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2007, Vol.24, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Rice Varietal Improvement and Rice Production in China
LI Hai-Ming
2007, 24 (1): 1-8.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.001
Abstract ( 1956 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
The specific objective of the study is to analyse the adoption of improved varieties and the changes in characteristics of varieties across China. It also estimates the contribution of varietal improvement to rice production in China. The results indicated that the story of rice improvement over the past 50 years stood as an enormous success. Nearly 30% of the net gain in rice production came from varietal improvement. Compared with the beginning of 1980s, the numbers of released varieties have been improved by 1. 5 times, the share of total rice area planted to varieties with resistances has increased 10%, and the planting area of high-quality varieties has increased 50%. However, the declining contribution of varietal improvement since 1997 pointed out that government should encourage breeders to explore elite germplasm, improve breeding level, and break through yield stagnates so that varietal improvement can contribute greater to rice production.
The Convergence Rates for Empirical Bayes Test of the Parameter in Scale Exponential Family
WEI Li,KONG Sheng-Chun, WEI Lai-Sheng
2007, 24 (1): 9-17.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.002
Abstract ( 1767 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

In this paper,the empirica lBayes(EB) test problem of the parameter forscale exponential family under weighed linear loss functionsis discussed.The EB tes trules isconstructed by the kernel estimation method based on
Bessel functions.Undersuitable conditionsthe proposed EB test rules are a symptotically optimal with the convergence rate O(n-1(lnn)6).Finally,an example satisfying the conditions of the theorem is shown.

Special Hybrid Stress Membrane Element with Drilling Degrees of Freedom and a Traction-free Circular Boundary
WANG An-Ping, TIAN Zong-Shu
2007, 24 (1): 25-33.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.004
Abstract ( 1341 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

New 4-node special hybrid stress membrane elements with drilling degrees of freedom have been developed based on an extended minimum complementary energy principle. These elements are used jointly with conventional displacement elements for the analysis of stress concentrations around different holes and notches. The assumed stress field in the elements satisfies the equilibrium equations, the traction-free boundary conditions and the compatibility equations. Detailed numerical studies show the new special elements can provide accurate stress concentration factors and the distributions of circumferential stress along the rims of the holes when only very coarse meshes are used near holes and notches.

An Experimental Study on the Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and its Visualization of Water in a Rectangular Micro-groove Horizontally Laid
WANG Ji-Hui, TANG Da-Wei, YAN Xiao-Hong
2007, 24 (1): 34-38.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.005
Abstract ( 1425 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

This paper describes an experimental investigation on flow boiling heat transfer and visualization of water in a steel micro-groove horizontally laid with rectangular cross section of 0.4×0.4mm2.The mass flux G is ranged from 62.5 to 187.5kg/m2s and the inlet temperature Tin is set as 30,45 and 60°C. The results show that, under the condition of low vapor quality, heat transfer coefficient increases with the increase of vapor quality; and hold a certain value until the boiling crisis happes under high vapor quality. The augment of the mass flux could increase the heat transfer coefficient markedly, while the change of the inlet temperature has a weak influence on it. During the visual study, the emergence of great deal of bubbles is observed when the wall superheat is low. The main flow patterns found in the experiment are plug flow and annular flow.

Measurement of the Discharging Current of the Plasma Dynamic Accelerator
CHEN Zhao-Feng, HUANG Jian-Guo, HAN Jian-Wei, ZHANG Zhen-Long, QUAN Rong-Hui, LI Xiao-Yin, WANG Long, YANG Xuan-Zong, FENG Chun-Hua
2007, 24 (1): 39-43.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.006
Abstract ( 1642 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

A Rogowski Coil has been designed to measure of the discharging current of the plasma dynamic accelerator which has been developed recently. The principle of Rogowski Coil for measuring pulse current, the electric and geometric parameters of the coil and the ways to shield the coil from the electromagnetic interference have been analyzed. The measuring results has been presented and verified according to the theory of the circuit, and the elementary analysis for the source of the error has been obtained.

An Analysis of Ionospheric Grid Model for Satellite-based Augmentation System
2007, 24 (1): 44-50.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.007
Abstract ( 1369 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

In this paper, the algorithm of wide area augmentation system (WAAS) ionospheric grid correction was tested using 15 GPS stations’ observational data. The span of data was from July 1 to 8 and from July 14 to 18, 2000, which represented quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions respectively. The paper discussed algorithmic accuracy and the emphasis was laid on the different latitude users and the stormy conditions. Using geostatistics method, this paper further analyzed the spatial correlation of ionospheric grid errors distribution in term of integrity and availability. The results show that precision is high for user stations in the middle-high latitudes with the average of around 0.4 metersbut it is relatively decreases for the lower latitude. The algorithm prediction error is larger under ionospheric stormy conditions, which is more prominent for the stations in the low latitudes. Correlation of residual error decreases with the great circle distance between pierce points increasing. For the ionospheric quiet behaviors residual error is small and correlation is high between neighboring errors, but it is the opposite for the storm time.

