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2004, Vol.21, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Advances of the Research on Missing Sink in Global Carbon Cycling
XU Xiao-Feng, SONG Chang-Chun
2004, 21 (2): 145-152.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.001
Abstract ( 1817 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The global carbon cycling is one of the core projects of global biogeochemistry. It is concentrated on themissing sink. Because of the complexity of carbon cycles in ecosystems and the limitation of methodology,there aremany difficulties with confirming the existence of missing sink,or determining the location or causes of missingsink. Recently,it has been found that the most part of missing sink lies in the carbon-fixing by boreal terrestrialforest,the absorption by ocean,and the carbon sink in carbonate rock area,as well as the transportation of carbonpool from terrestrial ecosystem to oceans. The approaches for future research on missing sink are integration of thegeographic information techniques and field measurement,with the aid of modeling.

Several Inequalities in Differential Geometry and Their Generalizations
MA Hong-Bin, SUN Zhen-Zu
2004, 21 (2): 153-163.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.002
Abstract ( 1703 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Several inequalities are discussed. (1) For Schur. s inequality on convex curves of plane, we give a newanalytic proof for it, which maybe is simpler or clearer than known ones; we make further discussions by means ofintegral geometry and get more results. Moreover several related inequalities are put forward and proved. We alsopropose a conjecture which is generalization of Schur. s inequality in case of spherical surface. (2) For Fáry. s inequalityon closed curves of Euclidean space E3, we generalize it into spherical surface (i. e. surface with positiveconstant Gauss curvature) using method of moving frame. (3) For Fáry. s inequality on closed surface of Euclideanspace E3 : , we enhance it to using method of moving frame. Moreover thisinequality has been also generalized into 4-dimension case: Furthermore, a conjectureon further generalization to higher dimension case or general Euclidean space is proposed which requires furtherstudy.

Prediction of Configuration for the Colchicine onthe Basis of the Helix Theory
YIN Yu-Ying, LIU Chun-Yun
2004, 21 (2): 164-167.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.003
Abstract ( 1145 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The colchicine is an important medicine for cancer.There are not only configurational problems of chiralcarbon atom but the problems of configuration and conformation similar to the biphenyl derivatives.The configurationand conformation between the two aromatic rings need to be determined after the configuartion of chiral carbon atomis determined.According to the helix theory proposed by the authors,the configuration and conformation between thetwo aromatic rings of colchicine can be conveniently deduced from its rotatory direction and value of rotation.

Model of Eyes and Movement Control
CAI Shang-Shu, CHENG Yi-Min, WANG Yi-Xiao, DUAN Hong
2004, 21 (2): 168-171.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.004
Abstract ( 1306 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

This paper describes a method for designing a model of eyes and controlling its movement. The model isbased on 3D mesh and combines with texture-mapping,and we have gotten a realistic model. The both eyelid side-lines of this model are simulated by parabola,and the movement is controlled by the feature points. In addition,wealso think of the effects of the skin of blinks,and gain very good dynamic visual effect. This model has been simulat-ed on a PC computer,and the eye model is realistic. It can simulate different kinds of blink of real people in a bet-ter way by non-line distribution time for frame.

A Computerized Performance Indicators SystemBased on Process for Manufacturing Enterprise
LV Yi, XUE Jin-Song, GAO Zhan
2004, 21 (2): 172-178.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.005
Abstract ( 1139 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

This paper reviews performance measurement (PM)of manufacturing enterprises for researchand practice in academe and industry.The development trends of the PM are studied.Then,a performancemeasure model based on business process and multi-view modeling technology for the enterprise ispresented,as well as a computerized performance indicators system (PIS)based on process PM is described.

Secure Constant-Round Protocols for DeterminingCo-Prime of Polynomials
HE Yun-Xiao, XU Hai-Xia, LV Ke-Wei, LI Bao
2004, 21 (2): 179-184.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.006
Abstract ( 1038 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Based on some known constant-round protocols for generating random shared values,for secure multiplicationsand for addition of shared values,we give the Shamirs sharing for polynomials in a finite field K,and constructa protocol allowing a network to securely determine whether two polynomials in K[ x] are co-prime.Security ofthe protocols constructed depends on security of these basic protocols above.

A Hybrid Cryptosystem-Based Non-Repudiation Protocoland Its Formal Analysis
LI Yan-Ping, ZHANG Jian-Zhong
2004, 21 (2): 185-190.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.007
Abstract ( 1205 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

A non-repudiation cryptographic protocol based on hybrid cryptosystem is proposed and it is a more perfectprotocol.It can realize the true fairness and non-repudiation of both parties even the channels are unreliable andinsecure.Usually the protocol only needs three interactions of participants and the transferring data keep confidentialfor others except for the sender and the receiver,whose transactions are protected.The Trusted Third Party (TTP)performs evidences verification,generation and publication and its bottleneck problem is solved completely.Finally,we give its formal analysis and prove the protocols fairness,correctness and security.

