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2006, Vol.23, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
The Application of Wu Elimination Method and Wu Differential Characteristic Set Method to Lagrange System
JIA Yi-Feng, CHEN Yu-Fu, XU Zhi-Qiang
2006, 23 (6): 721-728.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.001
Abstract ( 1237 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
In this paper, the polynomial type Lagrange equation of finite dimensional con-
strained dynamics is considered, and four possibilities of Euler-Lagrange equations
possibilities are analysed. Based on Wu elimination method and Wu differential
characteristic set method, two algorithms are presented for determining the four
possibilities. Using the two algorithms, without calculating the rank of Hessian
matrix, which case of the four possibilities of the Euler-Lagrange equations is de-
termined, and the corresponding result is obtained. On the symbolic computation
software platform, the two algorithms can be executed in computers.
Theoretical Modeling Study on the Aerodynamic Effects of Dragonfly Flexible Wing in Forward Flapping Flight
XU Ming, YU Yong-Liang, BAO Lin
2006, 23 (6): 729-735.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.002
Abstract ( 1217 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
Theoretical modeling is effective to study the flow aroused by wings of dragonfly in flapping flight, which is highly unsteady, i.e., characterized as St>>1/Re. The aerodynamic effects of a model wing with time-changing deformation during cyclic wing beats in dragonfly forward flight are investigated, using two-dimensional panel method. In this study, the dragonfly wing is modeled as a two-dimensional deformable plate, and the panel method is improved to deal with vortex shedding from both leading- and trailing- edges of the plate. Results show that lift is enhanced greatly during down-stroke stage of the flexible wing, compared with that in the rigid case, and the actual amplitude of the wing deformation is contributive to reduce the mean aerodynamic power and enhance lift, which means a longer-time forward flight is available.
Study on the Relation of Plant Biomass and CH4、N2O Emission in the Wetland of Sanjiang Plain
ZHOU Wang-Ming, WANG Jin-Da, LIU Jing-Shuang
2006, 23 (6): 736-743.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.003
Abstract ( 1523 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )

In this study, we explored relationships between plant biomass and emission of greenhouse-gases. The biomass of different plant community (Deyeuxia angustifolia、Carex lasiocarpa and Carex pseudocuraic ) and emission of CH4、N2O were studied in the typical freshwater wetland in sanjiang plain from June to September, 2003. The result suggests, the season variations of the aboveground biomass can be described by parabola model Y=a+bT+cT2. The emission of CH4 showed strong difference in the plant zones and the trend is reduction from center to brim in the sanjiang wetland. The emission of N2O of communities expresses the trend of “up-down-up”. But the first time of the top emission is earlier in the Deyeuxia angustifolia than Carex lasiocarpa and Carex pseudocuraic distinctly. By analyzed, the biomass of different plant community has the strong linear relation with the cumulated emission of CH4、N2O before the plants reaches its largest aboveground biomass during growing seasons. And it can be described by function Y=aX+b, theirs R2 were almost over 0.89.

Model Study of the Influence of Wind and Tide on the Evolution of River Plumes
2006, 23 (6): 744-751.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.004
Abstract ( 1183 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
A 3-D baroclinic ocean model is used to examine the influence of tide, offshore wind and upwelling-favorable wind on river plume development. Both tidal mixing and wind stirring can weaken the vertical stratification induced by freshwater buoyancy, but different mechanism dominates such a process: tidal mixing is accomplished through the upward dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy whereas wind stirring is in the opposite direction. By simulating river plume evolution under the combined action of tide and estival wind field averaged over many years, it is found that the modeled salinity distribution is consistent with observed rather well, which means river plume development plays an important role in adjusting the salinity distribution in surface layer of Bohai Sea.
