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2013, Vol.30, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Research Articles
Properties of finite-range percolation
WU Cheng-Shuai, GUO Tian-De
2013, 30 (4): 433-437.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.001
Abstract ( 1222 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

We expand the classical percolation on Zd and define a finite-range percolation model. Using Russo's formula and dominantion, we have proven the strict monotonicity and continuity of the critical probability.

Polynomial automorphisms and Jacobian conjecture in two variables
YAN Dan, TANG Guo-Ping
2013, 30 (4): 438-442.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.002
Abstract ( 2360 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

In this paper, we first give the inverse formula of polynomial automorphisms in two variables if one of the polynomials' degrees is prime. Secondly, we prove that the polynomial automorphisms in two variables are linearly triangularizable if the polynomials' degrees are primes. Finally, we give a way to find the inverse of the polynomial automorphisms in two variables in other cases and give the exact form of their inverses if n and m are fixed, where n=degF1 and nm=degF2.

On the open set condition of the graph directed self-conformal fractals
ZHENG Shui-Cao
2013, 30 (4): 443-449.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.003
Abstract ( 1236 ) PDF (KB) ( 11 )

In this paper, some conditions equivalent to the open set condition of the graph directed self-conformal fractals are obtained. Especially, it is proven that the strong open set condition and the open set condition are equivalent for such a fractal.

Stability of single-valued extension property for 2×2 upper triangular operators
SHI Wei-Juan, CAO Xiao-Hong
2013, 30 (4): 450-453.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.004
Abstract ( 1246 ) PDF (0KB) ( 13 )

We characterize 2×2 upper triangular operator matrices for which the single-valued extension property is stable under compact perturbations. We get that: if A, B, CB(H), MC=450, then there exists δ>0 such that MC+K∈(SVEP) for all CB(H) and for all Kκ(HH) with ‖K‖<δ if and only if 1) there exists δ>0 such that A+K∈(SVEP), B+K∈(SVEP) for all Kκ(H) with ‖K‖<δ, and 2) ρSF(A)∩ρSF(B) consists of finite connected components, where B(H) denotes the set of bounded linear operators on H, κ(H) denotes the set of compact operators on H, and ρSF(A) denotes the semi-Fredholm domain of TB(H).

Simultaneous empirical Bayes estimation for mean and error variance in normal distribution
QIU Li-Sha, WEI Lai-Sheng
2013, 30 (4): 454-461.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.005
Abstract ( 1888 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

In the normal distribution, by assuming that the parameters of mean and error variance have the normal inverse-Gamma distribution, the simultaneous Bayes estimators of mean and error variance are derived. By using historical samples, the parametric empirical Bayes estimators (PEBE) are constructed. Superiorities of PEBE over UMVUE in mean parameter and error variance are obtained in terms of the MSE criterion. Finally, we give a remark on the main results.

Efficiency evaluation of commercial banks based on two-stage DEA model considering undesirable outputs
HU Xiao-Yan, CHENG Xi-Jun, MA Li-Jun
2013, 30 (4): 462-471.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.006
Abstract ( 1333 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

We propose a novel two-stage DEA model, which considers undesirable factors, to evaluate efficiencies of 26 commercial banks in China. The results indicate that the proposed DEA approach is helpful in evaluating the inputs/outputs structure and directs the system efficiency improvement for commercial banks. The results are shown to be steady under different return to scale assumptions.

Numerical simulation of natural convection of liquid metal in a cubic enclosure under magnetic field
WANG Zeng-Hui, CHEN Huan, YANG Song
2013, 30 (4): 472-477.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.007
Abstract ( 1432 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In order to study the liquid metal natural convection under the magnetic eld with different wall conductivity, the natural convection of liquid metal in the 3D cubic enclosure under the magnetic field is numerically simulated. Numerical simulations show that the results obtained without the magnetic field are in agreement with the existing experimental results. Because the induced current and reversed Lorenz force are produced by the liquid metal flowing in a magnetic field, and the reversed Lorenz force would inhibit the natural convection flow and heat transfer of liquid metal. With the increase of the intensity of magnetic field, inhibition of liquid metal natural convection by the reverse Lorentz force is obvious. Conductive wall has an important effect on the natural convection than insulation wall.

Multivariate analyses on biological characters of Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus Hsiao cultivated in Longxi county
XIE Xiao-Long, LI Yi
2013, 30 (4): 478-484.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.008
Abstract ( 1316 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

To detect morphological diversity and morphotypes in Astragalus membranaceus var. mongholicus cultivated in Longxi county, 11 main biological characters of 210 individuals were investigated and subjected to principle component analysis and cluster analysis. Multivariate analyses showed that the tested individuals of A. membranaceus var. mongholicus have been divergent in some biological characters, especially in pod colour, seed maculation, and stem colour, which resulted in 3 main morphotypes, namely R type, RG type, and G type. It is suggested that the population of A. membranaceus var. mongholicus in Longxi county is heterogenous.