Improved Spread Spectrum Image WatermarkingVia Difference Modulation
LIU Fei-Long, WANG Yang-Sheng
2004, 21 (2): 191-201.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.008
Abstract ( 1326 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Currently,spread spectrum watermarking is a kind of robust watermarking technology.How toimprove the robustness of spread spectrum watermarking becomes the focus of current research on robustwatermarking.In this paper,we use the differences between the pixel value and its predictive value,which is calculated by its surrounding pixels,to embed watermark so that we can reduce the effect by theoriginal image on the robustness,and then strengthen the robustness of spread spectrum watermarking.Theoretical analysis shows that our algorithm can achieve small false alarm and false rejection probabilitiessimultaneously,which implies that it has good robustness.Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithmis robust to common typical attacks such as JPEG compression,median filtering,noise addition andimage resizing

Study on the Architecture of Computer Emergency Response System
LIAN Yi-Feng, DAI Ying-Xia
2004, 21 (2): 202-209.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.009
Abstract ( 1203 ) PDF (KB) ( 18 )

Emergency Response is regarded as the key problem of dynamic security of computer and network systems.In this paper, we propose the architecture of Computer Emergency Response System based on hierarchicalmodel, including security service layer, system module layer and security research layer. Explicit definitions offunctional requirements, module partitions and corresponding technical supports of this architecture are given. Severalconcerned items, such as Incident Response, Security Surveillance, Intrusion Traceback, Disaster Recovery,and other relevant security services (Security Consultation, Security Bulletin and Security Analysis),are also discussedin detail.

Publicly Verifiable Secret Redistribution forThreshold Secret Sharing Scheme
TAN Zuo-Wen, LIU Zhuo-Jun
2004, 21 (2): 210-217.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.010
Abstract ( 394 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

This paper presents a publicly verifiable secret redistribution model,and proposes a PVSRscheme.The scheme can redistribute secrets from a (t1, n1)to (t2,n2)access structure.New shareholderscan generate valid new shares if they can verify both the validity of the old share and that of the subshareswhich the shareholders give the new shareholders.In the scheme,other new shareholders can determinethe validity of the sub-shares of a new shareholder

Common Distributed Computing Platform for Cryptography:Architecture Design and Realization
CHENG Guan-Zhong, LIN Dong-Dai, ZHANG Zhen
2004, 21 (2): 218-226.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.011
Abstract ( 479 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In this paper, we analyse the requirements of common distributed computing platform in cryptography ;define a common format for various computing tasks ;design a common platform and its arithmetic modules with DCOM.Then modules for two cryptography algorithm and their test results are presented.

Global Plate Motions and the Influenceon the Stress Fields near the Plate Boundary Segments
HUANG Xi-Ying, WEI Dong-Ping
2004, 21 (2): 227-232.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.012
Abstract ( 440 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

In this paper we determine the global plate boundary segments with different width and calculate thelong-wave and the shor-t wave components of the stress fields. We thus discuss the relative contribut ion of the shor-twave components to the stress f ield and analyze the relat ionship between contributions and the relative mot ions of theplate boundaries. The main plate driven forces come from the slab pull (or slab suction) on the convergent boundaries,and the ridge push forces cannot be the only control forces on the stress style of plates. The collision forcesbetween two cont inental plate boundaries play an important role in their motions. Our study shows that the reasonablereference hal-f width of boundary is less than-00 km.

Study on the Evolution of City Size Distribution in Central LiaoningUrban Agglomeration
SHENG Ke-Rong, ZHANG Ping-Yu, LI Fei
2004, 21 (2): 233-240.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.013
Abstract ( 600 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The evolution characteristics of city size distribution in post21978 Central Liaoning Urban Agglomerationis analyzed through five indicators : primate city size, the number of cities, ratio of primate city, big cites development index, and Giny index. It is found that an overwhelming majority of urban population of the agglomeration isconcentrated on big cities, and the urban2rural disparity in Central Liaoning is widening. The authors suggest thatamong the underlying driving forces, institutional change has played and still plays a unique and primary role in theevolution, while economic development is the most immediate driving force. Dual structure in technology and indus2trial organization in the region remarkably influences the urban2rural disparity. Finally,the paper puts forward thecountermeasures toward an optimal city size distribution from the perspective of urban2rural cohesion, which includedeveloping the property right market in the villages and improving the peasants’quality energetically.

Nitrogen Dynamics of Reforested Soils FollowingAgricultural Abandonment over Decades
2004, 21 (2): 241-247.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.014
Abstract ( 596 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

Soil samples archived over four decades were used in an incubation experiment to measure theeffects of reforestation on nitrogen dynamics in old agricultural fields. Samples collected from depths 0cm to 715cm and 35cm to 60cm at intervals ranging between five and nine years since 1962 were incubatedaerobically at 30℃ for 30 days using a system specially designed to maintain constant soil moisture. Mineral N was measured in 2 molPL KCl extracts. The ratio of mineralized N to total N rapidly decreased inthe first two decades of forest development. Within 20 years of planting, 80 % to 90 %of plant available N had accumulated in the biomass indicating that agricultural inputs of N were important to early tree development. Significantly, by age 40, 50 % to 80 % of the original pool of mineral N had returned to thesoil profile. The accretion of mineralizable N suggests that forest floor is serving as an increasingly impor2tant source for this nutrient. Further, it indicates that forest managers have the opportunity to manipulatea large pool of forest organic matter to sustain soil N supply.