Studies of the Radiation Induced Bystander Effects on Hprt and CD59 Genes of Human-hamster Hybrid AL Cells
ZHANG Lei-Lei, WU Li-Jun, HAN Wei, CHEN Shao-Peng, BAO Ling-Zhi, ZHAO Ye, YU Zeng-Liang
2006, 23 (6): 752-758.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.005
Abstract ( 1256 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
To investigate signal transduction between irradiated cells and unirradiated cells and its potential mechanism, unirradiated hprt+ AL cells were co-cultured with irradiated hprt- AL cells which were then killed by HAT selected medium. Results show that irradiated hprt- AL cells could transmit damage signals to unirradiated hprt+ AL cells and increase the mutation fraction at the CD59 locus. Free radical scavenger DMSO and intercellular communication inhibitor Lindane significantly increase the survival of unirradiated cells while only Lindane treatment is able to suppress the CD59 mutagenicity in unirradiated cells. These results indicate that GJIC plays an important role in the process of RIBE.
An Improved Algorithm for Two-dimensional Cumulant-based Adaptive Line Enhancement
WANG Wei-Jian, MA Xiao-Chuan, HOU Chao-Huan
2006, 23 (6): 759-764.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.006
Abstract ( 1274 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
The iteration step size of the algorithm of two-dimensional high order cumulant-based adaptive line enhancement (2DHOCBALE) is easily affected by noise disturbance. This paper analyzes the feature of 2DHOCBALE, and proposes an improved algorithm. The results of simulation show that the improved algorithm proposed by this paper can well suppress white gaussian noise and colored gaussian noise, and improve the signal-to-noise ratio of two-dimensional signals of small spatial extent embedded in noise background.
Research on Measuring Rolling Angle of Space Target Based on Photoelectric Theodolites
LI Qing-An, SUN Xiao-Wei, GAO Yan, QIAO Yan-Feng
2006, 23 (6): 765-769.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.007
Abstract ( 1370 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
In this paper, a method of measuring the rolling angle of the remote revolving object such as rocket or missile by using the high accuracy intersected measuring system is described. This paper creates a math model of intersected measuring system and the measuring precision of this method is analyzed in detail, then it makes optimization design for structure parameters of intersected measuring system by computer simulation.
Stacked Wide Band Microstrip Antenna
LI Qian, LV Xiao-De
2006, 23 (6): 770-774.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.008
Abstract ( 1565 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
An x-band microstrip array antenna is presented in this paper, which is featured by the wide-band and low cross-polarized level. The bandwidth is up to 10% while VSWR < 1.5. In the range of the bandwidth, the gain and radiation patterns keep good performances. The structure of antenna is simple for manufacture. The result of measurement is good agreement with the result of simulation。
Information-theoretic Analysis of Probability Model for Alternating Step Generator Sequences
HUANG Xiao-Ying, ZHENG Wei, TENG Ji-Hong
2006, 23 (6): 775-781.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.009
Abstract ( 1138 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
The sequences of Alternating step Generator are analyzed through the method of information theory and obtain some significant results. For example, the mutual information between clock-controlled sequence and clock-controlled output sequence is zero, i.e. one can’t get any information about clock-controlled sequence only from output sequence. Further, the lower bound of mutual information between clock-controlled input and output sequences is given. The results obtained can provide theoretic reference for designer and analyst who study clock-controlled generator.
A Design and Realization of Web-based Remote Visualization System
LIU Jun, CHI Xue-Bin, SHAN Gui-Hua
2006, 23 (6): 782-786.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.010
Abstract ( 1302 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
This paper attempts to classify traditional WEB-based remote visualization systems, and to analyze their strongpoints and weakpoints. For meeting various visualization requirement over many kinds of subjects, the Assembled Remote Visulization System (ARV) is designed inheriting the strongpoints of traditional systems. its system structure is described in detail and two application cases are introduced.
