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›› 2000, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 231-235.

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The growth pattern of shoots in Whytockia (Gesneriaceae) with phylogenetic implications

WANG Yin-Zheng   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-05-10
  • Contact: WANG Yin-Zheng


The morphogenesis of shoots in Whytockia W. W. Smith was investigated in order to re-
veal its growth pattern. The shoot in Whytockia has lost apical growth, which is contrary to the pr-
esent knowledge about its growth pattern. Its stem is in fact a lateral branch system formed by
sprouting of lateral buds in axils of small leaves substituting for the thoroughly restrained phyllogens.
The unbranched stem of the genus is due to the restrained state of axillary buds in axils of large leav-
es. This so-called simple stem is secondary in phylogeny rather than relict in Epithemateae. Accord-
ing to the revealed growth pattern of the shoot in Whytockia, the present paper discusses the phylo-
genetic relationships between Whytockia and Loxonia, Monophyllaea and Rhynchoglossum in Epi-

Key words: Growth pattern, Shoot, Whytockia, Epithemateae, Gesneriaceae