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2001, Vol.39, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Comparative anatomy of secretory structures of leaves in Hypericum L.
Lü Hong-Fei, HU Zheng-Hai
2001, 39 (5): 393-404.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.001
Abstract ( 1170 )
 The structure, type, morphology and location of secretory structures in leaves of 43 spe-
cies, 1 subspecies and 1 variety of 9 sections in Hypericum L. were comparatively studied using tis-
sue clearing, paraffin sectioning and thin sectioning. The results have shown that the presence of se-
cretory structures is a common feature of leaves in this genus. According to their anatomical charac-
teristics, the secretory structures can be divided into nodules, secretory cavities (canals) and tiny
secretory tubes. In their distribution in leaves the nodules fall into two types: the leaf edge type and the scattered type. According to the location of cavities in the cross sections of leaves, the cavities
can be divided into 4 types: the median type which is situated between the palisade tissue and
spongy tissue, the palisade tissue type, the spongy tissue type and the across-mesophyll type. Based
on the location of cavities and nodules in leaves, the species in Hypericum can be divided into 3
groups: group Ⅰ , in which only cavities are present; group Ⅱ, in which only nodules are present;
group Ⅲ, in which both cavities and nodules are present. The type, location, distribution density
and morphology of secretory structures are of some taxonomic value at the level of species and of sec-
tion in Hypericum L. From these observations, the evolutionary trends concerning the morphology
and anatomy of secretory structures and the affinity among sections in the genus Hypericum ate dis-
Cytology of eleven species in the genus Ranunculus L. and five in its four related genera from China
2001, 39 (5): 405-422.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.002
Abstract ( 1424 )
The somatic chromosome number and detailed chromosome morphology have been studied
in eleven species of Ranunculus and five species of its four related genera, all from China, namely
Callianthemum pimpinelloides (D. Don) Hook. f. et Thoms. (2n = 4x= 32), Adonis brevistyla
Franch. (2n = 2x = 16), Ranunculus potaninii Kom. (2n= 4x = 32), R. popovii var. stracheya-
nus (Maxim.) W. T. Wang (2n = 4x = 32), R. tanguticus (Maxim.) Ovcz. (2n = 4x = 32),
R. nematolobus Hand.-Mazz. (2n = 2x = 16), R. sceleratus L. (2n = 4x = 32), R. ficariifolius
Lévl. et Vant. (2n = 4x = 32), R. japonicus Thunb. (2n = 2x = 14), R. laetus Wall. (2n = 2x
 = 14), R . trigonus Hand.-Mazz.(2n = 2x = 16), R . sinovaginatus W . T . Wang (2n = 4x =
32), R. chinensis Bunge (2n = 2x = 16), Halerpestes tricuspis (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz. (2n = 4x
= 32), H. sarmentosa (Adams) Kom. (2n = 4x = 32) and Batrachium bungei (Steud.) L. Liou
(2n = 2x = 16; 2n = 3x = 24). From the chromosomal data relationships of the five genera and of
some species within Ranunculus are discussed.
Karyotypes of 4 species in Allium sect. Haplostemon Boiss. from China
HE Xing-Jin, XU Jie-Mei
2001, 39 (5): 423-432.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.003
Abstract ( 1411 )
Karyotypes of eight populations representing four species of the genus Allium were ana-
lyzed. Included in this study are first reports of the karyotypes for three species from China. All
species examined were diploids, except Allium caeruleum in which diploid, triploid and tetraploid
were found. The results of this study and chromosome data previously published show that: 1 ) the
basic chromosome number of sect. Haplostemon is x = 8, and the karyotypes of all the species in
this section belong to Stebbins' lA and 2A types; 2) polymorphism in satellited chromosomes
among different populations of the same and different species may play an important role in the ada-
ptability of the plants to the habitats; 3) some species of this section, such as Allium caeruleum and
A. macrostemon, appear to be karyotypically diverse at the infraspecific level, and some species
show intraspecific morphological variation and 4) the sterile triploid A. caeruleum and the sterile
pentaploid A. macrostemon increase population size vegetatively through multiplication of bulbs and
bulbils. The relationship of their habitats, breeding systems and polyploid in the section are dis-
cussed. Vegetative reproduction and polyploidy are important in the evolution of polyploid species of
sect. Haplostemon.
Chromosome numbers of some caespitose bamboos native in or introduced to China
LI Xiu-Lan, LIN Ru-Shun, FUNG Hok-Lam, QI Zhong-Xia, SONG Wen-Qin, CHEN Rui-Yang
2001, 39 (5): 433-442.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.004
Abstract ( 1070 )
This paper reports chromosome numbers of 94 species in 13 genera of caespitose bamboos
native in or introduced to China. The chromosome numbers of 74 species are roported here for the
first time. The original basic number of bamboos is considered to be x = 8. Chromosome numbers of
most of the caespitose bamboos are found to be 2n = 70 ± 2.
The identity of Aconitum jiulongense W. T. Wang
LUO Yan, YANG Qin-Er
2001, 39 (5): 443-446.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.005
Abstract ( 915 )
An examination of the type specimen of Aconitum jiulongense W. T. Wang has shown that it should be reduced to synonymy of A. carmichaeli Debx.
Validation of Deyeuxia himalaica L. Liou
2001, 39 (5): 447-450.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.006
Abstract ( 796 )
By giving a full Latin description and designating the holotype, Deyeuxia himalaica is validated.
Taxonomic notes on two species in the genus Plantago Linn. from China
LI Zhen-Yu
2001, 39 (5): 451-454.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.007
Abstract ( 1137 )
Plantago lagocephala Bunge is reported as a new record to China. P. perssonii Pilger,
an incompletely known species which has long been ignored, is here recognized and found to be en-
demic to Xinjiang, NW China. Both species are described in detail.
A new species and a new variety of Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae)
CHEN Sing-Chi, LIU Zhong-Jian, ZHANG Jian-Yong
2001, 39 (5): 455-458.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.008
Abstract ( 937 )
Cladistic systematics and phylogenetic species
ZHAO Tie-Qiao
2001, 39 (5): 481-488.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.5.017
Abstract ( 757 )
 A brief review is given on problems of species conceps in cladistics and evolutionary sys-
tematics, and some advances in the study on species problem are introduced. Particularly Nixon and
Wheeler's phylogenetic species concept and two procedures of delimitating phylogenetic species—
Davis and Nixon's population aggregation analysis and Brower's cladistic haplotype aggregation are
reviewed in detail.