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2004, Vol.21, No.1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Querying Commonsense Knowledge
Hu Si-kang, Zheng Hong
2004, 21 (1): 10-18.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.002
Abstract ( 555 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

How to query commonsense know ledge from an Agent,Ontology and Relation oriented Commonsense Know ledge Base (AORKB)is presented.During querying,natural language queries are first transformed into descriptive queries in a kind of language-Agent and Ontology oriented Descriptive Query Language (AODQL)defined by us.Then,descriptive queries are translated into Structured Query Language (SQL)queries .After querying,query results in relation are converted into natural language by the natural language generating module.All tests show that the new method of querying is superior to the method of querying knowledge from agents and ontologies directly in terms of querying time .And up to 80 % reduction in querying time is achieved.

Studies on the Optimum Beam Orbit Correction for High Energy Electron Linacs
Zhou Zu-sheng, Wang Shu-hong, Wang Jiu-qing, Pei Guo-xi, Han Jia-hua
2004, 21 (1): 19-25.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.003
Abstract ( 597 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In order to obtain a high quality beam at the exit of a high energy electron linear accelerator( Linac),seriously controlling on the beam orbit in the linac is greatly important.The beam orbit offset effects caused by the initial beam off set and the linac components'off sets have been quant itatively studied first.As an example with the inject or linac for Beijing Electron Posit ron Collider upgrading project ( BEPCII),the beam orbit off set caused by the above error effects have been simulated and analyzed.Then a design study on the optimum orbit correction system for BEPCII Linac is discussed.The optimum correct or's distribution and the required tolerances of misalignment of the linac components are given.

Molecular Dynamic Study of Dropwise Condensation on the Metal Surface Coated by a Monolayer Polymer Network
Liang Shi-qiang, Xu Jing-zhong
2004, 21 (1): 26-32.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.004
Abstract ( 519 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

By complexing a kind of polymer network onto the copper surface,a new model of dropwise condensation for water vapor is proposed. It is contended that the monolayer spread film can be tightly attached to the metal surface by a number of coordination bonds and can be self- repairable,so that longer duration and higher heat transfer efficiency may be anticipated.A criterion of dropwise or filmwise condensation was in-troduced and MD simulations were carried out to calculate the cohesive energy of water and adsorptive energy of surface. The results indicate that dropwise condensation can occur on the polymer network surface,and the particle configurations indicate that the big rings of the network may play the role of nucleation center sites.

Pattern Recognition and Parameter Statistics of Fine Structures in the Solar Radio Bursts
Zhang Li-li, Yan Yi-hua, Song Guo-xiang
2004, 21 (1): 33-39.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.005
Abstract ( 477 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Being advantageous to pattern-enhancement and noise-suppression,wavelet transform is applied to extract the frequency band of fibril and zebrapat ternfine structure and remove noise to get their clear characteristics.Then,a pattern recognition algorithm is presented to determine all fine structures in the whole burst regime.Finally the parameters of fine structures is calculated and analyzed so as to understand the physics of solar radio burst .

Characteristic of the Urban Boundary Layer Under Strong Wind Condition in Beijing City
Li Qian, Liu Hui-zhi, Hu Fei, Hong Zhong-xiang
2004, 21 (1): 40-44.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.006
Abstract ( 506 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The characteristic of the urban boundary layer in Beijing city has been analyzed during strong wind weat her,with the observational data of the wind speed,temperature from the Beijing 325m meteoro-logical tower. We have obtained the following results about the gust structure of the urban boundary layer.(1) The vertical mean wind profiles fits the logarit hmicrule with the height up to more than 150m during strong wind weat her. That maybe is because of the large surface roughness length over urban surface, which makes a stronger interaction between the strong wind and the surface roughness elements;(2) The gust coefficient is larger in the surface,and deceases with the height by negative exponential function;(3) The gust intensity deceases with the height by the negative exponential function also,while its decrease rate is smaller than that of the gust coefficient .

Spacial Distribution of Lead in Soil of the Connection of Urban and Rural of Shenyang City
Wang Yan, Wang Jin-da, Zhang Xue-lin, Liu Ru-hai, Li Zhong-gen
2004, 21 (1): 45-49.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.007
Abstract ( 402 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The spacial distribution of lead in soil of the connection of urban and rural of Shenyang city is studied, and the results show that the range of value of the lead content in soil of the connection of urban and rural of Shenyang city is 72.063 - 381.502 mg/kg,and it has been polluted widely.Most of the lead consists in the surface of soil,because of the ploughing deeply,the soil layer depth of 1 meter was polluted seriously by lead .The lead content of soil is different between different plants,the series of pollution is vegetable land>rice land>corn land>grape land .

