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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-09-10 发布日期:1998-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 汪小全

The Systematic Position of Beesia: Evidence from ITS (nrDNA) Sequence Analysis

WANG Xiao-Quan, DENG Zheng-Rong, HONG De-Yuan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-09-10 Published:1998-09-10
  • Contact: WANG Xiao-Quan


对Beesia calthifolia等5种金莲花亚科植物的核糖体DNA中的内转录间隔区(ITS)序列及5.8S
rRNA基因的3′端序列进行了测定。这几种金莲花亚科植物的ITS-1的长度范围为225~232 bp,ITS-2
的长度范围为201~217 bp。B.calthifolia的ITS-1(227 bp)和ITS-2(215 bp)的长度及序列均与升麻
属及类叶升麻属植物相近,其5.8S rRNA基因的3′端序列也近乎与升麻属及类叶升麻属植物完全一致
(仅一个碱基缺失的差异),但其在上述几方面均与金莲花属植物相差甚远。以Ranunculus enysii作为
外类群,运用PAUP软件进行的系统发育分析表明:B.calthifolia,Cimicifuga acerina,C.brachycarpa
和Actaea asiatica形成一个单系群,并得到bootstrap分析的极强支持,B.calthifolia位于这一单系群的

关键词: 铁破锣属, 金莲花族, 升麻族, ITS, 分子系统发育


 Discussed in the present paper is the systematic position of Beesia, a small ranun-
culaceous genus mainly distributed in SW China. Sequences of the internal transcribed spac-
ers (ITS) and 3’ end of 5.8 S rRNA gene of Beesia calthifolia, Trollius chinensis, Cimi-
cifuga acerina, C. brachycarpa and Actaea asiatica were determined by direct PCR se-
quencing method. The sequences of ITS-1 in the five species range from 225 bp to 232 bp in
size and those of ITS-2 from 201 bp to 217 bp. Beesia is very similar to Cimicifuga and Ac-
taea not only in size, sequence and G+C content of ITS, but also in sequence of 3’ end of
5.8 S rRNA gene. In PAUP analysis, Ranunculus enysii was used as outgroup, and the
most parsimonious tree was obtained through exhaustive search. The gaps were treated re-
spectively as missing characters and the fifth base in two analyses. The two analyses show
that a monophyletic group comprising Beesia calthifolia, Cimicifuga acerina, C. brachy-
carpa and Actaea asiatica is strongly supported by the bootstrap value. In the monophyletic
group, Beesia calthifolia is basal to the other three species. The present DNA sequence
analysis demonstrates that the genus Beesia should be placed in the tribe Cimicifugeae,
which is consistent with the results from phytochemistry, palynology and cytology. In addi-
tion, Beesia may be the most original genus in the tribe Cimicifugeae in view of simple leaf,
apetalous flower and molecular evidence.

Key words: Beesia, Trollieae, Cimicifugeae, ITS, Molecular phylogeny