Research on Spatial Division of Manufacturing Industries in Development Zones along Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province
LI Na, CHEN Wen, ZHUO Zhen-Kun
2007, 24 (1): 51-58.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.008
Abstract ( 1835 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

It is crucial for economic spatial structure to be industrial spatial division and specialization, and reasonable industrial spatial division takes advantage to use resource intensively and strengthen the regional competitiveness, and so on. Based on ways researching on industrial spatial division across the world, the article makes use of many ways, for example, industrial division exponential and specialization index and analyzes the whole manufacturing industrial division and division of important industry, taking the development zone along the river in Jiangsu as the sample. The article analyses the cause of industrial isomorphism based on H-O and industrial cluster theory. The conclusion is that the whole industrial division about development zone is clearly, and the information industry and metallurgy industry take on distinctly division. However, the partial industries are to some extent isomorphism, for instance, chemistry industry, mechanism industry and textile industry. The cause of isomorphism for chemistry industry and mechanism industry is the same for product elements. The cause of isomorphism for textile industry is that the area along Yangtze River in Jiangsu is traditional textile product zone. At the same time, it is still existing the problems on dispersing distribution of chemistry industry, smaller scope of mechanism industry and metallurgy industry, and so on. Finally, the article puts forward countermeasures to enhance spatial division of manufacturing industry in development zone along Yangtze River in Jiangsu.

Decomposition and Sulfur Release of Deyeuxia angustifolia Litter along a Water Level Gradient in Sanjiang Plain
LI Xin-Hua, LIU Jing-Shuang, YANG Ji-Song
2007, 24 (1): 59-65.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.009
Abstract ( 1493 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
Based on litter bags’ method, the dynamics of decomposition and sulfur release from
Deyeuxia angustifolia litter along a water level gradient were studied for 450 days in Sanjiang Plain, the result showed that the decomposition mode of Deyeuxia angustifolia litter along the water gradient were all the alternate changes of fast-slow, the mass remaining rate along the water level gradient from the edge to the center of the dishing billabong were decreased and their corresponding decomposition rates increased along the water gradient, so water conditions were the important factors affecting the decomposition of the Deyeuxia angustifolia litter. The concentrations of sulfur in litters were all fluctuant changes in all study areas during 450 days and had linear relationship with dry matter mass loss. Along the water level gradient from the edge to the center of the dishing billabong, the concentrations of sulfur after 450 days decomposition were 0.588、0.508、0.404、0.359 and 0.306g.kg-1 respectively, which were smaller than its initial concentration. The released patterns of sulfur for the Deyeuxia angustifolia litter along different water table gradient were all leaching-immobilization-release, which were regulated by the C to S ratios in the remaining matter of litter, and exogenous sulfur were immobilized when the C to S ratios were higher than 1620.34~2430.81, while sulfur of the litter were released when C to S ratios lower than 805.17~1070.4, whereas the quantities of sulfur in immobilization or release were affected by the water condition,and the quantities of sulfur in immobilization declined along
water level gradient from the B to F, while the quantities of sulfur release increased.
Dynamic Analysis and Forecast of Ecological Footprints in Jilin Province
GU Kang-Kang, LIU Jing-Shuang
2007, 24 (1): 66-72.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.010
Abstract ( 1474 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
Ecological footprints model is a method of measuring the sustainable development. The model was applied to evaluate the present situation of sustainable development of Ji Lin province and its developing trend in future, which can provide suggestions for the sustainable development of Ji Lin province. We reviewed the past and present study of the model and the way of its calculation. Ecological footprints (EF) and ecological capacity (EC) in Ji Lin province from 1978 to 2002 were studied by the ecological footprints model and ecological footprints and ecological capacity of Ji Lin province from 2004 to 2016 was predicted by the regression model. Results showed: from 1978 to 2002, in Ji Lin province, the per capital EF increased from 1.090 hm2 to 2.457 hm2, the increase speed per year was 3.45%; the per capital EC decreased from 1.210 hm2 to 1.096 hm2, the decrease speed per year was 0.4%. It was ecological surplus in 1978 and 1980, while the other years were all ecological deficit. From 2004 to 2016, the increase speed per year of per capital EF will achieve 1.99%, and the decrease speed per year of per capital EC will reach 0.5%. The extant problems of ecological footprints model and further study were also discussed.
Analyzing the Information Entropy and Fractal Dimension of Urban Land Use Spatial Evolving Process from 1900 to 2004 in Changchun City
KUANG Wen-Hui , ZHANG Shu-Wen
2007, 24 (1): 73-80.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.011
Abstract ( 1396 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
The spatial information of urban land use in Changchun city, China in 1900,1930,1954,1976,1990 and 2004 is extracted by integrating SPOT5 images, relief maps and urban planning maps and other spatial data based on remote sensing and GIS. The land use information entropy and fractal dimension and mechanism of urban spatial evolving process is analyzed in Changchun city in the 100 years based information entropy, fractal dimension and spatial variation model. The results show that the land use information entropy increased except for 1990 and urban land types diversifies and its structure became balanced in Changchun in the 100 years. The Spatial variation function of land use information entropy accord with exponential model. The ratio of nugget and sill increases, which indicates its spatial auto-correlation decreased and the homogeneous character became weakened. Commercial land gathers toward the center of the internal circle. By contrary, industry land clusters in the urban fringe. The fractal dimension of urban evolving indicates the character of self-organizing. Social regime, urban roads, urban land price and urban planning are the important factors to the land use information entropy and fractal dimension of urban spatial evolving process.
An Application Research of Rainfall-Water level Forecast Model Based on BP Network
ZHAN Yu-Lin, WANG Chang-Yao, NIU Zheng
2007, 24 (1): 81-85.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.012
Abstract ( 1326 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
In this paper, the momentum and learning rate adaptive adjustment algorithm is improved in BP Network. The structure of BP network and the data processing method of flood forecast mode are discussed. In order to predict the flood water level directly, the rainfall-water level forecast model is built. Furthermore, a new modeling scheme, in which the point rainfall data are used as the model input, is proposed, and the accuracy of BP network is improved.
Side-information-based Image Watermarking Resistant to Affine Transformations
YUAN Da-Yang, WANG Ying
2007, 24 (1): 86-92.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.013
Abstract ( 1727 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Image watermarking resisting to geometric attacks is challenging at present. As typical geometric attacks, affine transformations can defeat most of existed watermarking schemes. Based on watermarking model with side information, a watermarking algorithm is proposed in this paper which is used of zernike moments of cover image. Employing dither modulationwatermark is coded and embedded by taking the zernike moments of the normalized image in the way of side information. It has been proved by experiments that this algorithm is high imperceptibility, high capacity, and robust to affine transformation and JPEG lossy compression.