Approach to Optimization Models for Agricultural Land Use Restructuring Based on Genetic Algorithm———A Case Study on Tongzhou District of Beijing
Gan Guo-hui, Liu Chang-qi, Yang Dan
2004, 21 (1): 50-55.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.008
Abstract ( 568 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

A county-scale agricultural structure (CSAS) optimizing method based on genetics algorithm was developed in the paper.An opportunity constrained programming model was built based on the algorithm and applied in agricultural land restructuring in Tongshou District,Beijing. An optimization result was derived from the model,and an optimization solution of landuse restructuring was given.

Design and Development of GIS-Based Distributed Hydrological Model System
Lv Ai-feng, Wang Gang-sheng, Chen Xi, Feng Xian-wei
2004, 21 (1): 56-62.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.009
Abstract ( 461 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

In recent years,alona with the develop ment of computer science,Geograp hic information systems(GIS) and Remote sensing ( RS) technology,the study of Dist ributed Hydrological Model (DHM) has also made quick progress. First the applications of GIS in DHM were introduced, and four different approaches widely used to integrate GIS with DHM were addressed.Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadantages of these approaches,the author developed the GIS-based Distributed Time Variant Gain Model(DTVGM) system by coupling mechanism of water cycle wit h system theory,which integrate GIS and DHM by means of loosing coupling. The system was proved valid and efficient by the case study in Gansu province Banqiao basin.

Evaluating Chinas Provincial Sustainability by Integrated Indicators
Jia Ruo-xiang, Hou Xiao-li, Liu Yi
2004, 21 (1): 63-70.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.010
Abstract ( 664 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

By refering to various sustainable evaluation systems at provincial level,a new integrated evaluation system for sustainability is constructed.The different contributions of pivotal aspects of sustainability is settled by assigning different weights to them using the Improved Analytical Hierarchical Process(IAHP)method,which can both reduce the subjectivity in evaluation and simplify the calculation process .According to the sustainablity score all the provinces in China are derided into,four types .The characteristics of China's sustainability are analyzed and the research directions to be furthered are pointed.

Methane Oxidation in Soil Profiles of Broad-Leaved/ Korean Pine Mixed Forest in Changbai Mountain
Liang Zhan-bei, Shi Yi, Wang Chen-rui, Yue Jin
2004, 21 (1): 71-77.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.011
Abstract ( 503 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Samples were collected from soil in different depths in the virgin broad leavedl Korean pine mixed forest in Changbai Mountain. Laboratory study on methane oxidation of forest soil revealed the vertical profiles of methane oxidation activity. Maximum methane oxidation occurred at the horizon located at 5 to 15cm below the soil surface. When incubated with 400  μL/ L methane,it had the highest uptake rate of 3.3 nmol.h- 1g- 1.Soil at horiwn below 25 cm had negligible capacity to oxidize methane.Methane-oxidizing capacity of surface soil ( 0-5 cm) decreased because of inhibition effect of high concentration NH4 on methanotrophs. The number of methanotrophs was greatest in soil at 5-10 cm below the surface.Methanotroph contributed more to methane oxidation than nitrifer did.

Comparison of Retrieving Plant Biochemical Components with Statistical and Physical Models
Ruan Wei-li, Niu Zheng
2004, 21 (1): 78-83.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.012
Abstract ( 474 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Using reflectance,transmittance,absorptance and reflectance of different spectral interval and disturbed by noises,comparison is made between the effect of retrieving foliar biochemical components with statistical models and that with physical models. The result shows that the physical model is more robust to spectral interval and noises than the statistical model. However,as far as the real retrieving values are concerned,especially when it comes to the inversion of water in fresh leaves,the statistical model is as good as the physical model. So in order to improve precision and efficiency in retrieving plant biochemical components,statistical and physical models should be used according to the purpose of research.