Waveform Design for UWB Communications Based on Time-frequency Analyses
WANG Jun, GONG Xun, WU Wei-Wei, WANG Wei-Dong, WANG Dong-Jin
2006, 23 (6): 787-792.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.011
Abstract ( 1588 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
Coexistence and compatibility of spectrum are important aspects needed to be considered in impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) communications. The proper waveforms of signal can decrease the influence of interference between the IR-UWB and extant systems, and improve the efficiency of spectrum resources. In this paper, based on time-frequency analyses, a novel method to design the waveforms of IR-UWB signals is proposed. The constructed waveforms are with raised cosine roll-off frequency spectrum and less time duration. Furthermore, series of time domain waveforms with orthogonal properties constructed by this method can be adopted at high-level modulated UWB systems.
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of Client-to-Client Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol
YIN Yin, LI Bao
2006, 23 (6): 793-801.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.012
Abstract ( 1324 ) PDF (0KB) ( 3 )
Most password-based key exchange protocols consider how to exchange a session key between a client and a server. Client-to-Client password authenticated key exchange protocol considers the scenario where two clients want to establish a session key but they only share their passwords with their own servers. In [1], Jin Wook Byun et al. proposed two such protocols called cross-realm C2C-PAKE and single-server C2C-PAKE. Recently some flaws of these two protocols are found and some improvements are suggested. In this paper, we show that the cross-realm C2C-PAKE protocol and its all improved forms are still insecure. And we also present a new cross-realm C2C-PAKE protocol which is resistant to all known attacks.
An Off-line Interest Countable Electronic Cash Scheme
BI Yu, GAO Hu-Ming
2006, 23 (6): 802-807.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.013
Abstract ( 1352 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )

E-cash (Electronic cash) is an important Electronic payment tool, which is the bottleneck of e-commerce development. Most proposed e-cash schemes are unpractical although it has been studied more than two decades. One of the shortcomings is that the interest of e-cash between drawing and consuming is lost. An off-line interest countable electronic cash scheme is proposed in this paper. The e-cash’s interest can be counted from the time of customers drawing to paying in the scheme. The communication cost is reduced due to its off-line environment.

Inversion of the Vertical Fault Model Parameters Based on the Gravity Anomaly Derivative
2006, 23 (6): 808-814.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.014
Abstract ( 1162 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
Generally the quantitative interpretation of the fault uses a 2D model. But if the depth and extension of fault increase, the inversion results will have a bigger error because the 2d model is not fit the real fault. In this paper, we put forward a 2.5D model based on the hexahedron and an inversion method of constraint gravity-vertical fault. The inversion result is better than the 2D model through the model tests. Based on this model, we quantitatively interpreted the Bouguer gravity anomaly of the Sierra Nevada Region in USA.
The Inward Wave in the Metamaterial
LIU Ci-Xiang, LI Chao, LI Fang
2006, 23 (6): 815-820.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.015
Abstract ( 1034 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
Different from the usual media, the radiation field in the metamaterial behaves as the inward waves. The inward wave of a radiation field in the metamaterial has been studied on the electromagnetic principle of the far field radiation condition and the radiation power. It is shown that the inward wave is consistent with the causality. The FDTD numerical calculation method is used to simulate the wave propagation through an infinite long metamaterial cylinder, which is with a line source in its center. Therefore, the inward wave of the radiation field is validated in the metamaterial.
Fuzzy Adaptive Output Feedback Tracking of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
CHEN Hai-Tong, JIANG Chang-Sheng
2006, 23 (6): 821-826.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.016
Abstract ( 1330 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
A fuzzy adaptive output feedback controller for non-affine nonlinear systems is studied. This paper considers uncertain or ill-defined non-affine nonlinear systems and employs a fuzzy logic adaptive controller to control the systems. Adaptive law is designed based on Lyapunov stability. tracking performance is achieved through solving a algebraic Riccati equation. A high gain observer is employed to obtain the estimation of states and then output feedback controller is constructed. At last, a simulation example is given to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.
Multiplicative Monotone Span Programs
ZHANG Zhi-Fang
2006, 23 (6): 827-832.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.017
Abstract ( 1774 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
Multiplicative monotone span program (or multiplicative linear secret sharing scheme)
is a important tool for building a multi-party computation protocol。In this paper, we give a necessary
and su±cient condition for a monotone span program (or linear secret sharing scheme) to be multiplica-
tive,i.e., we can decide whether a monotone span program is multiplicative by judging if a system of
linear equations is solvable. As examples, we study Shamir’s threshold secret sharing scheme and the
extended threshold scheme with weights, pointing out when they are multiplicative, respectively.
