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2013, Vol.30, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Symplectic algorithm for solving Hamiltonian systems of the water-wave problem under long-wave approximation
LIU Cheng-Bao, CHEN Yu-Fu
2013, 30 (5): 577-584.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.001
Abstract ( 1694 ) PDF (KB) ( 7 )
An symplectic algorithm is presented for solving the Hamiltonian systems of the water-wave problem under long-wave approximation. Firstly, the generating function method is generalized to infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, and then symplectic schemes are deduced directly from the Hamiltonian function of infinite-dimensional system, rather than from a Hamiltonian function of finite-dimensional approximate system. Finally, the spatial discretization of these schemes is used in simulation. Compared with the known results by un-symplectic algorithms, the numerical solutions by the symplectic algorithm are stable in long-time simulation. Compared with the traditional symplectic algorithm for solving infinite-dimensional systems, our algorithm is more efficient and more accurate.
Geometry of three-dimensional SU(2)-orbits in the complex Grassmannians
HAN Bing, WANG Jun
2013, 30 (5): 585-590.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.002
Abstract ( 1515 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )
We use the Cartan embedding and the method of moving frame to study the geometry of 3-dimensional SU(2)-orbits in the complex Grassmann manifold G(k,n).
Judgement on stability of Weyl’s theorem for the upper triangular operator matrices
YIN Jun-Qiang, CAO Xiao-Hong
2013, 30 (5): 591-597.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.003
Abstract ( 1420 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

An operator T is said to satisfy a-Browder's theorem if σa(T)\σea(T)???π00a(T), where σa(T) and σea(T) denote the approximate point spectrum and the essential approximate point spectrum, respectively, and π00a(T)={λ∈isoσa(T),0< dimN(T-λI)<∞}. If σa(T)\σea(T)=π00a(T), we say that T satisfies a-Weyl's theorem. In this note, by using the characteristics of semi-Fredholm domain of the diagonal of the upper triangular operator matrix, we investigate the stability of a-Browder's theorem and a-Weyl's theorem for the upper triangular operator matrices under compact perturbations.