Study on the Effect of Bacillus Megateriums in Two-Stage Fermentation of Vc
Lv Shu-juan, Wang Jun, Yu Long, Xie Chuan-xiao, Gu Yun-hong, Yao Jian-ming, Yu Zeng-liang
2004, 21 (1): 84-89.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.013
Abstract ( 537 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Bacillus megaterium,as a companion strain in two-stage fermentation of vitamin C,could spur Gluconobacter ox ydans to grow and produce 2- ket o-L-gulonic acid( 2- KL G) the precursor of Vitamin C.In lab a mutated B. megaterium GB82 was screened from the original strain BP52 by low-energy ion implantation.When GAB,a mixed fermentation system which was com bined with G.oxydans and GB82,yielded 2- KLG from L-sorbose, the conversion rate could reach as high as 96%,about 10% higher than 2980,a mixed fermentation system which was combined with G.ox ydans and BP52. Studied and compared the effect of the active substances secreted by GB82 and BP52 on the ability of G.oxydans to produce 2-KL G. Hereby, suggested that the active substances be some proteins and the proteins be deactivated partly under extreme conditions.By means of Random Amplified Poly morphic DNA ( RAPD),also analyzed the genomic differences between BP52 and GB82 which were caused by low-energyion im plant ation.

Distribated Denial of Service Attacks: Principle and Defense
Meng Jiang-tao, Feng Deng-guo, Xue Rui, Huang Ji-hong
2004, 21 (1): 90-94.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.014
Abstract ( 553 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

Will discussed the principle of distributed denial of service( DDOS),and some advanced DDOS defense mechanisms and techniques,examining their advantages and short comings,imposing some orders into this field which lead to a better understanding of the challenges in this field and also discussed some open questions and pointed out the new direction for future development on defense against DDOS.

Administration of User Account in Secure OS
Zhang Xiang-feng, Sun Yu-fang
2004, 21 (1): 95-100.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.015
Abstract ( 464 ) PDF (KB) ( 32 )

Many secure operating systems are developed based upon UNIX-like systems and many access control mechanisms and audit mechanism are introduced,but the system account file does not assure unique UID and might lead to confusion in audit trails.Users access rights in some security mechanisms are generally managed quite independently of account management and should also be deleted when one user is removed from the account file to avoid unintended reuse by another user.All those things require that the account file should be administrated in a way different from the traditional one in UNIX.Puts forw ard a mechanism to keep unique UID and to capture user account alteration in system call level.Puts the mechanism into practice in SLINUX,a variant ofLINUX,and provide the performance analysis.

Moment Invariants Based Fragile Image Watermarking
Liu Fei-long, Wang Yang-sheng
2004, 21 (1): 101-107.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.016
Abstract ( 403 ) PDF (KB) ( 8 )

To make vector quantization (VQ)attack impossible without the need of any unique keys or image indexes, a moment invariants based fragile image w aterm irking scheme is proposed.Image moment invariants are extracted as the index to generate the image-

Effect of Organic Carbon on the Mineralization Process of Organic Nitrogen in Organic Material with Different C/N Ratio
Lu Cai-yan, Chen Xin
2004, 21 (1): 108-112.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.017
Abstract ( 472 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

A laboratory aerobic incubation test was conducted under constant temperature and moisture to study the mineralization process of organic nitrogen in organic material with different C/N ratio and the effect of organic carbon added on it. The results showed that the mineralization rate of organic nitrogen in soil and soybean mixture was the fastest,reaching the maximum on the 30th day,the mineralization rate of organic nitrogen in soil and corn stalk mixture was the slowest,the addition of organic carbon evidently inhibited the mineralization process of organic nitrogen. While,this inhibition was temporarythe ultimate development trend was the mineralization of organic nitrogen.

An Implementation of Resource Reservation Scheme in Real-Time Operating System
Ma Xiao-qi, Ye Yi-min, Sun Yu-fang
2004, 21 (1): 113-118.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.018
Abstract ( 486 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Describe the design and implementation of the resource reservation scheme based on our research on Red Flag Real-Time Operating System,which is on the basis of the concept of resource kernel.The main target of this scheme is to reserve certain amount of system resources for certain real-time applications that announce their resource requirements in advance .Focuses on the con-cept of reserve and resourceset,main implementation ideas and important data structures of this scheme.

Image Encryption Combining EZW and AES
Hou Qi-bin, Wang Yang-sheng, Huang Xiang-sheng, Zhou Xiao-xu
2004, 21 (1): 119-124.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.019
Abstract ( 546 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

With wide spread of image and video in internet, various kinds of novel implementations have ap-peared in recent years .In some of these implement ations,private-inform at ion-contain images are employed usually .Due to vulnerability to illegal accessing during transmission of image and video,requirement of secu-rity is impending .A new algorithm is addressed and the essence of this method is that by combination of Dis-crete Wavelet Transform(DWT), Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Algorithm(EZW),and Advanced Encry p-tion Standard(AES), encrypt compressed stream to ensure the transmission efficiency and security .The ex-periments demonstrate that our new algorithm can improve the security of media stream besides keeping hig hcompression rate.

