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2014, Vol.31, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
SLLN and CLT for patterns on the infinite open cluster
TANG Pengfei, GUO Tiande
2014, 31 (4): 445-452.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.001
Abstract ( 946 ) PDF (0KB) ( 2 )

In this paper, we consider supercritical Bernoulli bond percolation on the integer lattice Ld with parameter p. We study occurrences of patterns on the infinite open cluster. Let Λn denote the number of occurrences of a given pattern P on the infinite open cluster restricted in the box B(n)=[-n,n]d. Strong law of large numbers and central limit theorem for Λn are obtained.

Exact Hausdorff measure for the product set of the ranges of stable component processes
LIANG Longyue
2014, 31 (4): 453-459.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.002
Abstract ( 846 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Let {X1(t1),t1≥0},…,{Xp(tp),tp≥0} be p independent stable component processes on Rd. We obtain the law of the iterated logarithm for the measure on the product set ∏i=1pXi[0,1]. Furthermore, by applying the density theorem, we find the exact Hausdorff measure of the product set. As a special case, we deduce the exact Hausdorff measure of the product set of graphs of p independent stable processes on Rd.

Effects of anti-hepatitis B virus drugs on sperm quality of patients with chronic hepatitis B
SONG Dan, LI Lingwei, TIAN Jingyan, GAN Feifei, WANG Jian, HAN Rui, ZHANG Fang
2014, 31 (4): 460-465.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.003
Abstract ( 1059 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of interferon, lamivudine, and adefovir on sperm quality in patients with chronic hepatitis B. A total of 90 patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B were randomly divided into interferon-treated group, lamivudine-treated group, and adefovir-treated group. HBsAg, HBeAg, and Anti-HBe serum conversion rates, serum HBV-DNA, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels in serum were measured. In addition the density and motility of sperm in these patients were also measured 6 months ofter drug with drawal. The results show that the density and motility of sperm significantly decreased in all the groups (P<0.05;P<0.01). This impairment on sperm quality was improved 6 months after drug withdrawal. The results suggest that the adverse effects of anti-hepatitis B drugs on sperm quality in chronic hepatitis B patients at reproductive age should be considered.

Thermodynamics effect of high-concentration Cl- and HCO3- ions in coalbed methane co-produced water on the adsorption of F- by activated alumina
ZHU Xiaoqi, HUANG Lijuan, HU Zhengyi, LIU Xiaoning, WANG Huihui
2014, 31 (4): 466-470.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.004
Abstract ( 1009 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

We investigated thermodynamics effect of Cl- (1000 mg·L-1) and HCO3- (2000 mg·L-1) in coalbed methane co-produced water on adsorption of fluoride (F-) by activated alumina, and discussed the change in adsorption capacity by analyzing the surface solid characterizations of activated alumina. The results show that adsorption process is an endothermic reaction (ΔH>0) and entropy (ΔS>0) is the main driving force. The co-existence of high-concentration Cl- and HCO3- will decrease the equilibrium F- adsorption by activated alumina.

Study on adsorption of fluorine and arsenic in water by coal cinder
LI Juan, LIU Xinchun, YU Zhisheng, YI Xin, JU Yiwen
2014, 31 (4): 471-476.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.005
Abstract ( 888 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

The adsorption characteristics of coal cinder to fluorine and arsenic were studied with static adsorption experiments, and the influences of oscillation time, sorbent dosage, initial concentration, and pH on the adsorption characteristics were investigated. The results show that in the optimal processes sorbent dosage is 6 g and adsorption time is 3 h. Adsorption of fluorine by coal cinder is more effective at higher concentration of fluorine than at lower concentration. However, adsorption rates of arsenic are always more than 95%,whatever the initial concentrations. The acidity has little influence on the adsorption characteristics of fluorine and arsenic.

Carbon footprint patterns of the rural and urban household consumption at provincial level in China
NIE Xinrui, LIU Jingru, YANG Jianxin, LIU Ruiquan
2014, 31 (4): 477-483.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.006
Abstract ( 1021 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

With the development of household living standards, the increasing carbon emission of household consumption has gradually turned into one of the hot research subjects in recent years. In this paper, the carbon footprints of urban and rural household consumption in China's 30 province-level regions are calculated based on the economic input-output life cycle analysis method. The results are described in the following aspects. In the aspect of total quantity, the general trend of the household carbon footprint in the 30 province-level regions gradually decreased from the southeast coastal regions to the northwest inland. Meanwhile, the urban household consumption is significantly higher than that of the rural residents. In the other aspect of the per capita household carbon footprint, it is noteworthy that the gap which increases with proportion of the urban per capita indirect carbon emission shows a trend of increase in the higher economic level of province-level regions.

