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2004, Vol.21, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
New Development in ERP Studies of Emotion
HUANG Yu-Xia, LUO Yue-Jia
2004, 21 (4): 432-440.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.001
Abstract ( 1711 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

ERP technique helps much in emotion studies. These studies usually recruited healthy peopleor individuals with mood disorders as research subjects. The variety of the ERP components, such as theP1, N1, and P300, elicited by visual andPor auditory stimuli were observed. This article reviewed anddiscussed some questions of ERP studies of emotion, such as the relationship between emotion and atten2tion, memory and decision2making, and the lateralization of emotion, and so on. Research results suggestthat emotion can enhance attention and novel emotional stimuli can be detected more easily. In normalsubjects, emotional words can arouse stronger old2new effects than neutral words. Depressive patientscannot present the same effects as the normal ones, but their recognizing achievements can be improvedby emotional words. When studying the influence of emotion upon decision2making, researchers observedchanges of medial frontal negativity (MFN). The lateralization of brain functions also exists in emotionalactivities.

Computation of the Spare Parts Number for the Repair as Old Modeland the Fiducial Inference of Its Confidence Interval
YANG Jun, YU Dan
2004, 21 (4): 441-446.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.002
Abstract ( 1386 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

In this paper, based on the repaired as old model, under the same storage condition and on the conditionthat there are at least Nsystems available for use with probability P0 during the designed storage period [ 0,T0], the spare parts number Mfor Nidentical systems is derived.Based on this model, for the Weibull distribution, utilizing the pivotal quantity and Fiducial distribution, the confidence interval of the spare parts number M isconstructed ;then based on the complete samples in life testing, utilizing the Fiducial method, the reliability andthe availability of this model' s repairable system are derived.Furthermore the computation method of the confidenceinterval of the spare parts number M is obtained.

Least Square Method and Minimal Sum ofDistances over Non-Archimedean Local Fields
WANG Yuan-Hua
2004, 21 (4): 447-450.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.003
Abstract ( 1810 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The least square method for linear equations over non-archimedean local fields is established.The point from which the sumof distances to some given points over non2archimedean local fields is min-imal is also found.

Equivalence of Auxiliary Graph and Signed Triple Graph
WEI Er-Ling
2004, 21 (4): 451-453.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.004
Abstract ( 1472 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

In the 1970s, Liu Yan-Pei obtained a sufficient and necessary condition to determine whether a graph isplanar by auxiliary graph.The signed triple graph characterizes the inner construct of a graph.Meanwhile, usingsigned triple graph, one can decide whether a graph is planar or nonplanar.In this paper, the equivalence of auxiliarygraph and signed triple graph is proved.Furthermore, it is pointed out that the method by auxiliary graph is superiorto that by signed triple graph in view of complexity.

Modelling of Turbulent Transonic Flows withLinear and Nonlinear Eddy2ViscosityTurbulence Models
YANG Xiao-Dong, MA Hui-Yang
2004, 21 (4): 454-461.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.005
Abstract ( 1434 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The predictive performance of linear and nonlinear eddy2viscosity turbulence models for homo-geneous shear flow and two transonic flows is presented. Three linear models are: k2E model of Shih &Lumley, CMOTT and SST model.Two nonlinear models are: the quadratic model of Shih, Zhu& Lumleyand the cubic model of Shih, et al.. The benchmark flows are two transonic flows over bump geometrieswith shock-wavePboundary2layer interaction including separation. The computational results demonstratethe superior performance of nonlinear models over the linear models.

