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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-09-10 发布日期:1998-09-10
  • 通讯作者: 吴征镒

On Primary Subdivisions of the Magnoliophyt—Towards a New Scheme for an Eight-class System of Classification of the Angiosperms

WU Zheng-Yi, TANG Yan-Cheng, LU An-Ming, CHEN Zhi-Duan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-09-10 Published:1998-09-10
  • Contact: WU Zheng-Yi


科,至于纲间的系统关系,以及纲内的分类系统,有待进一步研究 。

关键词: 被子植物门, 木兰植物门, 系统发育, 分类学, 系统学


The current subdivision of the angiosperms into two major groups, the dicotyle-
dons and the monocotyledons, whether at the rank of class or subclass, is greatly challenged
by more and more evidence from comparative morphology, chemotaxonomy, paleobotany,
cladistics and molecular systematics. It becomes clear that this primary subdivision is conven-
tional rather than natural. We stressed in this paper that the system of classification of the
angiosperms should be as much as possible based on the geneaological relationships of major
groups. It seems apparent that eight principal lineages appeared by the end of the Early Cre-
taceous when the one of the major radiation of the angiosperms occurred. By using the Lin-
nean hierarchy, these lineages are named at the rank of class in order to reflect major evolu-
tionary trends within the angiosperms. As evolutionary systematists, we accepted para-
phyletic' groups as natural in this scheme. The eight classes are as follows: Magnoliopsida
(including Degeneriaceae, Himantandraceae, Magnoliaceae, Winteraceae, Canellaceae, Illi-
ciaceae, Schisandraceae, Austrobaileyaceae, Eupomatiaceae, Annonaceae, Myristicaceae,
Hydropeltidaceae, Cabombaceae, Nupharaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Barclayaceae, Ceratophyl-
laceae), Lauropsida (including Amborellaceae, Trimeniaceae, Monimiaceae, Gomorte-
gaceae, Hernandiaceae,  Lauraceae, Calycanthaceae,  Idiospermaceae, Chloranthaceae),
Piperopsida ( including  Aristolochiaceae,  Saururaceae,  Piperaceae,  Lactoridaceae ),
Caryophyllopsida(including Caryophyllaceae, Molluginaceae, Aizoaceae, Amaranthaceae,
Chenopodiaceae,  Halophytaceae,  Stegnospermataceae,  Achatocarpaceae,  Phytolacaceae,
Nyctaginaceae, Cactaceae, Portulacaceae, Didiereaceae, Basellaceae, Hectorellaceae), Lil-
iopsida( including the families of Liliopsida sensu Takhtajan ( 1997 ) ), Ranunculopsida ( in-
cluding Ranunculaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Sargentodoxaceae, Menispermaceae, Circaeaster-
aceae, Nandinaceae, Berberidaceae(incl. Ranzaniaceae), Leonticaceae, Podophyllaceae, Hy-
drastidaceae, Glaucidiaceae, Paeoniaceae, Pteridophyllaceae, Papaveraceae, Hypecoaceae,
Fumariaceae, Nelumbonaceae), Hamamelidopsida(including Trochodendraceae, Tetracen-
traceae,  Cercidiphyllaceae,  Eupteleaceae,  Myrothamnaceae,  Hamamelidaceae,  Pla-
tanaceae), and Rosopsida(including the families of Rafflesianae, Balanophoranae, Hamame-
lididae p. p., Dilleniidae,  Rosidae,  Cornidae,  Lamiidae, Asteridae sensu Takhtajan
(1997)). Principal families in each class are discussed here. Further study is needed to eluci-
date the phylogenetic relationships among and within the classes.

Key words: Angiospermae, Magnoliophyta, Phylogeny, Taxonomy, Systematics