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2001, Vol.39, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Contributions to a molecular phylogeny and systematics of Anemone and related genera (Ranunculaceae-Anemoninae)
Friedrich Ehrendorfer, Rosabelle Samuel
2001, 39 (4): 293-308.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.4.002
Abstract ( 805 )
 Plastid atpB/rbcL intergenic spacer sequences were obtained from 21 selected taxa and
one hybrid of Anemoninae (Anemone, Pulsatilla, Hepatica) and compared with Ficaria (Ranun-
culinae) as an outgroup. From the resulting matrix (1226 bp) a single most parsimonious tree was
obtained (Fig. 1 ). The branching of this tree is confirmed by many informative indels and appears
largely congruent with past plastid restriction analyses. Several new taxa are added. The monophyly
of the Anemoninae and their early split into two major clades is supported: clade I with the chromo-
some base number x = 8, clade Ⅱ with the reduced x = 7. Clade Ⅰ is made up of the basal Pulsatilla
and the Rivularis + Vitifolia groups. The Multifida group links to the crown groups Coronaria,
Blanda and Nemorosa. Clade Ⅱ consists of the basal Dichotoma group, followed by Hepatica, and
finally by the N. Hemisphere Narcissiflora and the S. Hemisphere Antucensis groups as sisters. The
problems of the Anemoninae ancestry, phylogenetic differentiation, and recent attempts for systemat-
ic classification are critically discussed. In view of the still incomplete sampling of DNA data, a
conservative and informal approach to classification problems is recommended.
Notes on the genus Clematis (Ranunculaceae)
WANG Wen-Tsai
2001, 39 (4): 309-336.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.4.003
Abstract ( 1291 )
( 1 ) Nine species and 4 varieties are described as new, and 2 new ranks, 1 new combi-
nation, and 1 new name are proposed. (2) Clematis dioica L. ssp. virginiana (L.) Kuntze var.
 bahamica Kuntze, C. bahamica (Kuntze) Britton, C. orbiculata Correll, C. brasiliana DC.
 var. laxa St. Hilaire, C. perulata Kuntze, C. barrancae Jones, C. discolor Gardn., C. laxi-
flora Baker, C. bathiei Lévl., and C. mauritiana Lam. var. sulfurea Viguier & Perrier are re-
duced into synonymy. (3) A new classification for the varieties of C. chinensis Osbeck is prop-
osed. (4) The specific status of C. flukenetii DC. is discussed and confirmed. (5) The differences
 between C. acapulcensis Hook. & Arn., the South American population of which has been misi-
dentified as C. affinis St. Hilaire, and its close ally, C. affinis St. Hilaire, are given. (6) The
 taxonomical confusion made by Viguier and Perrier about the species belonging to sect. Meclatis
subsect. Wightianae distributed in Madagascar and adjoining islands is clarified, and an enumera-
tion of them with a key is given.
Phylogenetic relationships of the disputed genus Triplostegia based on trnL-F sequences
ZHANG Wen-Heng, CHEN Zhi-Duan, CHEN Hu-Biao, TANG Yan-Cheng
2001, 39 (4): 337-344.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.4.004
Abstract ( 1162 )
The phylogenetie relationships of Triplostegia Wall. ex DC., comprising two species of
perennial herbs from southeastern Asia, have long been in dispute. This genus was placed in either
Dipsacaceae or Valerianaceae or in a family of its own, Triplostegiaceae. In this paper, the chloro-
plast DNA (cpDNA) trn L-F regions of 21 species in the Dipsacales s. l. (including Valerianaceae,
Dipsacaceae, Triplostegia, Morina, Caprifoliaceae s. l. and Adoxaceae) and an outgroup Panax
schin-seng Nees. were amplified and sequenced. The phylogenetic relationships among these 22 spe-
cies were constructed based on trn L-F sequences. The results demonstrated that Valerianaceae,
Dipsacaceae, Triplostegia, Morina and four genera from the Caprifoliaceae s. l. form a monophylet-
ic group with a strong support (100% bootstrap). Triplostegia, a sister group to Dipsacaceae, is
close enough to be placed in the Dipsacaceae as a subfamily. The traditional Caprifoliaceae s.l. are
polyphyletic, and relationships of Morina among the groups within Dipsacales s. l. are uncertain.