Evaluation of Annual Prediction of Seismicity Tendency Using Pearson Test
SHI Yong-Jun, WU Zhong-Liang, BAI Ling
2004, 21 (2): 248-253.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.015
Abstract ( 516 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

Pearson test is applied to the evaluation of the annual prediction of seismicity tendency carried out inChina from 1990 to 2002. Considering the regional difference of seismicity and level of seismological Pgeophysical monitoring, we divide the Chinese mainland into four sub regions : the east, the west, the Yunnan Sichuan region,and Tibetan plateau, in which Tibetan plateau is with extremely-low monitoring capability and is not considered inthe evaluation. It is observed that the three regions, the east, the west, and the Yunnan Sichuan region, have different characteristics. The average probability gain and confidence level for the east is significantly higher than thoseof the west and the Yunnan Sichuan region. The result also shows that in the annual prediction of seismicity tendency carried out at present, the statistics of seismic activity, such as the background probability of earthquakes, playsthe most important role.

Installation of Cross Development Environment of RTEMS
SHAO Ming-Chao, DU Qiang, LI Jian-Min, ZHAO Ji-Jiu
2004, 21 (2): 254-258.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.016
Abstract ( 462 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

RTEMS,Real-Time Executive for Multiprocessor System,is a real-time kernel which provides high per-formance environment for embedded applications. The main purpose of this article is to present the process of installing a GNU cross development environment and compilation of RTEMS kernel.And an example application running onthe target is shown to validate the cross development environment.

An Improved Signature Scheme withSubliminal Channel
ZHANG Jian-Hong, WU Qian-Hong, WANG Ji-Lin, WANG Yu-Min
2004, 21 (2): 259-262.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.017
Abstract ( 369 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Gives a security analysis of the second scheme proposed by Jan and Tseng and shows that thesecond scheme has the universal forgery and cannot resist the conspiracy.Finally,gives an improved signaturescheme with subliminal channel.

Study on the Development of Urbanization in Shandong Province Since 1990
LIU Chang-Qi, GAN Guo-Hui
2004, 21 (2): 263-269.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.018
Abstract ( 480 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

The course of urbanization in China will come into a developing period of relative speediness, and it willbecome the important impetus of economic developing1 As the crossing of the economic belt of Yellow River and theeconomic region around Bohai, Shandong province is important in its location. Analyses the developing course of urbanization in Shandong province since 1990. At the same time, in view of the characteristics of urbanizations andthe problems in the developing process, the author puts forward the countermeasures of expediting the developmentof urbanization in Shandong province.

Intergranular Fatigue Cracking Mechanisms
ZHANG Zhe-Feng, WANG Zhong-Guang, SHI Chang-Xu
2004, 21 (2): 270-275.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.019
Abstract ( 500 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Intergranular fat igue cracking mechanisms of copper crystals containing various grain boundaries(GBs) were investigated by electron channeling contrast(ECC) technique in scanning electron microscope(SEM). Evidence by direct observations indicates that fatigue cracking always nucleated along var-ious random large-angle GBs due to impingement of persistent slipbands (PSBs) and pile-up of dislocations.However, low-angle GBs do not produce fatigue cracks because the dislocations can be transferred through the GBs by PSBs. It is suggested that intergranular fatigue cracking strongly depends on the interaction mode of PSBs with GBs, while the GB structure itself plays a much less role.

Dynamics of Nonlinear Wave Patternin Excitable Media
ZHOU Tian-Shou, ZHANG Suo-Chun
2004, 21 (2): 276-281.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2004.2.020
Abstract ( 414 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

Based on the Oregonator model portraying the famous Belousov Zhabotinsky chemical reaction,the dynamics of nonlinear wave pattern in excitable media is further consummated. Some basic problems such as existence and stability of waves are studied. By Painlevéanalysis,B?cklund transformationand pertubation method,some usual wave pattern solutions (for example, travelling wave,spiral wave,target wave,Vtype wave,scroll wave,etc) are analytically presented.By establishing new moving coordinatesystems in the neighborhood of the wave fornt,equations of motion of waves which describe the curvatureeffect of waves,are derived in the orthogonal coordinate system. In particular,lawof motion of the organizing filament along the radial and axial directions,respectively,is quantitatively obtained. It demonstrateswhether the filament expands or shrinks along the radial direction,and positively or inversely shifts alongthe axial direction. The result is in good accord with the existing experimental data. In addition,the coupled Oregonator is studied. Tyson’s conjecture that the stable homogeneous positive steady state may coexist with the stable echo wave in the coupled model is basically solved. The corresponding proof procedurepractically gives a general method in handling other similar problems.