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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1999-03-10 发布日期:1999-03-10
  • 通讯作者: 王印政

Karyomorphology of four species in Ancylostemon, Briggsiopsis and Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae)

WANG Yin-Zheng, GU Zhi-Jian   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-03-10 Published:1999-03-10
  • Contact: WANG Yin-Zheng


为复杂染色中心型(complex chromocenter type);细胞有丝分裂前期的染色体为近基型(proximal type)
我国特有单种属筒花苣苔属Briggsiopsis的间期核为简单—复杂染色中心型(simple-complex chromocenter
type);细胞有丝分裂前期的染色体为中间—渐变型(interstitial—gradient type);核型公式为2n=34=25m
型均显示比较原始的特征。吊石苣苔属的蒙自吊石苣苔L.carnosus和翅茎吊石苣苔L.serratus D.
 Don var.pterocaulis的核型公式分别是2n=30=21m+5sm+3st+1t和2n=32=21m+10sm+1t。核
  型类型分别属于2A和2B。间期核均为简单—复杂染色中心型(simple-complex chromocenter type);细胞
  有丝分裂前期的染色体为渐变型(gradient type)。

关键词: 核形态学, 直瓣苣苔属, 筒花苣苔属, 吊石苣苔属, 苦苣苔科


 Reported in the present paper are chromosome numbers and karyotypes of three
genera of the Gesneriaceae, i.e. Ancylostemon Craib. , Briggsiopsis (Franch.) K. Y. Pan
and Lysionotus D. Don. The former two genera are endemic to China. The karyotype of
Ancylostemon aureus (Franch.) Burtt is formulated as 2n = 34 = 20m(1sat) + 14sm, with
the same chromosome number as its allied species A. convexus Craib. This species is charac-
terized by the interphase nucleus of complex chromocenter type and the proximal type of
chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of the monospecific genus
Briggsiopsis is 2n = 34, the same as the lowest chromosome number reported in Briggsia.
The karyotype of Briggsiopsis, which is formulated as 2n = 25m + 6sm + 3st, also seems to
be primitive among the species of the two genera. Briggsiopsis is characterized by the inter-
phase nucleus of simple-complex chromocenter type and the interstitial-gradient type of chro-
mosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of Lysionotus carnosus Hemsl. is
the lowest reported in this genus. Its karyotype is formulated as 2n= 30 = 21m + 5sm + 3st
 + lt. Lysionotus serratus var. pterocaulis, with the karyotype being formulated as 2n= 32
 = 2lm + 10sm + lt, has the same chromosome number as var. serratus. These two species
show a remarkable differentiation of karyotypes and are characterized by the interphase nuclei
of simple-complex chromocenter type and the gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic
prophase.                                                  _  .

Key words: Karyomorphology, Ancylostermon, Briggsiopsis, Lysionotus, Gesneriaceae