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Journal of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 736-745.DOI: 10.7523/j.ucas.2022.078

• Research Articles • Previous Articles    

Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer from neck folds of the frill-neck lizard

JIA Chongxi, WANG Hao, LIU Jie, LU Wenqiang   

  1. School of Engineering Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2022-06-21 Revised:2022-08-30

Abstract: In this paper, the physical modeling of frill-neck lizard, a reptile with special heat dissipation structure, was carried out, and the natural convection heat transfer properties of it were numerically studied. It was found that there was only one maximum heat transfer coefficient in the range of 45°-85°, which was obtained at around 65° for the simulation of different field angle adjustments of frill-neck lizard neck fold. At the same time, by changing the size of frill-neck lizard neck fold, it was also observed that there was a unique maximum convection heat transfer coefficient in the range of 6.3≤ L0/d ≤6.6. In addition, the field angle and area corresponding to the maximum heat transfer rate were close to the natural state of Australian subspecies. Therefore, it can be inferred that the evolution direction of frill-neck lizard neck fold may be beneficial to improving the natural convection heat transfer rate. Hence, the natural convection between frill-neck lizard and external environment may be considered as an important reason affecting the evolution direction of Chlamydosaurus kingii neck fold.

Key words: neck folds of the frill-neck lizard, natural convection, $\overline{N u}$ number, numerical simulation

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