Studies of Novel and Highly Efficient Peptide Coupling Reagents
Li Peng, Xu Jie-cheng
2004, 21 (1): 125-134.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.020
Abstract ( 655 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

A number of novel and highly efficient immonium-,p yridinium-,thiawlium-,and ben-zimidawlium-type peptide coupling reagents,such asBOMI,BDMP,BPMP,BEP,FEP,BEPH,FEPH,BEMT,and CMB I were designed and synthesized. The high efficiency of these onium salts has been evaluated and proved by model reaction tests and the successful synthesis of various oligopeptides and biologically active peptides both in solution and in the solid phase,for example Leu-enkep halin,the pentapeptide moiety of Dolastatin 15 and the immunosuppressive undecapep-tide Cyclosporin O. Based upon extensive studies of the structure-activity relationship of these coupling reagents,a preliminary guideline for the molecular design of onium-type coupling reagents was developed. These novel reagents have proved to be very useful in the synthesis of structurally challeneine nentides and nentidomimetics.

Priming for New Associations and its Brain Mechanisms
Yang Jiong-jiong, Guan Lin-chu, Kuang Pei-zi, Weng Xu-chu
2004, 21 (1): 135-139.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.021
Abstract ( 469 ) PDF (KB) ( 8 )

Priming for new associations, also called associative priming, refers to the implicit memory for newly formed associations between different stimuli or the features. By now, there are still many unsolved issues on associative priming. This dissertation used cognitive neuroscience approach that combines the study of cognitive psychology, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and neuropsychology to investigate associative priming effects and its brain mechanisms systematically. The priming tasks used in this dissertation were process dissociation paradigm, perceptual identification task and speeded naming task. The experiments on normal subjects showed both level of processing and unitization affected associative priming effects, which was different from other kinds of implicit memory (such as item priming, supported by perceptual representation system). However, when the associative strength was strong enough, subjects could manifest associative priming effects even under shallow encoding conditions. NIRS study showed the activation of both sides of prefrontal lobe under deep encoding conditions was stronger than under shallow condition when subjects encoded unrelated word pairs. It suggested prefrontal lobe participate in memory for new associations. Furthermore, medial temporal lobe (MTL) and frontal lobe lesioned patients were tested using methods of perceptual identification task and speeded naming task. Both brain regions participated in associative priming. MTL mediated unitization between unrelated items. Frontal lobe contributed to priming for new associations by elaborative processing, inhibiting irrelevant information and selective attending to tasks. In addition, normal subjects needed to be aware of the relationship between study and test to form associative priming and densely memory deficit patients could not form memory for new associations. In conclusion, this dissertation demonstrated that associative priming needs the interaction between perceptual representation system and other memory systems. Both MTL and frontal lobe played important roles in priming for new associations, but with different mechanisms; and there were some relations between associative priming and conscious retrieval processing.

Enhancement and Segmentation of Images in Computer Vision
Tang Ming, Ma Song-de
2004, 21 (1): 140-143.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.1.022
Abstract ( 438 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

In image enhancement,analyzes two enhancement algorithms,i.e.,the spatial and spatiotemporal homomorphic filters (SHF and STHF) to enhance far infrared images based upon a far infrared imaging model,and proves theoretically and experimentally that the resulting images with SHF are in general smoother than those with STHF,although STHF may reduce the processing time greatly in comparison with SHF.Based on this conclusion,an adaptive spatiotemporal homomorphic filter (ASTHF) is proposed.With ASTHF,the resulting images are smoother than those with STHF,while the processing time is less than that with SHF for a similar degree of convergence.ASTHF keeps the advantages of both SHF and STHF,featuring both good quality and less processing time.In image segmentation,proposes an integrative segmentation framework-general scheme of region competition (GSRC) based on scale space.GSRC first automatically labels pixels whose corresponding regions can be determined in large likelihood,and then fine-tunes the final regions with the help of probability model,boundary smoothing,and region competition.Although the description of the scheme is non-parametric in the dissertation,GSRC can also work parametrically if all non-parametric procedures are substituted with the parametric counterparts.