Cryptananlysis of an Anonymity-revoking Blind Proxy Signature Scheme
ZHANG Peng-Cheng, WU Chuan-Kun
2006, 23 (6): 833-836.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.018
Abstract ( 1771 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
A proxy signature allows an original signer to delegate his/her signing capability to a proxy signer
so that the proxy signer can sign messages on behalf of the original signer. Wang et al. proposed a digital blind
proxy signature scheme in 2003. That scheme has the properties that the original signer can not identify the proxy
signer through a proxy signature and the proxy signer can blindly sign a message,but when it’s necessary,the
anonymity can be revoked by a proxy signature management center. In this paper we will point out some of
the security °aws of their scheme by presenting an e®ective attack.One can forge a e®ective proxy signature,so
the signature veri¯er will accept the proxy signature,but the management center can’t identify the proxy signer
through the signature.
Investigations of Microstructure and Electronic Structure of Ti3SiC2 and TiAl
YU Rong, HE Lian-Long, YE Heng-Qiang
2006, 23 (6): 837-841.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.019
Abstract ( 1273 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
Transmission electron microscopy and first-principles calculations are integrated to investigate the crystal structures and the microstructures of titanium-based intermetallics and ceramics on the nanometer, atomic, and electronic scales. The thesis contains three parts. (1) Distribution of W and the precipitation mechanism of the B2 phase in the lamellar structure of a TiAl alloy. The B2-stabilizing effect of W and its site preference can be explained well on the basis of the pseudo-gap effect and the strong covalent W-Ti bonding. (2) The polymorphism, electronic structure, and microstructure of Ti3SiC2. Unconventional stacking faults have been identified, which result from insertion of additional TiC layers into normal Ti3SiC2 crystal, instead of from the dissociation of dislocations as occurs in most materials. (3) The effect of alloying elements Si and Al on the twin boundary energy of TiC. It was found that Si and Al can reduce the twin boundary energy of TiC, leading to the formation of a lot of microtwins.
The Self-assembly of Folding Architectures and Their Applications in Molecular Recognition
HOU Jun-Li, JIANG Xi-Kui, LI Zhan-Ting
2006, 23 (6): 842-847.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.020
Abstract ( 1304 ) PDF (0KB) ( 0 )
Foldamers are linear molecules that are driven by collective noncovalent forces to fold into a conformationally ordered state in solution or solid state. Three kinds of foldamers have been designed, synthesized and characterized, which include: 1) solvophobically-driven oligo(ethylene glycol) helical foldamers, 2) hydrogen bonded oligohydrazide foldamers and 3) hydrogen-bonded porphyrin-appended foldamers. The qualitative and quantitative investigations by NMR, UV-vis, fluorescent, and circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that these foldamers can act as efficient receptors for discrete kinds of organic molecules and ions in different organic solvents. The supramolecular chiral induction or amplification has also been investigated for the hydrogen bonded folding systems.
Study on the Complex Dynamic Properties of Traffic Flow from the Micro and Macro Modelling
JIANG Rui, WU Qing-Song
2006, 23 (6): 848-854.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2006.6.021
Abstract ( 1305 ) PDF (0KB) ( 17 )
This paper presents more realistic models,including the microscopic ones and the macroscopic ones, based on the synthetical analysis of the existing ones. Specifically, we present a full velocity difference(FVD) car-following model, a cellular automata(CA)model that considers the velocity effect of the preceding car, another CA model that can describe the synchronized flow, and a speed gradient (SG) macroscopic model which can describe the anisotropic properties of traffic flow. The various nonlinear phenomena in traffic flow are investigated through theoretical nanlyses and numerical simulations, and the relationship between different kinds of models are discussed.