Algorithm of Detection Coastline from SAR Images Based on Seeds Growing
XIE Ming-Hong, ZHANG Ya-Fei, FU Kun
2007, 24 (1): 93-98.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.014
Abstract ( 1568 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
It is very difficult to extract the shoreline from SAR images by using a simple threshold technique for the presence of speckles. The applications of many coastline detection algorithms based on complex mathematic models are limited for their huge time consuming. A fast method is presented in this paper based on the idea of seeds growing. First, it locates the initial seeds region automatically based on statistic information of pixel values. Then, the initial mean M and threshold T are calculated. Next, seeds-growing is performed based on the M and T which are updated continuously. After the seeds-growing is ended, the location of the shoreline is extracted from the connected sea region by a traditional contour tracing algorithm. Experimental results using real SAR images indicate that it is an effective and real-time algorithm.

Comparative Study of Determining IEP and IEP Distribution of Gelatin with Turbidimetry/Spectrometry and Capillary IEP Focusing Methods

LU Yang, PENG Bi-Xian
2007, 24 (1): 114-118.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.017
Abstract ( 1523 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
Isoelectric point (IEP) is one of the most important physicochemical properties of protein. There are many different methods for the determination of IEP. In this paper, a comparative study between the simplest turbidimetry/spectrometry method and the most advanced capillary IEP focusing (CaIPF) method was made. Henan cattle hide gelatin’s IEP was determined with the two methods and the advantages of the CaIPF method over the other methods were demonstrated and discussed.
An Experimental Study on the Acidic Sensitivity of Seed Germination of Amorpha fruticose Linn and Dalbergia hupeana Hance in the Simulated Environment of Acidic Waste Ore Rock
WEN Qiu-Xia, HU Dan
2007, 24 (1): 119-123.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.018
Abstract ( 1251 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

In order to observe how acid environment of waste ore rock influences the seed germination of different species and the sensitivity of seeds to the acidity of waste ore rock, we designed the comparable groups of acidic solutions of different pH values to simulate the acidity of waste ore rock and examine the variations of seed germination for Amorpha fruticose Linn and Dalbergia hupeana Hance. We came to the conclusion that, at the pH value of above 2.4 for the indigenous environment of waste ore rock, Dalbergia hupeana Hance and Amorpha fruticose Linn are low acid-sensitive species. However, understanding their mechanisms of adaptation to the environment of acidic waste ore rock needs further physiological ecological experiments.

