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2001, Vol.39, No.6 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Leaf epidermis of Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis (Oerst.) Schneid. (Fagaceae)
LUO Yan, ZHOU Zhe-Kun
2001, 39 (6): 489-501.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.001
Abstract ( 1293 )
The characters of leaf epidermis (mainly epidermal cells, stomata, trichomes) have been
examined in 48 species of Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis of the Fagaceae. The adaxial leaf epi-
dermis was investigated under light microscope. The epidermal cells of this surface are of two types
in terms of the outline of their anticlinal wall. One type is characterized by having straight wall, and this type has been observed in most of the species studied, while the other is characterized by having
sinuate or sinuolate wall, and this type has been found only in eight species, such as Q. blakei and
Q. hui. There exist two types of trichome-bases on this surface: in one type the bases are single-
celled, and this type has been found in most of the species studied, such as Q. oxyodon and Q.
augustinii; while in the other the bases consist of a group of cells, and this type has been found
only in nine species, such as Q. thorelii and Q. chungii. The abaxial leaf epidermis was investi-
gated under light microscope and scanning electron microscope. The epidermal cells and the
trichome-bases on this surface under LM are in morphology essentially similar to those on the adaxial
surface. The stomata under LM include three types: cyclocytic, subcyclocytic and anomocytic. The
stomatal density is of some diagnostic value to distinguish between closely related species, e.g. the
stomatal density in Q. glauca is higher than that in Q. schottkyana. Under SEM the stomata are
elliptical or roundish. The most noteworthy feature of the adaxial leaf epidermis is the trichomes.
Eight types of trichomes have been observed under SEM: simple-uniseriate, solitary, papillae, stel-
late, fused-stellate, stipitate-fasciculate, multiradiate and jellyfish-like. The first type, i.e. the
simple-uniseriate trichome, is glandular, other six types, i.e. the solitary, papillae, stellate,
fused-stellate, stipitate-fasciculate and multiradiate trichomes, are non-glandular, and the last one,
i.e. the jellyfish-like trichome, may represent an intermediate type in structure between the glandu-
lar and the non-glandular trichomes. Papillae are very common in subgen. Cyclobalanopsis although
in the Fagaceae they were previously reported only in a few species of Lithocarpus. The jellyfish-like
trichome, observed only in Q. sichouensis, is reported in the Fagaceae for the first time. The evo-
lutionary trends of trichomes are discussed. The trichomes seem to evolve toward the direction of in-
creasing complexity in structure. Papillae are considered as the pedomorphism of trichomes. From
papillae the solitary trichomes and then the stellate ones have evolved. The complicated trichome
types with more arms may be produced from relatively simple ones with fewer arms by means of vari-
ons fusion: several stellate trichomes are fused to form the fused-stellate ones by basal fusion, and
by the same way the fused-stellate ones to form the stipitate-fasciculate ones; the multiradiate
trichomes are formed by the stellate ones, in which the arms emerge in a variety of seemingly random
directions from a typically rounded common base. Based on the above results, it is considered that
the trichome features are of important significance for a better understanding of the infrageneric divi-
sion of Quercus and the phylogenetic relationships between this genus and the other genera in the
Fagaceae. The very common presence of papillae in Quercus subgen. Cyclobalanopsis and in a few
species of Lithocarpus may indicate that subgen. Cyclobalanopsis is a quite natural group on the one
hand, and may have close relationship with Lithocarpus on the other hand. The thin-walled, jelly-
fish-like trichomes found in Q. sichouensis are in structure similar to the “glandular” peltate
trichomes in Trigonobalanus, a genus generally regarded as the most primitive in subfam. Quer-
coideae, indicating that the affinity between subgen. Cyclobalanopsis and Trigonobalanus may be
closer than that between subgen. Quercus and Trigonobalanus.
Cytologyof 12 species in Aconitum L. and of 18 species in Delphinium L. of the tribe Delphineae (Ranunculaceae) from China
2001, 39 (6): 502-514.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.002
Abstract ( 1277 )
Cytology of 12 species in Aconitum L. and of 18 species in Delphinium L. of the tribe
Delphineae (Ranunculaceae) from China have been investigated. Only A. crassiflorum is a tetra-
ploid with the chromosome number of 2n = 32, and all the other Aconitum species studied are dip-
loids with 2n = 16. In A. piepunense, up to six B-chromosomes were observed. All the Delphinium
species are diploids with 2n = 16; their karyotypes are very similar among the species, and are dis-
tinctly distinguishable from those of Aconitum species with respect to the chromosome size, chromo-
some morphology and karyotype asymmetry. From a cytological view, Delphinium seems to be more
advanced than Aconitum, as the karyotypes in Delphinium are more asymmetric than those in Aconi-
Pollen morphology of the tribe Cynoglosseae of Boraginoideae (Boraginaceae) in China
LIU Jia-Xi, ZHANG Yu-Long, NING Jian-Chang, ZHAO Yun-Yun, LI Ya-Xuan, ZHANG Jing-Mei
2001, 39 (6): 515-522.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.003
Abstract ( 1010 )
 Pollen morphology of 16 Chinese species representing 7 genera in the tribe Cynoglosseae
of Boraginoideae(Boraginaceae) was examined under LM and SEM, and 5 species under TEM. Pol-
len grains are cocoon-shaped, rarely subprolate, prolate or ovoid, very small, 7~ 15.7μm× 3.5 ~
13.9 μm in size, P/E = 1.6~2.02; 3-colporate apertures alternate with 3-pseudocolpi, with equa-
torial endocingulus except those in Bothriospermum; exine surface is usually smooth, with or without
perforations in two poles, rarely with tuberculate ornamentation; exine is rather thin and includes
ectexine and endexine, while ectexine consists of imperforate tectum, columellae and foot-layer.