A fast method for creation of the initial objects for FNEA image segmentation
DENG Fuliang, FAN Xieyu, WANG Gang, MA Juan
2014, 31 (4): 484-491.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.007
Abstract ( 1368 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The fractal net evolution approach (FNEA) is an object-oriented segmentation method with high precision for high spatial resolution remote sensing images. However, experiments indicate that this method has two problems. It has considerable low execution efficiency, and the region merging criteria cannot be applied to a region object with single pixel. A fast scanning image segmentation method is proposed to generate initial region objects, and the region merging approach based on the minimum heterogeneity principle is applied to the FNEA. Experimental results show that the proposed method significantly improves efficiency by setting appropriate threshold parameters without loss of segmentation accuracy. So, the method has highly practical value in universality and reliability.

Dynamic monitoring of the fractional vegetation cover in Jilin province based on MODIS-NDVI data
FENG Lili, HE Zhenming, LIU Xuefeng, ZHANG Jiahua
2014, 31 (4): 492-499.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.008
Abstract ( 1182 ) PDF (0KB) ( 2 )

The fractional vegetation cover (FVC) is an important indicator for evaluation of impacts of climate change and the ecosystem conditions. In this study, FVC and its temp-spatial variation from 2001 to 2010 in Jilin province was deeply examined on the basis of MODIS-NDVI data. The results are the following: 1)FVC in the eastern region was better than in the western region, but FVC in the western region became better and better. According to the principle of population center, the center of gravity for FVC in Jilin province had the trend of shifting to high latitudes and low longitude. 2)The FVC were greatly different for different land use types. The FVC for the woodland, farmland, and grassland decreased in turn; 3)After analyzing the data of the meteorological stations in Changchun, Siping, QianGorlos, and Yanji, we found that the precipitation and the FVC in the eastern regions are positively related and the precipitation and the FVC in the center and western regions are negatively related.

Analysis of the dominant manufacture industry changes in the three basins in Pan-Yangtze River Delta
ZHANG Luocheng, ZHAO Jinli
2014, 31 (4): 500-505.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.009
Abstract ( 843 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

We analyzed the changes of the dominant manufacturing industry in Pan-Yangtze River Delta from 2000 to 2010 based on the indicator of location quotient, and then divided manufacturing industry into three types: labor-intensive industry, capital-intensive industry, and technology-intensive industry. After studying the representative industry of each type, the characteristics of industry shift were found out and conclusions and discussions were put forward.

Study on urban multidimensional niche of urban agglomeration on northern slope of Tianshan Mountains
DUAN Zuliang, ZHANG Xiaolei, LEI Jun, WANG Jianfeng
2014, 31 (4): 506-516.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.010
Abstract ( 936 ) PDF (KB) ( 15 )

Preliminary quantitative analysis of 16 indicators for 10 cities on northern slope of Tianshan Mountains(NSTM)is presented. By using the principal component analysis method, urban niche breadth model, and differentiation index model, niche breadth and differentiation characteristics of the urban agglomeration are measured and calculated. It is clear that the urban niche breadth of the primary city of urban agglomeration in NSTM is high while the indexes of other major cities are low, and the polarization is obvious. The comprehensive differentiation index of urban niche breadth shows first a decreasing tendency and then an increasing tendency,and the accumulative effect is enhanced. The niche breadth differences in economy and public service between the cities are apparent, while the niche breadth difference in infrastructure status is not so significant.

Application of laser particle size analysis in environment analysis of quaternary sediments in Shenzhou
ZHANG Yudong, SHI Jiansheng, ZHOU Aiguo
2014, 31 (4): 517-523.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.011
Abstract ( 950 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

Mastersizer2000 laser particle size analyzer was used in the grain-size analysis of quaternary sediments of a drill hole in the south of Shenzhou, Hebei. The measured data were used to plot frequency curves,cumulative frequency curves on probability scale, and granularity plural curve using the SigmaPlot software. On the basis of the grain size data from sediments of bore cores, geology background, and lithology in Shenzhou city, the analysis of quaternary sedimentary environment was performed according to the curve changes. Our study indicates that laser particle size analysis could give sequential grain-size information for the drawing of grain-size curves easier and reflect sedimentary environment and its imperceptible hydrodynamic condition changes.

Voice activity detection algorithm based on Mel cepstrum distance order statistics filter
CHEN Zhenfeng, WU Weilan, XIA Shanhong
2014, 31 (4): 524-529.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.012
Abstract ( 1170 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

To improve the accuracy of voice activity detection (VAD) under noisy environments, a VAD algorithm based on Mel frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) distance with an order statistics filter (OSF) is proposed. First, the MFCC for each frame of the signals is extracted. Then, the background noise is estimated using the headmost sixteen frames. Finally, the MFCC cepstrum distance between each frame and the background noise is calculated. An order statistics filter is applied to a sequence of the estimated cepstrum distances to obtain the weighted cepstrum distance of each frame. The speech/non-speech classification is based on the weighted cepstrum distance. The experimental analysis carried out on the TIMIT speech corpus shows that the proposed algorithm is effective under white noise, pink noise, car noise, and fighter noise conditions even at low ratio of signal to noise.