Study of Trace Elements in the Body of Song DynasticPorcelain of HuTian Kiln by INAA
CHENG Lin, FENG Song-Lin, FAN Chang-Sheng, ZHANG Wen-Jiang
2004, 21 (4): 462-467.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.006
Abstract ( 1399 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The study of trace elements in the ancient porcelain of HuTian kiln is not available in that of Chinese ancientporcelain.The trace elements in the bodies of greenish white porcelain of HuTian kiln in different periods ofthe Song Dynasty were analyzed by INAA.The results of multivariable statistical analysis show that the chemicalcompositions of porcelain body of the Northern Song Dynasty are similar ;On the contrary, the chemical compositionsof porcelain body of different periods of the Southern Song Dynasty are different.The chondrite-normalised REE patternconfirmed this conclusion.

Rational Computational Method of Soil Erodibility andCritical Shear Stress from Experimental Data
ZHANG Qing-Wen, LEI Ting-Wu, PAN Ying-Hua, GAO Pei-Ling
2004, 21 (4): 468-475.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.007
Abstract ( 1510 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

With the analysis of the Water Erosion Prediction Project ( WEEP), simulated rill experiment inlaboratory was conducted to determine the soil erodibility parameter K r and critical shear stressc. The result showsthat soil erodibility parameter K r is the same for a same experimental soil with similar soil physical condit ions underdifferent slope gradients. Soil erodibility parameter K r of used sil-t clay soil ( Loess soil ) is ( 0324-0003) kg??N-1 ??s-1 on the average. Critical shear stressc tends to increasewith the slope gradient, for 3198 N??m-2,3976Nm-2, 4043 N??m-2, 4165 N??m-2,4??870 N??m-2 under5°,10°??, 15°, 20°, 25°respectively?? The coefficients ofdetermination Rare more than 71% under different hydraulic condit ions. The paper advances a rational method tocalculate quant itatively the soil erodibility parameter K r and critical shear stressc, which is helpful for developingand perfecting the soil erosion prediction model.

An Application of Fluent on the Study of the AtmosphericEnvironment in Urban Streets
LI Lei, HU Fei, CHENG Xue-Ling, HAN Hao-Yu
2004, 21 (4): 476-480.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.008
Abstract ( 521 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

By using of Fluent CFD software, a 32d intersection model of streets is set. The wind velocitydistribution and CO concentration distribution near the intersection are simulated under 2 wind direction conditions.The result of the modeling shows that the layout of the structures and the wind direction can jointly affect thedistribution of the wind velocity and the CO concentration. The study of this paper also shows that the modelingresult of Fluent is reasonable and the application prospect of Fluent on atmospheric environment issues in urbanstreets is good.

Empirical Analysis of the Differences of RegionalEconomic Growth in Shandong Province
2004, 21 (4): 481-487.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.009
Abstract ( 369 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Regional convergence or divergence has been an important issue that had puzzled experts in the fields ofregional economies and managements in government for many years in the past, and it is still a problem even today.This paper takes Shandong as a study case and by using the Theil index gives its quantitative analyses, we find aresult that different from new classical view point. There is not a converted“U”pattern, and the different changecurve is like a sine wave. It is better to say the regional growth process is a path dependence process rather than asimple convergence one, for more than one equilibrium steady states appeared in the past half century.

Characterization of13C2Labeled Uridine Diphosphoglucoseof Enzymatic Synthesis by NMR
QI Chao, LIU Li-Yan
2004, 21 (4): 488-493.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.010
Abstract ( 541 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

The authors set up enzymatic method of one step to synthesize UDPG in much higher yields, which iseconomical and cheap. In enzymatic synthesis, UTP is used to replace ATP, and repetitive system of UTP is setup. Repetitive addition and recovery of enzyme are used to take advantage of enzyme. UDP-[4-13C]-glucose are firstsynthesized on 0.5 g scale by this method. The overall yield is 69.7 %. NMR spectra of 13C-labelled UDPGmakecertain the assignment of C-4 of the glucose residue and suggest that part of the results in the literatures about theassignment of UDPG are wrong

Advances in Security of WTLS Handshake Protocol
ZOU Xue-Qiang, FENG Deng-Guo
2004, 21 (4): 494-500.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.011
Abstract ( 405 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

This paper analyzes the security of existing WTLS handshake protocol and points out the secure limitationand its corresponding threat.Then we propose a modified WTLS handshake protocol which can provide forwardsecrecy and user anonymity by using signcryption.Finally this paper makes a discussion of the security of modifiedprotocol.

