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2003, Vol.41, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Phylogenetic relationships among diploid species of Oryza officinalis complex revealed by multiple gene sequences
BAO Ying, GE Song
2003, 41 (6): 497-508.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.001
Abstract ( 1115 )
Oryza officinalis complex includes five diploid species involving the B,C and E genomes,and is distributed in Asia,Africa and Oceania.These species are very importantbecauseO.australiensis is the only species with E genomewhileO.punctata is the single spe
RAPD analysis of Anabaena-free Azolla and its application in the study of interspecific relationships within section Azolla
CHEN Jian, XU Guo-Zhong, ZHENG Wei-Wen, TANG Long-Fei
2003, 41 (6): 509-519.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.002
Abstract ( 1307 )
Azolla Lam.is a small genus of free-floating ferns symbiotic with cyanobacteria.The heterogeneity of Azolla samples has been usually ignored when DNA was extracted from intact Azol-la-Anabaena complex for Azolla phylogeny analysis based on RAPD.In this st
RAPD analysis on the genome evolution of polyploids in Brassica
LIU Ai-Hua, WANG Jian-Bo, ZHU Ying-Guo
2003, 41 (6): 520-530.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.003
Abstract ( 1314 )
Polyploidy has played an important role in the evolution of higher plants.In order to understand how polyploid genomes evolve after their formation,the Brassica triangle was used to study genomic evolution after the formation of polyploids.Random amplifie
Structural characters of leaf epidermis and their systematic significance in Vitaceae
REN Hui, PAN Kai-Yu, CHEN Zhi-Duan, WANG Ren-Qing
2003, 41 (6): 531-544.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.004
Abstract ( 1205 )
Leaf epidermis of 37species representing 11 genera of Vitaceae was investigated using light microscopy(LM)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The shapes of leaf epidermal cells are usually irregular or polygonal;the patterns of anticlinal walls are stra
Cytological studies on13species of Compositae from Hainan,China
XIE Zhen-Yu, ZHENG Cheng-Mu
2003, 41 (6): 545-552.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.005
Abstract ( 1409 )
Chromosome numbers of13species of Compositae from Hainan were coun ted.Karyotypes of nine species were analysed.The results are as follows:Tithonia diversifolia A.Gray,2n=34=26m+8sm(2sat);Eclipta prostrata(L.)L.,2n=22=18m +4sm;Synedrella nodiflora(L.)
A further correction to the misidentifications of the Chinese Delphinium made by P.A.Munz in his“A synopsis of the Asian species of Delphinium,sensu stricto
YUAN Qiong, YANG Qin-Er
2003, 41 (6): 553-562.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.006
Abstract ( 1553 )
Based on examination of the specimens of the genus Delphinium L.deposited in K,BM and GH,this paper is to further correct the misidentifications of the Chinese Delphinium made by P.A.Munz in his paper entitled“A synopsis of the Asian species of Delphiniu
Rhododendron liboense,a new species of the Ericaceae from Guizhou,China
CHEN Zheng-Ren, LAN Kai-Min
2003, 41 (6): 563-565.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.007
Abstract ( 1489 )
Abstract Rhododendron liboense,a new species of the Ericaceae from Libo County,Guizhou,Chi-na,is described and illustrated.This species is related to R.huianum Fang in having inflorescence terminal,corolla pink,broadly campanulate,ovary densely white glan
Carex subcapitata,a new species of the Cyperaceae from Zhejiang,China
JIN Xiao-Feng, ZHENG Chao-Zong, DING Bing-Yang
2003, 41 (6): 566-568.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.008
Abstract ( 1196 )
Carex subcapitata X.F.Jin,C.Z.Zheng&B.Y.Ding,a new species of Cyperaceae from Zhejiang,China,is described and illustrated.It is related to C.grandiligulata K kenth.in having lateral culms,narrow leaves,spikelets androgynous,1-2arising from each node,but d
Monochoria vaginalis var. angustifolia,a new variety of the Pontederiaceae from Thailand
WANG Guang-Xi, LI Wei, WAN Xiao-Chun, Misako ITO
2003, 41 (6): 569-572.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.009
Abstract ( 1116 )
A new variety of Monochoria C. Presl from Thailand, M. vaginalis (N. L. Burman)Kunth var.angustifolia G. X. Wang, is described. This variety can be distinguished from the typical one, M. vaginalis var. vaginalis, by having mature leaves narrowly lanceolat
Hylodesmum lancangense(Leguminosae),a new combination from Yunnan,China
ZHU Xiang-Yun, Hiroyoshi OHASHI
2003, 41 (6): 573-574.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.010
Abstract ( 1006 )
Based on Podocarpium lancangense Y.Y.Qian,a new combination,Hylodesmum lan-cangense(Y.Y.Qian)X.Y.Zhu&H.Ohashi,is proposed.
The identity of Alpinia jianganfeng T.L.Wu(Zingiberaceae)
ZHAO Zhi-Li, WANG Zheng-Tao
2003, 41 (6): 575-576.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.011
Abstract ( 1072 )
Alpinia jianganfeng T.L.Wu is conspecific with A.sichuanensis Z.Y. Zhu,and thus is reduced to synonymy.
Cyrtosperma(Araceae)does not occur in China
LI Heng, LONG Chun-Lin, WUDe-Lin
2003, 41 (6): 577-581.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.012
Abstract ( 1199 )
The earliest record of Cyrtosperma Griffith in China was made base d on a collection from Hainan,W.T.Tsang553=L.U.16052.This collection was identi fied as Cyrtosperma lasioides Griffith by E.D.Merrill and its duplicates were se nt to different herbaria
The present record of the occurrence of Astomiopsis julacea (Besch.)Yip&Snider(Musci)in Xizang,China, is based on misidentification
JIA Yu, WANG Mei-Zhi, WU Peng-Cheng
2003, 41 (6): 582-585.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.6.013
Abstract ( 1156 )
The present record of the occurrence of Astomiopsis julacea (Besch.)Yip&S nider(Musci)in Xizang,China, is based on misidentification JIAYu WANGMei-Zhi WUPeng-Cheng