A blind source separation algorithm based on nonlinear function and simple particle swarm optimization
JIA Zhicheng, WANG Nana, CHEN Lei, ZHANG Yan
2014, 31 (4): 530-536.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.013
Abstract ( 887 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

A new blind source separation algorithm based on nonlinear function and simple particle swarm optimization was proposed, contraposing limitation problems for the source signal types and gaussian signal numbers. Nonlinear function was used as objective function based on source signal types, and then the simple particle swarm optimization was uesd to optimize the function. Simulation results show that the algorithm achieves the efficient separation for the blind source having various types of source signals and containing two gaussian signals. Compared with other algorithms, the proposed algorithm has fast convergence speed and high separation accuracy.

Three-component decomposition for compact polarimetric interferometric SAR
CHEN Lin, LI Yang, GUO Shenglong, HONG Wen
2014, 31 (4): 537-542.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.014
Abstract ( 1407 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

This paper presents a target decomposition algorithm for compact polarimtric interferometric SAR(C-PolInSAR) data. The method for fully polarimetric interferometric SAR (F-PolInSAR) data is used in treatment of C-PolInSAR, and it decomposes the cross-variance matrix into three components. Due to data reduction, the equations are undetermined. The power of volume scattering is estimated by using the polarization degree, and the phase of double-bounce scattering is derived by searching the longest axis in coherence region and deciding the true ground phase. Then the equations are solved to obtain the power and phase center distribution of each scattering component. C-PolInSAR data is synthesized from simulated L-band F-PolInSAR data to support the algorithm.

Power allocation scheme for delay-constrained communication
PENG Zhe, LU Hancheng, HONG Peilin
2014, 31 (4): 543-547.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.015
Abstract ( 1033 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

This paper focuses on the power allocation scheme for delay-constrained communication with delay requirements and time-varying channels. We formulate the effective capacity of the multi-user system for time-varying channel and propose the multiuser power allocation scheme (MPAS) based on effective capacity. Simulation results show that MPAS achieves 10%~20% effective capacity gain over the water-filling algorithm aimed at throughput maximization as well as the suboptimum power allocation algorithm.

Automatic Sybil attack method for online social network
XIONG Kai, ZHANG Yuqing, LÜ Shaiqing
2014, 31 (4): 548-554.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.016
Abstract ( 1006 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The Sybil attack has become a serious threat to the online social networks(OSN). We analyze the main threats of Sybil accounts to the OSN and the methods for detecting them. We find out that all the detection methods have their weaknesses. Based on those we propose a set of strategies to avoid the OSN's detection and accomplish a tool called OSNBP, which uses strategies to infiltrate into the OSN. After we used this tool in infiltration tests into the two largest social networks, Facebook.com and RenRen.com, we conclude that our infiltration strategies are effective and the existing methods of detecting Sybil accounts are imperfect.

High-resolution automatic palmprint identification technology and quick matching method in criminal investigation
WU Chunsheng, FENG Caigang, CHI Xuebin
2014, 31 (4): 555-563.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.017
Abstract ( 1106 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

The basic concepts and methods of automatic palmprint recognition technology are described. In view of the requirements of the criminal investigation department, the importance of the palmprint minutia identification algorithm of high resolution is discussed. The matching method of minutia feature point is considered important. Matching algorithm is introduced by taking Cafis system as an example. The algorithm bottlenecks of palmprint feature point recognition are analyzed. These technologies have high speeds compared to the parallol technologies.

A meet-in-the-middle attack on Lblock
2014, 31 (4): 564-569.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.018
Abstract ( 1033 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

The meet-in-the-middle attack property of LBlock block cipher is analyzed. Based on the property of the structure of round function, the meet-in-the-middle attacks on 16-round and 17-round reduced LBlock are presented. It is shown that the attack on 16-round requires about 232 chosen plaintexts and 244.5 16-round encryptions and the attack on 17-round requires about 232 chosen plaintexts and 255.5 17-round encryptions. Therefore, 17-round LBlock is not immune to the meet-in-the-middle attack.

Futures portfolio research based on quantitative perspectives and Black-Litterman model
FU Yongjian, CHENG Xijun, LIU Feng
2014, 31 (4): 570-575.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2014.04.019
Abstract ( 1475 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

Black-Litterman model can be used in combination with the subjective judgment of the investors to solve mixed weights of market equilibrium and subjective perspectives. We use GJR-GARCH-M to generate quantity views on the basis of historical data, and optimize sell short in future investment. Empirical test results show that the new model achieves excess return than other strategies.