Ultrasonic Doppler experimental research and numerical simulation of single bubble rising in static liquid metal
WANG Shi-Dong, WANG Zeng-Hui, NI Ming-Jiu
2013, 30 (5): 598-602.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.004
Abstract ( 1390 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )
Liquid metal is an important energy transport carrier in nuclear fusion reactor, accelerator-driven sub critical system, spallation neutron source device, etc. The liquid metal flow velocity measurement is very important for the safe operation of these devices. Through experiments and numerical simulation, we study the gas bubble ascending motion in the static non-transparent liquid metal GaInSn. Numerical simulation method uses the turbulent two-equation model and VOF method for interface capturing. The experimental results are in good agreement with numerical simulation results. The large bubble oscillates in liquid metal with small amplitude in horizontal direction.
Global optimization of low-thrust gravity-assist trajectory for Jupiter exploration
LI Xiao-Yu, ZHENG Jian-Hua
2013, 30 (5): 603-607.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.005
Abstract ( 1031 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )
The low-thrust gravity-assist (LTGA) trajectory to Jupiter is studied and a novel LTGA model is proposed based on impulsive gravity-assist and low-thrust exponential sinusoid method. A brief description of this method is presented and the solution to the related low-thrust Lambert problem is summarized. LTGA schemes of EMJ, EVEJ, and EMEJ are optimized by differential evolution algorithm and then discussed in detail. Simulation results show that EMJ is the best and the proposed model is efficient for the initial design of LTGA trajectory.
Response of antioxidant enzymes in leaves and roots of Solanum nigrum L to cadmium stress
SHI Pei-Li, ZHANG Yu-Xiu, CHAI Tuan-Yao
2013, 30 (5): 608-612.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.006
Abstract ( 1428 ) PDF (0KB) ( 5 )
Cadmium (Cd) is one of the most toxic environmental pollutants for soils. The seedlings of S. nigrum were exposed to half-strength Hogland solution with 100 μmol/L CdCl2 for 1-4 days, and the activity of antioxidant enzyme in leaves and roots was investigated. The results show that the contents of MDA and H2O2 increase in leaves and roots and the increase of MDA in leaves is larger than that in roots while the increase of H2O2 in roots is larger than that in leaves. Also, the activities of SOD, CAT, APX, and POD in leaves and roots are enhanced with prolonged Cd treatment. It is suggested that the H2O2 accumulation induced by Cd stress leads to oxidative stress and the increase of the oxitioxidant enzyme activity may be one of the mechanisms of Cd detoxification in S. nigrum. H2O2 in leaves may be scavenged by both CAT and APX while the H2O2 in roots may be mainly scavenged by APX.
Effect of vanadium(V)-chlorodipicolinate on lipid metabolism in high fat diet-induced C57BL/6J diabetic mice
ZHANG Wei, CHEN De-Liang, ZHANG Fang, LIU Yang, DING Wen-Jun
2013, 30 (5): 613-619.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.007
Abstract ( 1565 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )
The insulin-mimic effect of vanadium compounds has been reported in both type Ⅰ and Ⅱ diabetic animal models, but the effect of vanadium compounds on lipid metabolism remains to be fully understood. We investigate the effect of V5dipic-Cl on lipid metabolism in high fat diet-induced C57BL/6J diabetic mice. V5dipic-Cl was administered daily to the mice for 28 days at dose of 5 mg/(kg·d) by oral gavages. It was found that the blood glucose level and serum TG were significantly reduced after treatment with V5dipic-Cl. It is suggested that V5dipic-Cl improves the lipid metabolism by promoting fatty acid oxidation in liver.
Soil bacterial diversity in relation to change in altitudinal environment in alpine meadow
DENG Yong-Cui, WU Jing, WU Yi-Bo, DU Yan-Gong, ZHANG Yan, CUI Xiao-Yong
2013, 30 (5): 620-627.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.008
Abstract ( 1431 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )
Along an elevation gradient(3200 m to 3800 m) on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, BIOLOG GN2 plates were used to analyze the elevation patterns of bacterial community functional diversity. The redundancy analysis (RDA) method was further used to analyze the relationship between bacterial profiles and the environmental variables. The results indicate that soil variables explain 46.6% of the variation in bacterial community functional diversity. Among the soil variables, soil available phosphorus explains the largest part, which suggests that it might be an important limiting factor for soil bacterial community functional diversity in this area. The soil temperature, which changes with the altitute, also has a profound effect on bacterial community functional diversity.
Design and implementation of an experimental data assimilation system for chlorophyll-a in Lake Taihu based on the ensemble Kalman filter
WANG Ze-Ren, MA Rong-Hua, DUAN Hong-Tao, ZHANG Yu-Chao, QI Lin
2013, 30 (5): 628-636.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.009
Abstract ( 1459 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

We develop a novel data assimilation approach for the prediction of algal blooms in Lake Taihu. Our approach is based on a 2D ecological model which combines a physical model, 250 m MODIS inversion chlorophyll-a data, and an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) analysis scheme. Our results indicate that the data assimilation approach is reliable for predicting algal blooms in these complex waters.

Extraction of winter wheat planting areas based on the time-series MODIS data in typical region of North China
ZHANG Jia-Hua, HU Xiao-Xia, LIU Xue-Feng, HE Zhen-Ming
2013, 30 (5): 637-643.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.010
Abstract ( 1465 ) PDF (KB) ( 8 )
The multi-temporal 8-day composite MODIS surface reflectance products of 2004 and 2008 were used to extract winter wheat planting area in the typical region of North China. The time-series EVI curve was built according to the growth period of winter wheat. We reconstruct the MODIS-EVI time-series using Savitzky-Golay smooth filter to reduce the cloud noise. By considering coupling with crop phenology, planting structure, and visual interpretation, we extract the planting area of winter wheat. The results show that the spatial distribution for winter wheat extracted by MODIS-EVI time-series data is about 98% of the statistical data. The planting area of winter wheat in Shandong province was increased by about 15%. However, the planting areas of winter wheat in Beijing and Tianjin regions are mainly invariant in the past 5 years.
Water body information extraction based on Landsat TM remote sensing imagery
LIU Gui-Lin, ZHANG Luo-Cheng, LIU Jian, LI Guang-Yu
2013, 30 (5): 644-650.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.011
Abstract ( 2730 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

In this work, Wuhu City in China was selected as the studied area. NDWI, MNDWI, LBV_B, KT3+TM4>TM2+TM7, and a new model KT3+TM2>TM4+TM3 were used to extract water body information based on Landsat TM data. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons were made. The results show that the new water information extraction model, KT3+TM2>TM4+TM3, is the most accurate(with a total accuracy of 93%), and its accuracy is less affected by vegetation and buildings.

