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2001, Vol.39, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Floristic novelties in the Umbelliferae of Xinjiang, China
M. G. Pimenov, E. V. Kljuykov
2001, 39 (3): 193-202.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.001
Abstract ( 904 )
Three genera (Zosima Hoffm., Lithosciadium Turcz., and Lomatocarpa Pimenov)
were shown for the first time for the Chinese flora on the basis of collections kept in Ürümqi [ Insti-
tute of Biology, Pedology and Desert Investigations (XJBI), CAS]. In the same herbarium, some
additional floristic novelties were found: two genera ( Pleurospermum s. str. and Kadenia ) and six
species new for Xinjiang. A new species, Dimorphosciadium shenii Pimenov et Kljujkov has been
described, being a Xinjiang endemic. Some corrections in taxonomy and nomenclature for local spe-
cies of Ferula, Seseli, Aphanopleura, Aegopodium, and Sium have been proposed. In total, 126
species and 53 genera of the Umbelliferae are registered for Xinjiang.
Phylogenetic reconstruction of Burmannia L. (Burmanniaceae): a preliminary study
ZHANG Dian-Xiang
2001, 39 (3): 203-223.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.002
Abstract ( 982 )
 Preliminary cladistic analyses of the genus Burmannia were performed using different
outgroups. Although results from different analyses were inconsistent in some aspects, some clades
were found in both analyses, suggesting the specific relationships among species in these clades are
well-solved. Of the two sections recognized by Jonker, sect. Foliosa is probably a monophyletic
group, while sect. Burmannia is not. If the loss of chlorophyll is considered to be an irreversible
process, holo-mycoheterotrophism has very likely emerged only once in the tribe Burmannieae.
Spore morphology of pteridophytes from China Ⅱ. Sinopteridaceae
YU Jing, WANG Quan-Xi, BAO Wen-Mei
2001, 39 (3): 224-233.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.003
Abstract ( 1399 )
Spores of 61 species and 6 varieties in 9 genera of the Sinopteridaceae were examined
under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Based on surface ornamentation and other features, the
spores of the Sinopteridaceae are divided into three types. In type Ⅰ , the exospore is smooth and
the surface ornamentation, which is reticulate, cristate, echinate or rugate, is formed by the peris-
pore. All the other genera of this family, except for Onychium and Cryptogramma, have this pat-
tern of spores. In type Ⅱ, the surface ornamentation is formed by both perispore and exospore. This
pattern is found only in Cryptogramma. In type Ⅲ, the perispore is thin and the surface ornamenta-
tion is formed by the exospore. Onychium is characterized by this type of spores. Those genera with
spores of type Ⅰ of the Sinopteridaceae seem to be closely related to each other and should be natu-
ral members of this family. The systematic position of Cryptogramma and Onychium, with spores of
type Ⅱ and type Ⅲ respectively, however, should be reconsidered. Aleuritopteris might be the most
primitive member of the Sinopteridaceae from the evidence of spore morphology.
Pollen morphology of the genus Rubus from China
LI Wei-Lin, HE Shan-An, GU Yin, SHU Pu, PU Zu-Mao
2001, 39 (3): 234-247.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.004
Abstract ( 1235 )
 Pollen morphology of 103 species belonging to twenty-three subsections of seven sections
of Rubus L. was examined with SEM. The pollen grains are usually 3-colporate, spheroidal, sub-
spheroidal, prolate and perprolate, though occasionally rhombic and hexagonal, 16.0~38.0 μm ×
12.0~30.0 μum in size. The exine ornamentation can be divided into rugulate, striate, cerebroid
and perforate-reticulate types, which include 11 subtypes: rugulate-subpsilate, rugulate-striate, rug-
ulate-perforate, striate, striate-perforate, striate-reticulate, cerebroid, cerebroid-perforate, perforate, perforate-reticulate and reticulate. The pollen morphology is of some significance for a better
classification of the genus Rubus, but seems to be of little help for a better understanding of the
phylogeny of the genus.
Geographical distribution of Kengyilia Yen et J. L. Yang (Poaceae)
CAI Lian-Bing
2001, 39 (3): 248-259.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.005
Abstract ( 1047 )
 On the principle of unity of the phylogeny and the geographical distribution in plants,
the distribution centre, time and place of origin and formation of the modern distribution pattern of
the genus Kengyilia are discussed in the present paper. Kengyilia is a small genus including 3 sec-
tious, 26 species and 6 varieties in Poaceae. The genus is distributed in China, Kazakhstan, Kir-
ghizia, Tadzhikistan, Afghanistan and Iran. It adapts to the temperate habitats, and also exists in
the environments of high elevation. According to Takhtajan' s (1978) regionalization of the world
flora, Kengyilia is distributed in the Eastern Asiatic Region and the Irano-Turanian Region of the
Holarctic Kingdom. Six species occur in the Eastern Asiatic Region where endemic species are ab-
sent. In the Irano-Turanian Region there exist 26 species and 6 varieties, 26 of which are endemic
taxa, and in this region the highest concentration of the taxa occurs in Tibet Province, with 19 spe-
cies and 6 varieties. In China, according to Wu' s(1979) regionalization of the Chinese flora,
Kengyilia is found in 4 regions. Among them the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau subkingdom is the most
abundant for species and varieties. The area totally has 16 species and 6 varieties, taking up 68%
of the total taxa of Kengyilia and 75% of all taxa of Chinese Kengyilia, and these taxa include the
primitive to the most advanced ones in the genus. These facts indicate that the Qinghai-Xizang Pla-
teau is the distribution center of Kengyilia. The primitive section in Kengyilia is sect. Kengyilia,
consisting of 9 species. It is highly centred in the Tianshan area where 5 species occur, of which
K. zhaosuensis is the most primitive species in the genus. The relatively primitive section of the ge-
nus is sect. Stenachyra L. B. Cai which contains 10 species and 3 varieties. Two of its species also
grow in Tianshan area. In Tianshan area, on the contrary, there is not the sect. Hyalolepis (Nevs-
ki) L. B. Cai which is considered as the most advanced section in the genus. Based on our study
and relevant references, the closely related group of Kengyilia is the genus Roegneria C. Koch.