The tribe Cynoglosseae has many common characters of pollen grains, but there are some differences
among genera. A key to the genera is given based on pollen morphology. Bothriospermum, without
endocingulus, may be a primitive genus in this tribe, and its pollen morphology is more similar to
that of Eritrichieae than to Cynoglosseae, thus it seems more reasonable to put it into Eritrichieae.
Solenanthus may be the most advanced genus in the tribe Cynoglosseae for its pollen grains of sub-
isopolar and ovoid shape.
Correction: chromosome number of Ranunculus ternatus Thunb. from Jiujiang New Park, Jiangxi
WANG Yong, WANG Qing-Feng, GUO You-Hao, Gituru W. Robert
2001, 39 (6): 523-525.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.004
Abstract ( 1137 )
This paper corrects the chromosome number of Ranunculus ternatus from Jiujiang New
Park, Jiangxi, reported by Liao et al. in 1991. The chromosome number of this species is found to
be 2n = 16, very stable within the population. The previous report of the tetraploid number of 2n =
32 represents a miscount, which may be caused by overlapping of two metaphase cells.
Phytogeographical relationships of the bryophytes between China and North America
WU Peng-Cheng, JIA Yu, WANG Mei-Zhi
2001, 39 (6): 526-539.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.005
Abstract ( 1219 )
In this paper, we analysed in detail both hepatic flora and moss flora of China and North
America to have a better understanding of the bryological relationships between these two continents.
The results show that the similarity coefficient of the bryophytes between China and North America is
very high (up to 88.03%) at the family level, but very low (only 18.88%) at the species level.
Although the separation of the two ancient continents started in the late Cretaceous, the bryophytes
between China and North America with respect to the composition of families and genera are still
close. Nevertheless both continents have had their own endemic genera of liverworts and mosses.
There are five East Asiatic endemic genera of liverworts and 22 East Asiatic endemic genera of moss-
es in China, while there are four liverwort genera and five moss genera endemic to North America.
It is noteworthy that the bryological relationships between eastern North America and China show a
quite different pattern from those between western North America and China with respect to the fami-
lies, genera and species. The sexuality of plants and the size of spores of liverworts and mosses may
not be the main factors that have influenced the distribution of the bryophytes in China and North
America, although they are of some importance for the distribution of bryophytes. Various informa-
tion concerning the bryological relationships between China and North America (including the simi-
larity coefficients of the bryophytes of China and North America at different levels, their endemic
genera, the sibling species of the two continents, the geological history and physical geograhical
conditions of China and North America, and the biological characters of bryophytes) has been anal-
ysed. It is considered that there exist close bryological relationships between China and North Amer-
ica, although in these two separated continents some local and endemic genera had been formed after
the Cretaceous. Both bryofloras have been influenced by those of their neighbouring regions, and the
Bering Strait may not be a natural barrier to prevent the bryological exchange between China and
North America. In summary, the present relationships of the bryofloras between China and North
America have been formed not under the influence of one simple facter or event but under a compre-
hensive influence of many factors or events during the geological history.
Xizangia bartschioides (Hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong, a new combination in Scrophulariaceae
HONG De-Yuan
2001, 39 (6): 544-546.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.007
Abstract ( 1043 )
Evidence is provided in the present article to confirm the generic status of Xizangia.
This genus is distinctly different from Pterygiella in having rhizomes with winter buds, serrate leav-
es, unequally cleft calyx (up to 2/3 in length at anterior), and bubblelike and smooth seed-coat. A
new combination, Xizangia bartschioides (Hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong is thus made, and Xizangia
serrata D. Y. Hong and Pterygiella bartschioides Hand.-Mazz. are treated as synonymy.
Novelities of Asteraceae
LIU Shang-Wu, HO Ting-Nong
2001, 39 (6): 553-561.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.009
Abstract ( 1171 )
Seven new taxa, including one new section, three new species and three new varieties,
are described; one new name, Ligularia pojarkovana S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho, and one new combi-
nation, Ligularia liatroides (C. Winkl.) Hand.-Mazz. var. shifangensis (G. H. Chen et W. J.
Zhang) S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho are made; five species are mentioned as new records. The seven
new taxa are Youngia sect. Cyanoglossa S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho, Youngia zhenduoi S. W. Liu et
T. N. Ho, Y. cyanea S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho, Mulgedium qinghaicum S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho,
Cremanthodium campanulatum (Franch.) Diels var. flavidum S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho, Ligularia
amplexicaulis DC. var. nepalensis S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho, and L. paradoxa Hand. Mazz. var.
palmatifida S. W. Liu et T. N. Ho.
Notes on Paphiopedilum wardii and its related species
ZHANG Jian-Yong, LIU Zhong-Jian, LEI Si-Peng, CHEN Li-Jun
2001, 39 (6): 562-567.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.010
Abstract ( 982 )
The relationships between Paphiopedilum wardii and its related species are briefly dis-
cussed. Two new species: Paph. burmanicum J. Y. Zhang et Z. J. Liu and Paph. brevilabium
Z. J. Liu et J. Y. Zhang are described and illustrated. A key to the five species treated is provid-
A new species of Vallisneria (Hydrocharitaceae) from Anhui Province, China
SHEN Xian-Sheng
2001, 39 (6): 571-574.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.012
Abstract ( 965 )
Vallisneria anhuiensis X. S. Shen is described as new. A key to the Chinese species in Vallisneria is given.
Two species of the genus Myriophyllum L. (Haloragaceae) newly recorded in China
YU Dan, WANG Dong, LI Zhong-Qiang
2001, 39 (6): 575-578.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.6.013
Abstract ( 898 )
 Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. and M. tuberculatum Roxb. of the Haloragaceae, are reported as new records in China.