and phytochemical (Bohm and  Glennie,  1971)  researches.
These two tribes are most probably members of different phylogenetic origin. Trioste-
um and Symphoricarpos both show their affinities  with  Leycesteria  of  Group  V
Lonicereae instead of Group III Linnaeea  or Group II Viburneae as suggested by
some taxonomists, and thus supports the opinion of Troll and Weberling (1966), who
suggested that these two genera are members of the tribe Lonicereae.  The location of
the phylogenetically uncertain genus Heptacodium in the dendrogram shows its close
morphological similarity to the tribe Linnaeeae.
      Because of the relatively small number of characters considered in this work, and
“taxonomic judgement” was used in selecting these characters which appeared to be
most “basic” to the classification of genera in the family, as well as the limitation of
numerical taxonomy in itself, the resultant scheme of tribal relationships presented
in this paper is by no means phylogenetic, but one that provides an excellent check
on ordinary taxonomic procedures.