Operational Semantics Modelling SemanticAction Refinement for Processes with Interrupt
YUAN Hong, WU Jin-Zhao
2004, 21 (4): 501-511.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.012
Abstract ( 349 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

An operational semant ics of LOTOS including an interrupt and a ref inement operator is givenas SOS rules such that it corresponds to the denotational semantics, i. e. the transition system derivedfrom the denotational semantics is bisimilar to the transition system of the operational semantics.The ideabehind the operational semantics is that the refined action is renamed with a fresh name and all involvedchoices are triggered

On Constructing of Combiners with Memory
MA Wei-Ju, FENG Deng-Guo, WU Zhi-Ping, YANG Hai-Bo
2004, 21 (4): 512-519.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.013
Abstract ( 389 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The concepts of nonlinear complexity and correlation immune order of combiner with memoryare proposed in this paper.By analysis, we can see that they are two important criteria for designingcombiner with memory.Another design criterion is that the output function and next-state function shouldbe balanced.According to these new design criteria for combiner with memory, we construct a kind ofkeystream generators that have good properties.Its correlation immune order can be any 1 ≤k ≤(N -1), and its nonlinearity can be obtained by modifying some Boolean functions.

An Efficient and Secure Group Signature Scheme
HE Ye-Feng, ZHANG Jian-Zhong
2004, 21 (4): 520-525.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.014
Abstract ( 455 ) PDF (KB) ( 11 )

In this paper, we propose an efficient group signature scheme whose public key and signatureshave length independent of the number of group members and which allows the group manager to add newmembers to the group without modifying the public key.Furthermore, our scheme is secure and coalitionresistantunder the RSA assumption and the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption.

Study on Communication Between Inhomogeneous Platforms of LAMOST
XU Ling-Zhe, XU Xin-Qi
2004, 21 (4): 526-531.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.015
Abstract ( 421 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

The paper outlines the research progress on the communication initially in the local simulating systemand finally in the remote area between Nanjing and Hefei, with the focus on the communication principle, interfaceand test results. The local simulating systempassed the critical reviewof the expert group on July 1, 2001 organizedby the Engineering Headquarters. The Nanjing-Hefei remote communication test has also achieved its success

Optimal Selection of Multiple Parameters in Filling Processof Pressure Die Casting
GUI Gang, YU Jun, SU Li-Jie, NIE Yi-Yong
2004, 21 (4): 532-537.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.016
Abstract ( 469 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

A technological parameter optimal model with multi-object and multi-parameter is given. Some numericalsimulation results are firstly obtained by ProCAST when the technological parameters are specified. Then thesesimulation data are provided for the multi-layer feed-forward network training. As a result,the function,between theinput and output parameters,can be constructed by neural networks. Finally,the optimal problem may be solved byGenetic Algorithm. The most proper cast parameters are obtained.

Brief Report
Limitation of Available Carbon on MicrobialRespiration in the Calamagrostis angustifolia Soil-A Case Study in Sanjiang Plain*
XU Xiao-Feng, SONG Chang-Chun, SONG Xia
2004, 21 (4): 538-542.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.017
Abstract ( 443 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

The limitation of carbon availability on microbial respirat ion was studied in the Calamagrostisangustifolia soil in Sanjiang Plain. The results suggest that carbon availability limits the microbialrespirat ion in root layer soil and subsoil initially, whereas it does not limit the microbial respiration after115 h incubation for recovery from the disturbance in physical, chemical and biological structure causedby sampling from the field, then after 5 h incubation when the labile carbon has been mineralized theavailable carbon limits the microbial respiration again. At the same time the results show that the soilorganic matter affects carbon availability index significantly when its value is lower than 10%, but theeffect is little when the soil organic matter is higher than 10%. The microbial biomass carbon is linearlycorrelated with carbon availability in the Calamagrostis angustifolia soil.

