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宋国学, 秦彰玮1, 张岱岳1, 郑方顺1, 熊玉新2   

  1. 1 中国科学院大学地球与行星科学学院, 北京 100049;
    2 山东省地质科学研究院,济南 250013
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-15 修回日期:2024-06-14 发布日期:2024-06-24
  • 通讯作者: E-mail:sgx@ucas.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:
    * 国家自然科学面上基金(41572064)资助

The Potoushan kaolin deposit in the middle of the Greater Khingan Ranges: identification of lithocaps and its significance

SONG Guoxue1, QIN Zhangwei1, ZHANG Daiyue1, ZHENG Fangshun1, XIONG Yuxin2   

  1. 1 College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
    2 Shandong institute of Geological Sciences, Jinan 250013, China
  • Received:2024-04-15 Revised:2024-06-14 Published:2024-06-24

摘要: 大兴安岭地区火山岩-深成岩面积占75%,以发育与岩浆-热液活动相关的铜、钼、锡、铅锌、金银以及稀有金属矿产为特色。破头山高岭土矿所在的大兴安岭中段主要发育斑岩-浅成低温-隐爆角砾岩-矽卡岩复合成矿系统,但整体勘查程度较低。破头山高岭土矿地表剥露区及浅钻岩芯样品中识别出高岭石、地开石、明矾石、叶蜡石、微脉石英、玉髓石英、绢云母、绿泥石、叶蜡石、水铝石、硬石膏、重晶石、黄铁矿、闪锌矿、碲铅矿、深红银矿、辰砂、褐铁矿等矿物,尤以发育高岭石化、地开石化、明矾石化、黏土化、硅化(玉髓石英)等低温高级泥化蚀变为特征,属于斑岩-浅成低温热液系统顶部特征的“蚀变岩帽”。结合矿区内识别出的特征蚀变矿物、微量金属矿物以及四种不同的热液角砾岩,推测破头山蚀变岩帽的深部可能存在隐伏的含矿岩浆-热液系统。对大兴安岭区域来说,古生代至中生代大范围的岩浆活动以及湿润肥厚的森林覆盖层为“蚀变岩帽”的发育和保存提供了充分条件,建议未来的地质研究和勘查工作可更多关注“蚀变岩帽”,识别更多新的蚀变岩帽、查明矿物组合特征并研究其成因机制,为进一步开展区域隐伏含矿岩浆-热液系统的勘查工作提供理论支持。

关键词: 蚀变岩帽, 低温高级泥化, 斑岩-浅成低温热液系统, 大兴安岭中段

Abstract: The area of volcanic and plutonic rocks in the Greater Khingan Ranges accounts for 75%, characterized by the development of copper, molybdenum, tin, lead zinc, gold and silver, and rare metal minerals related to magmatic and hydrothermal activities. The middle section of the Greater Khingan Ranges, where the Potoushan Kaolin deposit is located, mainly develops a compound mineralization system consisting of porphyry type mineralization, epithermal type mineralization, cryptoexplosive breccia type mineralization, and skarn type mineralization, but its overall exploration level is relatively low. Samples from the mining pit and shallow drill cores of the Potoushan kaolin mine have been identified minerals such as kaolinite, dikaite, alunite, pyrophyllite, microveined quartz, chalcedony quartz, sericite, chlorite, pyrophyllite, boehmite, gypsum, barite, pyrite, sphalerite, tellurite, pyrargyrite, cinnabar, limonite, etc., with the characteristic of developing low-temperature advanced argillation such as kaolinization, dickitization, alunitization, clayification, and silicification (chalcedony quartz), belonging to the top "lithocap" of deep porphyry-epithermal system. Based on the identified typical altered minerals, trace metal minerals, and four types of hydrothermal breccia within the mining area, it is speculated that there may be a potential ore bearing magma-hydrothermal system in the deep of Potoushan lithocaps. For the Greater Khingan Ranges, the extensive magmatic activity from the Paleozoic to Mesozoic and the moist and thick forest cover provided sufficient conditions for the development and preservation of "lithocaps". It is suggested that future geological research and exploration work should pay more attention to "lithocap" for discovering more lithocaps, identifying their altered minerals, and researching their genetic mechanisms, to provide theoretical supports for further exploration of potential ore bearing magma-hydrothermal systems in the region.

Key words: lithocaps, low temperature advanced argillation, porphyry-epithermal system, the middle of the Greater Khingan Ranges