Some species of Roegneria is not only distributed in Tianshan area, but also their habitats in the ar-
ea agree with that of primitive species of Kengyilia. Moreover, since Tianshan Mountains were
raised once more in the Neogene, the area had possessed the natural conditions to produce and mul-
tiply Kengyilia plants. Hence, this area is likely to be the origin place of Kengyilia. Before the
Mesozoic, the ocean and land in Tianshan area changed greatly. Being a xerophytic genus, Kengy-
ilia could not live in the environment of waters. From the Mesozoic to the end of the early Tertiary of Cenozoic, the crustal movement in Tianshan area was tending toward tranquility. Owing to the denu-
dation, the original high mountains were leveled forming the primary plain. The landforms and en-
vironment in Tianshan area resembled those of its adjacent areas. Consequently, it was still unlikely
to cause the birth of Kengyilia. Only in the Neogene of Cenozoic and even in the early period of the
Quaternary, the primary plain in Tianshan area began to rise rapidly. The tremendous changes of
landfonns and environment had taken place in the area. In the course of adapting to this change,
the ancestor of Kengyilia produced probably the plant of the genus during this time. Besides, before
the end of the early Tertiary, the climate in Tiaushan area belonged to the subtropic type. The damp
and hot climate was unfavourable to the birth of Kengyila which possesses the temperate characteris-
tics; while only from the end of the early Tertiary, up to the end of the Neogene, the climate in the
area was gradually getting into aridity and coolness, suitable for the existence and multiplication of
Kengyilia plants. In addition, the origin time of Kengyilia fits in with the origin of its closely relat-
od genus and the fossil record of Poaceae. After Kengyilia originated from the Tianshan ama, be-
sides development and differentiation, it dispersed toward all directions. Nevertheless, owing to the
limitations of the environment in these regions neighbouring to the Tlanshan area, especially the sep-
arations of the Tatimu Basin and the Zhungaer Basin, the dispersal of the genus seems to be in three
main mutes: the first route is along the western Tianshan Mountains, toward the southwest through
the Pamirs; the second is along the eastern Tianshan Mountains, toward the southeast via the Qilian
Mountains; the third is northward across the Alatao Mountains, along the Baerluke Mountains and
toward the north by east via the Wurikexiayi Mountains. Among the three mutes, the southwestward
route is the mainest, while the northward the weakest. Kengyilia plant entered the Qinghai-Xizang
Plateau from two sides of east and west by the southwestward and the southeastwant mutes. In the
Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, it fully developed and differentiated, producing the most advanced sect.
Hyaloepis (Nevski) L. B. Cai of the genus with the lifting of the plateau.
A vertical gradient analysis of the flora of Dalaoling Mountain in the Three Gorges region, China
SHEN Ze-Hao, ZHANG Xin-Shi, JIN Yi-Xing
2001, 39 (3): 260-268.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.006
Abstract ( 1087 )
To explore its floristic compositional characteristics, and the ecological significance of
 the vertical gradient pattern of the Dalaoling Mountain flora in the Three Gorges region, China, this
 flora was investigated along a vertical vegetation transect. The structural characteristics of the flora
 and the altitudinal distribution pattern of its floristic components were analyzed, the floristic equilibrium point (FEP) was detected, and the effects of the mountain climate on the vertical variation of floristic composition were studied using clustering method. The results are summarized as follows:
  1) The flora of Dalaoling Mountain is of a temperate nature in floristic composition, with a high en-
 demism in Eastern-Asian and Chinese elements, but exhibits some historical connections with tropi-
 cal flora. 2) The areal-types of the genera are tropical, temperate, Mediterranean to Central Asian
  and Eastern Asian. The vertical distribution patterns of the 4 types are different from each other.
  The floristic equilibrium point between the tropical elements and the temperate ones is roughly locat-
  ed at the altitude of 650 m. 3) The clustering analysis of the floristic composition and the species
  number of the genera showed that the vertical distribution pattern of floristic elements and species
  number of the genera corresponds with that of the mountain climate and vertical vegetation spectrum.
A new species of Dendrobium (Orchidaceae) from China
JIN Xiao-Hua, ZHANG Yu-Wu, Gloria SIU Lai-Ping
2001, 39 (3): 269-271.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.007
Abstract ( 1191 )
New taxa of Chroococcaceae from Yunnan, China
TIAN You-Ping, CHEN Jian-Qun, ZHANG Jie, LI Sheng-Feng, BAO Hao-Sheng
2001, 39 (3): 280-282.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.3.011
Abstract ( 1139 )
When studying aerial algae on the surface of carbonate rock in the Stone Forest, Shilin
County, Yunnan Province, a new species in Nephrococcus and three new varieties in Asterocapsa of
Chroococcaceae were found. Nephrococcus shilinensis Tian is the second species found in this genus
up to now.