Risk assessment of alien plants in Northeast China
ZHENG Mei-Lin, CAO Wei
2013, 30 (5): 651-656.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.012
Abstract ( 1109 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )
The 95 alien invasive plants of 23 families were identified in Northeast China based on field investigation and reported data. Based on comprehensive analysis of the previous risk assessment methods of alien invasive species, a risk assessment model of alien invasive plants in Northeast China was established. We assess the alien invasive plants in Northeast China using this model, and 25, 53, and 17 species are identified as the species of the risk levels of A, B, and C, respeetively. Some control measures were presented for each risk level.
Comparative analysis of Shandong marine industry construction and countermeasures on its optimization and upgrade
WANG Cui, XIE Zheng-Guan
2013, 30 (5): 657-663.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.013
Abstract ( 1349 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )
We make analysis of Shandong marine industrial structure in space and time dimensions, respecturely. Using shift-share analysis method, we analyze the marine industry structures of 11 coastal provinces in China and comparatively evaluate that of Shandong. Based on the analysis of the rules of the three structure evolutions of Shandong marine industry, it determines the evolution direction of Shandong marine industrial structure. Finally, we make some suggestions of optimizing and upgrading the marine industrial structure of Shandong province.
Underground parking information system based on wireless sensor network
SUN Hao, CHEN Yong-Rui, XU Xu-Zhu, XU Ding-Xin, YI Wei-Dong
2013, 30 (5): 664-670.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.014
Abstract ( 1611 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )
Underground parking information system(UPIS), which integrates wireless sensor network(WSN) technology, is proposed. Ultrasound sensors are used to monitor states of parking spaces. Data transmission system is an integration of WSN and mobile 3G network. In addition, CMesh, a wireless communication protocol based on TDMA, is proposed to accommodate the volatile wireless channels, increase the reliability of wireless communication, and prolong the lifetime of WSN in UPIS. The overall system framework, energy-aware routing, and TDMA scheduling of UPIS are presented and analyzed. Through the prototype experiment and actual implementation, we evaluate packet loss rate and energy consumption of the WSN system, which show that the system satisfies the requirements of application.
Suppression of narrowband interference using frequency-domain cross-correlation
2013, 30 (5): 671-675.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.015
Abstract ( 1624 ) PDF (0KB) ( 4 )

Narrowband interference (NBI) may lead to failure of the time-domain cross-correlation (TDCC) weak signal detection approach since NBI is mistakenly detected as the desired signal. In order to solve this problem, a detection approach based on frequency-domain cross-correlation (FDCC) is proposed. The entire spectrum band is divided into multiple sub-bands, and the corresponding statistical characteristic of each sub-band is derived. Then according to the criterion of one-sided test, a one-bit decision is made in each sub-band. Finally, the decisions of all the sub-bands are processed jointly via the n-out-of-m fusion rule to make the final decision. Simulation results show that the proposed approach is promising for suppressing NBI and it distinctively outperforms the TDCC detection approach.