Key words Triplostegia; Caprifoliaceae s. l.; Morina; Dipsacales s. l.; trnL-F sequences; Sys-
tematic position
Studies on the Chinese species of Selaginellaceae (Ⅰ): Selaginella subgenus Tetragono-stachys Jermy
ZHANG Xian-Chun
2001, 39 (4): 345-356.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.4.005
Abstract ( 1328 )
 The Chinese species of Selaginella subgenus Tetragonostachys are revised. Three spe-
cies are distinguished in the present study, i.e.S. sibirica, S. indica and S. vardei. Illustra-
tions of the leaves and strobili, distribution maps of the subgenus and the species occurring in China
are made to facilitate easy identification of the species. The distribution of the species in China
shows an interesting southwestern China and northeastern China distribution pattern.
The formation and evolution of polyploid genomes in plants
2001, 39 (4): 357-372.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.4.006
Abstract ( 1487 )
Polyploidy is widely acknowledged as a major mechanism of adaptation and speciation in
plants. Recent estimates suggest that 70% of all angiosperms have experienced one or more episodes
of polyploidization. Interdisciplinary approaches combining phylogenetic and molecular genetic per-
spectives have enhanced our awareness of the myriad genetic interactions made possible by
polyploidy. In this paper, cytological mechanisms of polyploid formation and processes and mecha-
nisms of gene and genome evolution in polyploids are reviewed. In many cases, spontaneous
polyploids have cytotypes that appear to have been formed by the union of reduced and unreduced
gametes. Recent studies demonstrate that most polyploid species have formed recurrently from differ-
ent populations of their progenitors. Genes duplicated by polyploidy may retain their original or simi-
lar function, undergo diversification in protein function or regulation, or one copy may become si-
lenced through mutational or epigenetic means. Duplicated genes also may interact through inter-lo-
cus recombination, gene conversion, or concerted evolution. Extensive and rapid genome restructur-
ing can occur after polyploidization. These include inter-genomic chromosomal exchanges, non-Men-
delian genomic evolution in nascent polyploids, inter-genomic invasion, and cytonuclear stabiliza-
tion. Continued application of molecular genetic approaches to questions of polyploid genome evolu-
tion holds promise for producing lasting insight into processes by which novel genotypes are generated
and ultimately into how polyploidy facilitates evolution and adaptation.
The current taxonomy and perplexity of the genus Oryza (Poaceae)
LU Bao-Rong, GE Song, SANG Tao, CHEN Jia-Kuan, HONG De-Yuan
2001, 39 (4): 373-388.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2001.4.007
Abstract ( 1484 )
The genus Oryza L. is one of the most important plant groups in the grass family
 (Poaceae), which includes more than 20 species and is distributed in tropics and subtropics of the
world. The future breakthrough of rice breeding relies greatly on the exploration and utilization of
rich germplasm in the rice genepool, particularly the wild rice species. Because of its significant im-
portance in the agricultural production, the genus Oryza has attracted much attention of many taxon-
omists, geneticists, breeders, and molecular biologists for various kinds of research. During the last
two hundred and fifty years since the first description of the genus Oryza by Linnaeus, great changes
have taken place in the genus in terms of number of species and taxonomic status. Many taxonomists
have made extensive researches on species circumscription and taxonomic ranking at the subgenus
level, which was essential for the establishment of the modern taxonomic systems of Oryza. The tax-
onomic system established by Roschevicz (1931) based on his comprehensive and detailed studies on
plant specimens and literature provided an important foundation for the modern taxonomy of the ge-
nus Oryza. Sharma & Shastry (1965) offered a taxonomic system of Oryza, which was essentially
influenced by that of Roschevicz. This system treated subgenus rank properly, but their definition of
Oryza was in a much wider sense and several species in this system have been excluded from the
current Oryza. Vaughan (1989) extensively studied and compared Oryza samples from all over the
world and provided a taxonomic system including updated data such as morphological variation, geo-
graphic distribution, and genome constitution of each species. This system not only adopted a rea-
sonable generic definition, but also provided a good reference of species relationship. Unfortunately,
the subgenus rank “complex” used by Vaughan (1989) does not have any legitimate standing in the
International Code of Botanic Nomenclature (ICBN). Lu (1999) summarized the major taxonomic
studies of previous authors including new species published in Oryza over the past ten years, and
proposed an Oryza taxonomic system with 3 sections, 7 series and 24 species. We provided in this
paper the most updated studies of the Oryza species and suggested a revised version of Oryza taxon-
omy with a morphological key to species. We also discussed the existing problems in the taxonomy of
the genus Oryza.