In this paper, surface features of seeds in 18 species in the genus Thermopsis R. Br.
(Leguminosae) were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Their seed surface was
found to be quite well differentiated and to have important taxonomic value. T. alpina, T. barba-
ta, T. inflata, T. lupinoides, T. licentiana, T. smithiana, T. turkestanica had reticulate seed
surface; T. californica, T. divaricarpa, T. macrophylla, T. mollis had finely reticulate seed
surface; T. gracilis, T. montana, T. fabacea had relatively smooth seed surface; T. alterniflo-
ra had irregularly striate seed surface; T. chinensis had mucilaginous seed surface; T. rhombifolia
had striate seed surface, and T. villosa had fragmented sculptures on seed surface. Some taxonomi-
cally disputable species in Thermopsis can be distinguished by the surface features of seeds.