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›› 2000, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 381-385.

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A subspecies of Paeonia mascula (Paeoniaceae) from W. Asia and SE. Europe

HONG De-Yuan   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-07-10
  • Contact: HONG De-Yuan


The plant from eastern Aegean islands, S. Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria and N.
Iraq is recognized as a subspecies of Paeonia mascula based on a large quantity of herbarium speci-
mens from the major herbaria in Europe. The subspecies, Paeonia mascula subsp. orientalis
(Thiebaut) D. Y. Hong, is characterized by nearly always having some leaflets segmented and the
total number of leaflets and segments ranging from (9) 12 to 18 (23); leaflets and segments broadly
elliptical to ovate-rounded and usually glabrous or sparsely villous on the lower surface.

Key words: Paeoniaceae, Paeonia mascula subsp. Orientalis, W. Asia, SE. Europe