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2000, Vol.38, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae) (Ⅲ)
WANG Wen-Tsai
2000, 38 (6): 497-514. 
Abstract ( 1135 )
 (1) The evolutionary trends of sepals and stamens of the genus Clematis are discussed;
(2) New classifications for sect. Cheiropsis DC. and sect. Aspidanthera Spach are proposed; (3)
One subsection, 13 series, 5 species and 4 varieties are described as new; (4) Six new ranks and
2 new combinations are made.
Relationships among Kengyilia species assessed by RAPD markers
ZHOU Yong-Hong, ZHENG You-Liang, YANG Jun-Liang, YEN Chi, JIA Ji-Zeng
2000, 38 (6): 515-521. 
Abstract ( 977 )
To assess the interspecific relationships in Kengyilia, fourteen species of Kengyilia were
used for RAPD assay. Of the 34 random primers tested, twenty (58.8%) produced polymorphic
products. A total of 112 products amplified from 14 primers were selected for RAPD analysis.
Eighty-three (74.1%) amplified products were found to be polymorphic among 14 species. Data
were used to generate Jaccard's similarity coefficients and to construct a dendrogram using UPGMA
in the NTSYS computer programs. It is concluded from this study that: (1) There was great genetic
diversity among the 14 species of Kengyilia; (2) Distinct RAPD variations existed between the spe-
cies from the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and those from Xinjiang; (3) The species with similar morpho-
logical characters and the species from the same areas or neighboring geographical regions were clus-
tered together; (4) RAPD results are comparable with those obtained from studies on morphology
and cytology. RAPD assay is a useful additional method for assessing the relationships among the
species in Kengyilia.
Karyomorphology and relationships of Amentotaxus Pilg.
ZHOU Qi-Xing, GU Zhi-Jian, YUE Zhong-Shu
2000, 38 (6): 522-527. 
Abstract ( 939 )
In this paper, two species in Amentotaxus Pilg. from the mainland of China , A. ar-
gotaenia and A. yunnanensis, were karyomorphologically studied. They commonly showed the inter-
phase nuclei of the complex chromocenter type and the mitotic prophase chromosomes of the intersti-
tial type. Their karyotypes were formulated as K(2n) = 36 = 8m + 28T, both belonging to Stebbins'
1B type and with the N. F. value ( number of fundamental) being 44. The chromosome number and
karyotype of A. yunnanensis were reported here for the first time. Karyomorphological features of
Amentotaxus, especially the N. F. value, together with other evidence, have indicated its close re-
lationship with Torreya within the Taxaceae.
Floral organogenesis of Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. (Potamogetonaceae)
SUN Kun, ZHANG Zhi-Yun, CHEN Jia-Kuan
2000, 38 (6): 528-531. 
Abstract ( 997 )
The floral organogenesis of Potamogeton distinctus A. Benn. was observed under the
scanning electron microscope (SEM). The floral buds are first initiated on the lower portion of inflo-
rescence in alternating whorls of three. Each of the floral buds is subtended by a bract primordium
during the early stages. The primordia of the floral appendages arise on the floral bud acropetally.
Two lateral tepals are first initiated and then two median ones soon after. Stamens are normally initi-
ated as elongate primordia opposite the tepals, with the two lateral stamens preceding the median
ones. The two carpel primordia arise alternating with the stamens. In some flowers, one of the two
gynoecial primordia becomes inactive soon after they are initiated, or only one carpel primordium is
initiated. The present observation of the gynoecial development supports the viewpoint that the evo-
lution of flower in Potamogeton involves a reduction in number of parts. The existence of bract pri-
mordium during the early stages in many species of Potamogeton indicates that the absence of bract
in mature flowers should be the result of reduction.
Taxonomic notes on the genus Schisandra Michx.
2000, 38 (6): 532-550. 
Abstract ( 945 )
Based mainly on herbarium studies involving more than five thousand specimens from 53
herbaria worldwide and field observations, the genus Schisandra Michx. is taxonomically revised.
22 species, seven subspecies, 14 varieties and one form are reduced to new synonyms, 10 species
are recognized, and a key to species is given.
Ranunculus wangianus Q. E. Yang, a new species from NW Yunnan, China and its karyotype
2000, 38 (6): 551-556. 
Abstract ( 863 )
 Ranunculus wangianus Q. E. Yang is described as new. This species, a hexaploid with
2n = 6x = 48, is different from its closet ally, R. yunnanensis, a diploid with 2n = 2x = 16, in the
characters of foliage. It is also somewhat similar to R. felixii Lévl., but the latter is a tetraploid
with 2n = 4x = 32, usually with only one basal leaf and the roots are thickened from base and
A new species of the genus Alpinia from Guangdong, China
LIAO Jing-Ping, HUANG Xiang-Xu, WU Te-Lin, WU Qi-Gen
2000, 38 (6): 563-565. 
Abstract ( 965 )
Two new species and an additional description of one species of the Sterculiaceae from China
XU Song-Jun, LI Bing-Tao
2000, 38 (6): 566-569. 
Abstract ( 1027 )
Two species from China, Reevesia lumlingensis Hsue ex S. J. Xu and Sterculia guangx-
iensis S. J. Xu et P. T. Li, are described as new. An additional description of the flower of Reeve-
sia rotundifolia Chun is given.
Cymbidium rigidum sp. nov., a new orchid from Yunnan, China
LIU Zhong-Jian, CHEN Sing-Chi
2000, 38 (6): 570-572. 
Abstract ( 738 )
A new species of Cyanostylon from Jilin, China
XIAO Hong-Xing, SHENG Yan-Min
2000, 38 (6): 573-574. 
Abstract ( 752 )
New synonymies of some species in the Hamamelidaceae
ZHANG Zhi-Yun, ZHANG Hong-Da
2000, 38 (6): 575-577. 
Abstract ( 1032 )
In the course of preparing an account of the Hamamelidaceae for the Flora of China, ten
new synonymies are proposed, one in Altingia Noronha, one in Hamamelis Linn., one in Rhodole-
ia Champ., three in Distylium Sieb. et Zucc. and four in Semiliquidambar H. T. Chang.
Addition to the Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae: the family Corsiaceae
ZHANG Dian-Xiang
2000, 38 (6): 578-581. 
Abstract ( 961 )
The family Corsiaceae, together with the newly described genus Corsiopsis and its only species, C. chinensis, is described as an addition to the nearly-finishing Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae. The classification and distribution of the family are also discussed.
Surface features of seeds in Thermopsis (Leguminosae)
SA Ren, CHEN Chia-Jui
2000, 38 (6): 582-587. 
Abstract ( 1112 )
In this paper, surface features of seeds in 18 species in the genus Thermopsis R. Br.
(Leguminosae) were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Their seed surface was
found to be quite well differentiated and to have important taxonomic value. T. alpina, T. barba-
ta, T. inflata, T. lupinoides, T. licentiana, T. smithiana, T. turkestanica had reticulate seed
surface; T. californica, T. divaricarpa, T. macrophylla, T. mollis had finely reticulate seed
surface; T. gracilis, T. montana, T. fabacea had relatively smooth seed surface; T. alterniflo-
ra had irregularly striate seed surface; T. chinensis had mucilaginous seed surface; T. rhombifolia
had striate seed surface, and T. villosa had fragmented sculptures on seed surface. Some taxonomi-
cally disputable species in Thermopsis can be distinguished by the surface features of seeds.