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A Numerical Taxonomy of Chinese Jasminum

Miao Bo-Mao, Hu Jia-Qi   

  1. (Futan University)
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1983-08-18 Published:1983-08-18
  • Contact: Miao Bo-Mao


 A numerical taxonomic study of Chinese jasminum is presented. The 57 OTUS include
most taxa of the genus in China. Sixty eight characters, of which 30 were quantitative and 38 were qualitative, were used in the numerical analysis. The methods used here are cluster analysis and principle component analysiis (PCA). In cluster analysis, product-moment correlations secured from standardized data were clustered by the unweighted pair-group method using arithmetic average linkage (UPGMA). From the evidence presented the genus is divided into two sections which correspond to the two groups proposed by Taylor in 1945, rather than the four sections established by De Canolle (1844). By techniques of numerical taxonomy, some doubted taxa such as J. humile L., J. girddii Diels, J. ligustrioides Chia, J. hemsleyi Yamamoto J. cinnamomifolium var. axillare Kob.  … are re-examined and the treatment of these taxa are further discussed.