Analyzing the Authentication Protocol with TypeFlaw Based on Strand Spaces
REN Xia, LU Shu-Wang
2004, 21 (4): 543-548.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.018
Abstract ( 369 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

This paper uses the authentication test method to analyze the protocol with the type flaw by getting rid ofthe strong typing abstraction and adding the concept of the strand templates and a pseudo-operation of thepenetrator.

Excerpt of Dissertation
Exploration on Anti-Multidrug-Resistant Molecular Mechanisms of Salvicine and Characterization of Salvicine-Resistant A549/SAL Cell Line
MIAO Ze-Hong, DING Jian
2004, 21 (4): 549-556.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.019
Abstract ( 540 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a major clinical problem in treating human cancers withconventional chemotherapeutic drugs. This study demonstrated that salvicine, a novel antitumor compoundunder clinical trial, exerted direct cytotoxicity against MDR tumor cells and down-regulated mdr-1 PP-glycoprotein (Pgp) expression simultaneously. Salvicine effectively killed MDR sublines, such as K562/A02, KBPVCR and MCF-7PADR, and parental K562, KB, and MCF-7 cell lines to an equivalentdegree. Its cytotoxic activities were much more potent than those of several classical anticancer drugs.Salvicine induced the downregulation of mdr-1 gene and P-gp expression, while not affecting MRP andLRP expression. Anti-MDR mechanism exploration revealed that transcription factor c-Jun played aprincipal role in downregulation of mdr-1 expression and induction of apoptosis by salvicine. Levels of c-jun expression were enhanced by salvicine prior to reduction of mdr-1 expression in K562/A02 cells.Moreover, c-jun antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (AODs) prevented salvicine-stimulated enhancement of c-Jun protein and reduction of mdr-1 gene expression, but did not affect the increase in c-jun mRNAlevels. Salvicine promoted phosphorylation of JNK kinase and c-Jun protein and enhanced DNA bindingactivity of transcription factor AP1. Additionally, c-jun AODs also inhibited salvicine-induced apoptosisand cytotoxicity. Finally, salvicine was further shown not to induce a tumor MDR phenotype. Weestablished a salvicine-resistant tumor cell subline, A549/SAL, which displayed 8.91-fold resistance tosalvicine and an average of 61702fold resistance to the antimetabolites. The subline, however, was notresistant to alkylating agents, platinum compounds, and other naturally-derived antineoplastics

Genetic Relation of Ore-Forming Fluids andCarbonatite-Syenite Complex in MaoniupingREE Deposit, Sichuan Province,China: A Review
XU Cheng, HUANG Zhi-Long, QI Liang
2004, 21 (4): 557-561.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.4.020
Abstract ( 441 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The Maoniuping REE deposit is the second largest primary light REE deposit in China.Fluorite is one of main gangue minerals in the orefield. Carbonat ites and syenites are spatially andtemporally associated with rare earth mineralization. Based on the previous geochemical studies of fluoriteand carbonat ite-syenite complex, we review the genetic relation of REE ore-forming fluids andcarbonatite-syenite complex. It shows that carbonatites and syenites have similar REE distributionpatterns, ( 87SrP87Sr) 0, ( 143NdP144Nd) 0, 206PbP204Pb, 208PbP204Pb ratios, and plot to the area between themantle end-member EM1 and EM2.They were formed in orogenic setting. Fluorites associated with REEmineralization display different REE distribution patterns, but their Sr, Nd, Pb isotopic ratios areuniform, and are similar to those of carbonatites and syenites. This suggests that the different REEfluorites were products of the same source, and REE ore-forming fluids were related to carbonat ite andsyenite magmas.