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罗毅波, 裴颜龙, 潘开玉, 洪德元   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1998-03-10 发布日期:1998-03-10
  • 通讯作者: 罗毅波

A Study on Pollination Biology of Paeonia suffruticosa subsp. spontanea (Paeoniaceae)

LUO Yi-Bo, PEI Yan-Long, PAN Kai-Yu, HONG De-Yuan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1998-03-10 Published:1998-03-10
  • Contact: LUO Yi-Bo



关键词: 芍药科, 矮牡丹, 开花期, 传粉生物学, 繁殖系统, 蜂类, 甲虫类


Field observation on pollination in three populations of Paeonia suffruticosa sub-
 sp. spontanea in southern Shanxi Province showed that five species of bees in two families
 and four species of beetles were engaged in pollination. Examination on bodies of these in-
 sects under SEM, and seed set produced by controlled insect-pollination indicated that the
 bees, especially the species in the genus Andrena were main pollinators and the beetles ex-
 cept those of small size were only fluctuating vectors. Flowers of this taxon are scented and
 nonectariferous. Flowers attracted bees and beetles mainly by pollen. A study on seed-set in
 the three populations revealed considerable variation within and among populations. The
 plants were no apomict and autogamy, but geitonogamy sometimes could produce mature
 seeds (x= 2.86 seeds per carpel). In the population with less flowers (less than 40 flowers),
 natural seed-set (x=3.88) was close to the seed-set produced by hand cross-pollination (x =
 3.21), but in the population with more flowers(near 100 flowers) natural seed-set (x=
 2.48) was lower than that by hand cross-pollination (x = 3.21). The seed-set was low for
 both natural and artificial cross-pollination with only about one forth of ovules developing into

Key words: Paeoniaceae, Paeonia suffruticosa subsp.Spontanea, Flowering, PollinationBiology, Breeding system, Bees, Beetles