Decentralized Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Large-scale Systems with Interconnect-delay Using Dynamic Output Feedback
FANG Wei, JIANG Chang-Sheng, ZHU Liang
2007, 24 (1): 124-130.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.019
Abstract ( 1478 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
In this paper ,the problem of decentralized control is studied for a class of time-varying nonlinear large-scale systems with interconnect-delay , in which both unmatched uncertainties and matched uncertainties are considered by norm bounding functions . Based on the state observer, a delay-independent dynamic output feedback controller is presented to the controlled systems, With the stabilization theory , a sufficient condition for the closed-loop system’s stability is derived. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the paper’s result. it not only shows close-loop stability but also illustrate the system are unaffected when uncertainties and delay are present in the subsystems and interconnections.
The Interaction between Aquifex Aeolicus Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase and Its Cognate tRNALeu
ZHAO Ming-Wei, WANG En-Duo
2007, 24 (1): 131-136.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.020
Abstract ( 1466 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) comprise an ancient, diverse enzyme family that catalyzes specific attachment of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs and ensures the accurate translation of the genetic code in the first step of protein synthesis [1]. On the basis of conserved sequence and characteristic structural motifs, aaRSs can be divided into two classes (class I and II) with ten members in each class [2]. Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) belongs to class Ia aaRSs and the canonical LeuRSs are monomer. Aquifex aeolicus αβ-LeuRS is the only known heterodimeric LeuRS[3]. By fusion and recombination of the genes encoding the α and β subunits from A. aeolicus αβ-LeuRS and the equivalent amino- and carboxy-terminal parts of E. coli LeuRS (identified as α’ and β’), five monomeric and five heterodimeric LeuRS mutants were obtained. Seven of these were successfully overexpressed in vivo and purified, while three dimeric mutants with the β’ part of E. coli LeuRS were not successfully expressed. The seven purified mutants catalyzed amino acid activation, although several exhibited reduced aminoacylation properties. Removal of the last 36 residues of the a subunit of the A.aeolicus enzyme was determined to be deleterious for tRNA charging. Subunit exchange showed that the cross-species-specific recognition of A. aeolicus tRNALeu occurs at the a subunit. None of the mixed E.coli-A.aeolicus enzymes were as thermostable as the native αβ-LeuRS. However, the fusion of the α and β peptides from A. aeolicus as a single chain analogous to canonical LeuRS resulted in a product more resistant to heat denaturation than the original enzyme. The editing reactions catalyzed by aaRSs are critical for the faithful protein synthesis by correcting error. We reported that only the isolated editing domain (CP1 domain) of αβ-LeuRS catalyzes the hydrolytic editing of both mischarged tRNALeu and minihelixLeu. Within the domain, we identified a crucial 20-amino-acid motif to editing of CP1 of αβ-LeuRS that confers editing capacity to the inactive isolated CP1 domain of E. coli LeuRS, however the motif did not affect the editing function of αβ-LeuRS. Fusion of the b-subunit of αβ-LeuRS to the E. coli CP1 domain activates its editing function. These results suggest that αβ-LeuRS still carries the basic features from a primitive synthetase molecule.
Rate Distortion Optimization Based Video Coding
MA Si-Wei, GAO Wen
2007, 24 (1): 137-143.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2007.1.021
Abstract ( 1402 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Rate distortion optimization technique takes an important role in video coding, which is widely used in many video coding modules, such as macroblock mode decision, quantization optimization, etc. In this paper, rate distortion optimization coding and optimal rate control is studied jointly. First, according to the analysis on the relationship between rate and distortion, a complexity scalable rate control is proposed. The proposed rate control algorithm can achieve better coding efficiency while with accurate target bit rate; second, buffer constraint for the bit allocation of rate control is studied, and the bit allocation process is adjusted to meet the buffer constraint, so that the proposed rate control algorithm can guarantee that the buffer never overflows or underflows; finally, a constant quality rate control algorithm is developed based on the research on some subjective quality issues, such as scene change detection, macroblock classification, etc.