Parallel implementation of iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm via CUDA
GENG Min-Ming, JIANG Cheng-Long, ZHANG Bing-Chen
2013, 30 (5): 676-681.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.016
Abstract ( 2528 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )
We design and implement iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (ISTA) on GPU via CUDA programming, and apply it in sparse microwave imaging. The simulation results show that, compared to CPU-based implementation, GPU-based implementation reconstructs correct signals at a faster computation speed.
Circuit design of DDR2 SDRAM high-speed memory for space remote sensing camera simulator system
NI Jian-Jun, LI Tao, WANG Jian-Yu
2013, 30 (5): 682-687.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.017
Abstract ( 1658 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )
In order to meet the function verification requirements of the space remote sensing camera electronics system, we design a set of simulator system composed of FPGA and DDR2 SDRAM. For considering difficulties in designing DDR2 SDRAM and for improving the signal integrity, we analyze the DDR2 SDRAM impedance matching form and matching resistance location in detail and give a feasible design scheme on PCB layout and FPGA pin constraints. Experimental results show that DDR2 SDRAM works at data transmission speed of 320 Mbps/pin with either single-ended or differential clock, and the signal quality is still satisfactory.
Design of PCI transmission card based on pci_t32
YE Xi-En, ZHU Yin-Feng
2013, 30 (5): 688-693.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.018
Abstract ( 1591 ) PDF (KB) ( 17 )
A novel PCI transmission card, which can be used in modern multimedia digital language laboratory, is proposed. By being integrated with FPGA chip of Altera, the card is of small size, low cost, flexile field programming, and high-speed transmission. We illustrate internal logic of FPGA in detail, especially PCI interface based on pci_t32 ip core. The simulated and measured results are shown. The card satisfies data communication between 80 terminals and teacher, and the serial data rate reaches 270.950 4 Mbps.
A complexity-reduced iterative carrier synchronization algorithm
SHEN Hai-Ou, WANG Yong-Min, XU Hua, HAN Bo, LI Peng
2013, 30 (5): 694-698.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.019
Abstract ( 1214 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )
We consider high complexity and long delay of the code-aided carrier synchronization algorithm at low SNR(signal to noise ratio). We use the estimation integrator for compensating signal vector and decreasing offset to be estimated. A new iterative synchronization stopping rule is proposed. The system will stop iteration if the mean of the absolute values of LLR (log-likelihood ratio) message at the output of LDPC decoder keeps steady. The simulation results indicate that this algorithm narrows the frequency search range and the average number of iterations is reduced greatly. It also shows that the performance loss is not larger then 0.12 dB.
A security analysis algorithm for cryptographic module API using term rewriting system
2013, 30 (5): 699-705.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.020
Abstract ( 1214 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )
For the formal verification of the cryptographic module API, a security analysis algorithm using term rewriting system was proposed. The term rewriting rules were used to extend the intruder's knowledge with breadth-first search and symbolic method. The search will stop until an attack path has been found or all the finite state space has been searched. The algorithm was applied to PKCS#11 which is an API standard for the cryptographic module, and five experiments were performed to complete the formal verification of the symmetric key management API commands of PKCS#11. The experimental results showed that the algorithm detected the attacks against PKCS#11 precisely and effectively, and also a new API attack sequence was discovered.
An improved multi-pattern string matching algorithm and GPU parallelization
QIAN Quan, ZHU Wei, CHE Hong-Yi, ZHANG Rui
2013, 30 (5): 706-712.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.021
Abstract ( 1646 ) PDF (0KB) ( 3 )
Multi-pattern matching algorithm has been widely used in text searching, intrusion detection, and some other areas. We focus on two matching algorithms, AC and regular expression. By comparing their DFA automata building process, we integrate the two processes to a new novel AC algorithm. The new AC maintains the advantages of the traditional AC when matching fails, the pointer of the target pattern does not turn back, and the AC automata pointer just moves back by a few steps. Meanwhile, we also discuss the AC parallelization based on GPU and CUDA, and compare the running performance when using GPU global memory or the texture one.
Changes in fractions of Cu and Zn in initial and final anaerobic co-digestion of pig manure and maize straw in different ratios
BAI Fan, CHEN Miao, CUI Yan-Shan
2013, 30 (5): 713-719.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2013.05.022
Abstract ( 1439 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

A 50-day anaerobic digestion test is conducted by mixing raw pig manure with maize straw at dry matter mass ratios of 1:1 and 2:1 at the temperature of (35±1) ℃. The fractions of Cu and Zn of the co-digestion fermentation materials and the biogas residues are measured by modified BCR extraction and 0.01 mol·L-1 CaCl2 extraction processes, respectively. The results showed that the concentrations of leachable fraction and the percentages of bioavailability (sum percentages of exchangeable and reducible fractions) of Cu and Zn all decreased in biogas residues, and the stability (sum percentages of oxidizable and residual fractions) of Cu and Zn all increased in biogas residues during anaerobic co-digestion.