A method based on the mixing calorimetry for determination of hydrate dissociation heat was introduced. Under the condition of atmospheric pressure, the dissociation heat of tetrahydrofuran (THF) hydrate, which was about (275.62  2.64) kJ/kg at 4.4 C of phase-transition temperature, was determined by this method. Similarly, the dissociation heat of CH3CFCl2¬ (HCFC-141b) hydrate was about (348.48  3.08) kJ/kg at the phase-transition temperature of 8.4 C. By comparison with those previous results, the maximum relative error is 2% and 6.6%, respectively. To obtain the optimal results of dissociation heat, the mass ratio between hot water and THF hydrate or HCFC-141b hydrate has been optimized as well.
In this paper, a novel power divider is proposed. Based on this power divider, a planar ultra-broadband microstrip sum-and-difference network is designed. This network employs the novel power divider and anti-phase balun as a building block. An equivalent 180o coupler is achieved by back-connecting the power divider and balun together. Four such couplers are connected to form the ultra-broadband sum-and-difference network. The features of this network are verified to be excellent, resulting in the advantages of being compact, easy manufacturing and low cost.
The mechanical model of computer animation based on numerical manifold method