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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1999-05-10 发布日期:1999-05-10
  • 通讯作者: 王文采

Notulae de Ranunculaceis sinensibus (ⅩⅩⅢ)

WANG Wen-Tsai, LI Liang-Qian, WANG Zheng   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-05-10 Published:1999-05-10
  • Contact: WANG Wen-Tsai


保持,因此不同意英国学者J.A Compton将黄三七属和升麻属并人类叶升麻属的处理。(2)由于过去
被鉴定为Cimicifuga foetida L.的中国居群与分布于亚洲北部的真正的C.foetida L.除了花序不同部
分开花时间上的区别之外无其他重要区别,遂将此中国居群作为C.foetida L.位于其分布区南部的一

关键词: 铁破锣属, 黄三七属, 疏花升麻属, 升麻属, 类叶升麻属, 翠雀属, 铁线莲属, 分类学, 新分


(1) In this paper, differences among the five genera constituting the tribe Cimi-
 cifugeae of the family Ranunculaceae are discussed. Beesia, the first genus, with compound
 cymes and flowers bearing neither petals nor staminodes, is different from the other four
 genera with simple or compound racemes and flowers bearing either petals or staminodes,
 and may occupy a primitive position within the tribe. As to the other four genera, Souliea is
 characterized by the stem without basal leaf but with 2~5 sheath-like cataphylls, the sepals
 being deciduous but not caducous, moderate in size and petaloid, the petals being much
 smaller than sepals, but pink in color and more or less petaloid, the pollen grains being pan-
 tocolpate or pantoporate, the carpels being 1~3 per flower, when mature forming dry linear
 follicles conspicuously reticulate on the surface and dehiscent along the ventral suture, and
 the seeds being reticulate-foveolate on the surface. These diagnostic characters indicate clear-
 ly that Souliea might have deviated from the lineage formed by the next three genera, i. e.
 Anemopsis, Cimicifuga, and Actaea, which have their own well-recognizable diagnostic
 characters. Anemopsis is characterized by the normally developed basal leaf, the racemose
 inflorescence with sparse and few long pedicellate flowers, the sepals 7~10 in number, mod-
 erate in size, and petaloid, the petals slightly smaller than sepals, the tricolpate pollen
 grains, the carpels 2~4 per flower, stalked, when mature forming dry oblong follicles with
 transverse veins on the surface, and the seeds with scaly membranous wings. Cimicifuga is
 distinguished by the normally developed basal leaf, the caducous, small, often sepaloid sepa-
 ls, the organs of the second floral whorl sometimes with empty sterile anthers being stamin-
 odes not petals, the tricolpate pollen grains, the carpels 1~8 per flower, when mature form-
 ing dry oblong or ovoid follicles with transverse veins on the surface, and the seeds usually
 with scaly membranous wings. The last genus Actaea is different by the basal leaf trans-
 formed into a small scale, the caducous, small, often sepaloid sepals, the organs of the sec-
 ond floral whorl being clawed petals, the pollen grains with 3(4~6) colpi, carpel 1 per flow-
 er, when mature forming a fleshy indehiscent berry smooth on the surface and without any
 veins, the seeds roughish or slightly rugose, neither foveolate nor winged on the surface, and
 the advanced most asymmetric karyotype. According to the diagnostic characters given
 above, we believe that Beesia, Souliea, Anemopsis, Cimicifuga, and Actaea do represent
 five independent genera, and the treatment of the tribe Cimicifugeae including these five
 genera in it by Hutchinson (1923), Janchen (1949) and some other authors, has precisely
 shown the taxonomic diversity within the tribe. We are therefore unable to accept the treat-
ment published by Compton et al. (1998) to lump the two genera, Souliea and Cimicifu-
ga, into the genus Actaea. (2) Compton et al. (1998, 1997) found out that the Chinese
plants previously identified by various authors as Cimicifuga foetida L., in which the ter-
minal and lateral racemes of the compound raceme flower more or less simultaneously, differ
from the true C. foetida L. in northern Asia, in which the terminal raceme of the com-
pound raceme flowers before the lateral ones, and thus restored the species name Cimicifuga
mairei Lévl. , which was formerly reduced to the synonymy of C. foetida L. , for the Chi-
nese plants. After examining the specimens collected from Siberia and from Southwest China
we failed to find out any other differences in both vegetative and reproductive organs between
the plants of the two regions, and we consider that it is better to treat the populations in
Southwest and Central China as a geographical variety of Cimicifuga foetida L. A new
combination, Cimicifuga foetida L. var. mairei (Lévl.) W. T. Wang & Zh. Wang, is
thus made. (3) 3 species of Delphinium, 1 species and 1 variety of Clematis are described
 as new.

Key words: Beesia, Souliea, Anemopsis, Cimicifuga, Actaea, Delphinium, Clematis