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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1999-05-10 发布日期:1999-05-10
  • 通讯作者: 郭宝林

The flavonoids in Epimedium L. and their taxonomic significance

GUO Bao-Lin, XIAO Pei-Gen   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-05-10 Published:1999-05-10
  • Contact: GUO Bao-Lin


藿属Epimedium L.中的存在和含量情况,得到一些具分类学意义的结论。1)依据化学成分可将
Epimedium 分为3群:A群,主要含A类成分;B群,主要含B类成分;AB群,两类化合物含量都高。B
带的结果不很吻合。2)分布于地中海的E. alpinum因有较高含量的厶2类成分(A类中4'-OH的一类
化合物)而体现了与中国的原始类群的一些联系。3)E. davidii和E. ecalcaratum的化学成分几乎相

关键词: 淫羊藿屑, 黄酮类化合物, 分类学意义


In this paper, the distribution and quantity of flavonol glycosides with isoprenyl in
the eighth position (A kind) or without isoprenyl (B kind) in Epimedium were analyzed by
HPLC. The following results of taxonomic significance were obtained: 1 )According to the
chemical characteristics, Epimedium could be divided into three groups: A group, mainly
with A kind of flavonol glycosides; B group, mainly with B kind of fiavonol glycosides; AB
group, sharing the two kinds. Eight taxa (species or subspecies) in B group, which have
many advanced charaetaristics, should represent a more advanced group of the genus. The
species of AB group were relatively primitive in the genus. Hence the evolutionury trend
from AB group to A group and then to B group was possible. This trend is basically correlat-
ed with that of morphological evolution. But the above groupings of A, B and AB do not ac-
cord with Stearn's taxonomic system and the results of pollen morphology and of chromo-
some C-bands. 2)E. alpinum, a species distributed in the Mediterranean area, contains a
high quantity of A2 kind of compounds (those of A kind with 4'-OH), so it may be some-
what related to the primitive species in China. 3)The constituents of E. davidii and E. e-
calcaratnm are almost identical, implying that the prescence or absence of the spur of the
petal should be of unimportant systematic significance. 4)The chromngram of HPLC provid-
ed reliable evidence for determining the parental origin of the hybrid E. x fanjingshanense.
The results of this work provided new evidence for establishing a more reasonable taxonomic
system of Epimediurn, but the taxonomic research on Epimedium has a long way to go and
more work must be done. Other chemical characteristics of Epimedium and its relationship
with other groups in the Berberidaceae were also discussed.

Key words: Epimediurn, Flavonoids, Taxonomic significance