Influence of soil-applied sulfur on the formation of iron plaque on the root surface of rice (Oryza Sativa L.) seedlings
WU Cong-Yang-Hui, HU Zheng-Yi, Haneklaus Silvia, FAN Jian-Ling, ZHANG Gang-Ya, XU Bai-Sen, XIA Xu, LU Jia, Schnug Ewald
2013, 30 (4): 485-496.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.009
Abstract ( 1572 ) PDF (0KB) ( 5 )

Influence of soil-applied sulfur (S)(0, 30 mg·kg-1, SO42--S)on the formation of iron plaque in the root surface of rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated in a controlled soil-sand culture experiment. Application of S induced the formation of iron plaque in the root surface because the application of S increased significantly the ACA (ascorbic-citrate-acetic) extractable Fe and Mn contents in iron plaque on the root surface of 24- and 28-days-old rice seedlings, but the differences proved to be not significant on the root surface of 8-days-old rice seedlings. SEM-EDX image and analysis of iron plaque clearly revealed that differences of polymer particulate iron plaque deposition were the biggest between tip and top root segments in relation to the S treatment. The results provide the evidence that S is involved in the regulation of the uptake of other nutrients by the expression of iron plaque formation on the root surface of rice.

Integrated assessment and analysis of the low-carbon development levels for Chinese provincial capital cities
BAO Chao, LUO Kui
2013, 30 (4): 497-503.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.010
Abstract ( 1155 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Based on the previous studies on the concept, construction experiences, and assessment indicator systems for low-carbon cities in China and abroad, a new assessment indicator system was established and applied in the evaluation of low-carbon development levels of 2010 for the 31 provincial capital cities in China. The weaknesses and strengths in construction of low-carbon city for the 31 provincial capital cities were analyzed, and some relevant countermeasures are suggested.

Analyses of development and industry relevancy of energy industries in Xinjiang
ZHANG Xin-Lin, WANG Qiang, WANG Chang-Jian, LU Jian-Rong
2013, 30 (4): 504-509.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.011
Abstract ( 1518 ) PDF (0KB) ( 4 )

Development and industry relevancy of energy industries in Xinjiang is analyzed. Five conclusions are drawn. Firstly, Xinjiang energy industries facilitate the economy development. Secondly, secondary industry account for the largest proportion of intermediate demand for energy industries. Thirdly, most of Xinjiang energy industries have the characteristics of intermediate product and high added value, but the capacity of promoting other industries is low. Fourthly, Xinjiang demand pull is relatively low.

Characteristics of power structure change from 2000 to 2010 and optimization research in Xinjiang
WEN Ke, LEI Jun, ZHANG Li, WANG Jan-Feng
2013, 30 (4): 510-515.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.012
Abstract ( 1298 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Based on position quotient and shift-share analysis of the electric energy structure data during the period from 2000 to 2010 in Xinjiang, this paper shows the characteristics of the power structure and the problems during the 11 years and suggest corresponding measures. Results show that the growing trend of all kinds of power looks like a "V" word during the period from 2000 to 2010 in Xinjiang and that the new power which is showing its professional advantages becomes stronger. New power is in the core position across the western region and has a high degree of specialization in China. The structure of coal-fired power is more competitive in China and there is contradiction between the power competitiveness and the increase in the total amount.

Multi-scale parallel extraction and remote visualization for large-scale data in geosciences
LI Bao-Bin, ZHANG Huai
2013, 30 (4): 516-522.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.013
Abstract ( 1254 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

In this paper we focus on advantages of the parallel visualization and remote visualization, and propose a new scheme: remote data extraction and parallel visualization analysis diagnosis. For the multi-scale feature of geological research objects, we establish a multi-scale extraction algorithm and corresponding parallel algorithm of large scale geological data with the aid of multi-scale and multi-resolution data extraction tools. Finally, we realize the multi-scale display of tsunami data based on VTK software.

Algorithm of radar interference suppression based on blind signal separation in the time domain
WEN Yuan-Yuan, CHEN Hao
2013, 30 (4): 523-527.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.014
Abstract ( 1170 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Blind signal separation (BSS) has been used to realize the radar anti-jamming. A new algorithm of radar interference suppression based on convolutive BSS is proposed and the radar performance is improved. Through the joint block diagonalizaton of fourth-order cumulant in the time domain the separation of the radar signals and the jamming is realized. Simulation results show that the new method has better performance of separation.

