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›› 2000, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 472-485.

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Notes on the Chinese Brachytheciaceae (II)

WANG You-Fang, ZHU Jun, HU Ren-Liang   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2000-09-10
  • Contact: WANG You-Fang


From 1896 to 1898, Carolo Mueller published thirteen Chinese species in the genus
Brachythecium based on Jos. Giraldi’s collections from Shaanxi Province made during 1890~1896.
They are B . campylothallum , B . amnicolum , B . homocladum , B . pinnirameum , B . permolle ,
B . glauco-viride, B . garovaglioides, B . viridefactum, B . glauculum, B . perminusculum, B .
dicranoides , B . micrangium and B . thraustum . In this paper, holotypes of nine species, isotypes
of three species, and one specimen which was examined by Mueller himself and referred to as B .
thraustum by him, were studied. As a result, B . permolle and B . glauco-viride are reduced to
B . rivulare as synonyms, B . wichurae is reduced to B . garovaglioides, B . micrangium is trans-
ferred to the genus Okamuraea as an independent species, i. e. O. micrangia (C. Muell. ) Wang
et Hu, and the remaining 9 species are still recognized as species in the genus Brachythecium.

Key words: Brachythecium, New synonym, New combination, Shaanxi, China