Hierarchical robot path planning algorithm based on grid map
YU Chong, QIU Qi-Wen
2013, 30 (4): 528-538.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.015
Abstract ( 1425 ) PDF (0KB) ( 4 )

Utilizing the hierarchical planning idea, we propose an optimal path planning algorithm based on grid map. The first layer of the algorithm is planning in topology layer, and we adopt Voronoi graph construction frothing algorithm to describe topological relationship of global passable regions. In the second layer, we design generalized level-set algorithm to solve the optimal path search problem in topological layer. The third layer is path replanning in grid layer. Utilizing the narrow-band level-set idea, we obtain a narrow band region that robot can safely pass by broadening the topology path in grid layer, and the local fast marching method algorithm is implemented in this region. It improves the topological path and increases the efficiency and real-time capability of the proposed algorithm.

Rational secret sharing protocol in the context of extensive game with imperfect information
SUN Fu-Ling, ZHOU Zhan-Fei, YU Yang
2013, 30 (4): 539-546.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.016
Abstract ( 1314 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

We investigate the incredible threat issue caused by players' sequential actions in a rational secret sharing protocol. We propose a general rational secret sharing protocol satisfying k-resilient (m,n) Nash equilibrium which eliminates incredible threat. In our protocol, when some player deviates from the equilibrium, other players do not choose to abort but instead they continuously punish the deviator in enough runs. We do not need online distributor in our protocol but instead we use the negotiated random numbers by participants to update shares.

Provably secure certificateless anonymous authentication protocol for P2P-SIP based on IPv6
2013, 30 (4): 547-554.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.017
Abstract ( 1536 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Following the developmental trend of the next-generation-network protocols, we analyze the characteristics of the P2P-SIP network which combines the SIP protocol and P2P networks. Considering its strengths and weaknesses, we design a certificateless anonymous protocol based on elliptic curve algorithms for P2P-SIP, which can be applied in IPv6 network. We prove the proposed protocol under the CK security model and do security analysis on the protocol. The security analysis demonstrates that the proposed protocol has the following security attributes: mutual authentication, excellent forward secrecy, anonymity, known key security, and key compromise impersonation. The proposed protocol can also effectively resist the known-key attack, Man-in-the-middle attack, SYBIL attack, and some other attacks. We compare our protocol with previous protocols and show that our protocol has more security attributes and more effective than the previous protocols.

A group management to balance power, performance, and fairness
JIA Gang-Yong, LI Xi, ZHOU Xue-Hai, ZHU Zong-Wei
2013, 30 (4): 555-561.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.018
Abstract ( 1448 ) PDF (0KB) ( 2 )

We present a group management to balance power, performance, and fairness. This management partitions all threads into different groups based on each thread's power behavior characteristic, combines dynamic voltage and frequency scaling and dynamic power scaling which are provided by architecture and scheduler of the operating system, and realizes threadgroup-based management (TGM). TGM optimizes system power under tight system performance and fairness among thread constraints. Experimental results show that TGM reduces power by 16.7% on average with tightly guaranteed system performance and neglected overhead in fairness.

Software fault classification prediction model based on Markov chain
YI Jin, LUO Xun, AO Jian-Xun, YANG Guang-Yu, LUO Ping
2013, 30 (4): 562-567.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.019
Abstract ( 1253 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Traditional software reliability models did not consider the severity of the fault affected the reliability of software. However, in many occasions, such as software trustworthy study, we must consider not only the software failure rate, the total number of faults, and failure interval time, but also the severity of the impact on software reliability. For solving the above problem, we propose a prediction method based on Markov chain, which can be used to predict the software failure types, that is, to predict software failure severity occurring in the future.This classification prediction method can fully describe failures caused by software failure.

Brief Report
Radial flow on aft-swept wind turbine blades
CHEN Hong-Sheng, SHI Ke-Zhong, XU Jian-Zhong
2013, 30 (4): 568-571.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.020
Abstract ( 1269 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

A swept blade was designed based on NREL phase VI test blade. The CFD simulation results show significant radial flow on the aft-swept blade. The flow around aft-swept section turns to the rotor center around leading edge and turns to blade tip around trailing edge arresting. The analyses indicate that blade aft-sweeping transforms the flow condition, and it turns streamline around leading edge to rotor center and turns streamline around trailing edge to blade tip with coaction of centrifugal force and Coriolis force.

Leakage-based precoding with iterative power allocation in multi-user MIMO downlink
XIE Lei, QIU Ling
2013, 30 (4): 572-576.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.04.021
Abstract ( 1172 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

To enhance the sum rate of maximizing signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio (Max-SLNR) in the downlink multi-user multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system, we propose an iterative power allocation scheme. Compared with conventional power allocation schemes, the proposed scheme achieves higher system throughput. Numerical results show that the complexity of the scheme is reduced by decreasing the number of iteration without losing system throughput.