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2003, Vol.20, No.3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Progress of Optical Security Systems Based on Random-Phase Encoding Technology
ZHANG Jing, Juan SITU GuoHai, ZHANG Yan
2003, 20 (3): 265-272.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.001
Abstract ( 1383 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Recently optical techniques have been proposed for security information applications, which are far beyond the scope of the classical optical variable devices such as rainbow holograms.More and more researchers have been attracted to this new field and are setting up several optical architectures for verification or encryption.Among those architectures the most attractive one is the so-called double random-phase encoding encryption scheme proposed by B.Javidi and coworkers in 1995.Review this technique and its progress in detail

Several Differential Equation Models in Economic Systems
LI Lin
2003, 20 (3): 273-278.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.002
Abstract ( 1496 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Two classes of mathematical models are obtained.According to the number of commodities and their supply and demand the present paper constructs five differential equations and differential delay equation models.The Hopf bifurcation of one of the models is discussed.The conditions, under which the equilibrium is locally stable or Hopf bifurcation occurs, are given.

An Alternative Proof of Rigidity Theorem of the Veronese Map
HE HuiXia, MA Hui, XU Feng
2003, 20 (3): 279-282.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.003
Abstract ( 1211 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

To give another proof of the rigidity theorem of the Veronese map.

Robust Stability of State Delayed Systems with Ploytopic Type Uncetainties Via Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functionals
XIA YuanQing, HAN JingQing
2003, 20 (3): 283-289.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.004
Abstract ( 1163 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The problem of robust stability for linear systems with a constant time-delay in the state and subject to real convex polytopic uncertainty is considered.First of all, for robust stability, new matrix inequalities characterization of delay-dependent quadratic stability results were exploited to demonstrate that it allows the use of parameter-dependent Lyapunov functionals in comparison to the classical one,whose drawback stands in the use of a single Lyapunov function to assess the stability over the whole uncertainty domain.Next, the problem of determining the maximum time-delay under which the system will remain stable is cast into a generalized eigenvalue problem and thus solved by LMI techniques.Finally, an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Research of Solving Bound Constrained Optimization of Nonlinear Programming with Orthogonal Design
WANG YuZhi, ZHANG JianFang
2003, 20 (3): 290-295.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.005
Abstract ( 1376 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Introduces two methods called orthogonal array method and adding points orthogonal array method, which are based on the orthogonal design to solve bound constrained optimization of nonlinear programming. Methods are independent of the init ial points; the objective function need not be differentiable. Algorithms are simple and easy to be programed for running on a computer, and the running time is satisfactory. Some discussions are also given for a number of test ing problems.

Finite Element Approximation of 3D Eddy Current Problems Using Ungauged Potentials
MA ChangFeng, LIANG GuoPing
2003, 20 (3): 296-304.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.006
Abstract ( 1402 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The A-φmethod by means of finite element approximation has been applied far and wide in the quasi-magnetostatic eddy current computation in the last two decades.However, the literature on the error estimates of this method can not be found so far yet.This provides a convergence analysis of A-φmethod for 3D eddy-current problems based on ungauged potentials by means of finite element approximation.Error estimates of the proposed method are given under the appropriate regular conditions.

Fluctuation in the Dissipative Heavy Ion Collisions of FNb
DONG YuChuan, WANG Qi, TIAN WenDong, LI SongLin, JIANG ZhongHe, LI ZhiChang, LU XiuQin, ZHAO Kui, FU ChangBo, LIU JianCheng, JIANG Hua, HU GuiQing
2003, 20 (3): 306-308.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.007
Abstract ( 1316 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Two independent measurements of excitation functions in dissipative collisions of 19 F +93Nb have been carried out at incident energies from 100MeV to 108MeV in steps of 250 keV.The experimental conditions were kept to be identical in both measurements.The data indicate non-reproducibility of the non-self-averaging oscillating cross sections.The quasi-periodic structure in the energy autocorrelation functions is described by means of the concept of parity and spin decoherence in the intermediate dinuclear system.The non-reproducibility of the cross sections is interpreted by the extreme sensitivity of initial condition in the quantum chaotic motion.

Simulation of Temperature Field for Stainless Steel due to Pulsed Laser Treatment
AN ZhongSheng, WANG HuiCai, ZHAO YiBing, HONG YouShi
2003, 20 (3): 309-315.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.008
Abstract ( 1452 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Adopts the Enthalpy method to numerically simulate the temperature field of melting/solidification process in the surface layer of a stainless steel due to Nd:YAG pulsed laser treatment.With respect to the crystallization dynamics and rapid solidification theory, some essential parameters in relation to the microstructure evolution, such as solidification velocity, cooling speed and temperature gradient have been estimated and discussed

An Improved Genetic Algorithm with Enforced Mutation
KONG XiangLei, ZHANG XianYi, LUO XiaoLin, LI HaiYang
2003, 20 (3): 316-320.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.009
Abstract ( 1187 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

An improved genetic algorithm is developed, with the addition of three new operations :enforced mutation;direct preserving of best chromosome and using adaptive parameters.The method compares average fitness of pop with maximum fitness, and makes sure the necessity of enforcedmutation or crossover and mutation with adaptive parameters.The simulating results indicate the improvedmethod can prevent premature and realize global-optimization effectively.

LIU LiNong, LIU Hong, LI YouMing
2003, 20 (3): 321-327.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.010
Abstract ( 1472 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The improvement and combination of software and hardware of PC cluster have been an increasingly helpful tool of handling over the huge computation of wave equation 3-D prestack depth migration.Load balance among the nodes of cluster, however, was the bottleneck of the speeding-up ratio of the parallel algorithms.The index sort and heapsort was applied to distribute the migration work of each node and realize dynamic load balance.Discusses the load balance strategy in common shot wave equation 3-D prestack depth migration computation in detail and shows satisfied speeding-up ratio through efficiency test on the field data.

Artificial Neural Network Method Used for Weather and AVHRR Thermal Data Classification
HASI BaGan, MA JianWen, ZHOU ZiJiang, LI QiQing
2003, 20 (3): 328-333.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.011
Abstract ( 1395 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

weather temperature data were used from 52 observation stations where they were also the same positionsfor collecting AVHRR 1b data CH3 、CH4、CH5 thermal data.Both groups of data were applied as fundamentalimport data in for artificial neural network calculation.Finally resultant rule was applied for classifying pixels in the whole area.The result was more reliable than that of split window not only because uncertainty caused by variations of topography but also it was very difficult to validate in field.

Landuse Classification in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas Using CBERS-1 Imagery
LIU AiXia, LIU ZhengJun, WANG ChangYao, NIU Zheng
2003, 20 (3): 334-340.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.012
Abstract ( 406 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Discussed and analyzed results of different classification algorithms for land use classification in arid and semiarid areas using CBERS-1 image, Which in case of our study is Shihezi Municipality, Xinjiang Province.Three types of classifiers are included in our experiment, including the Maximum Likelihood classifier, BP neural network classifier and Fuzzy-ARTMAP neural network classifier.The classification results showed that the classification accuracy of Fuzzy-ARTMAP was the best among three classifiers, increased by 10.69 %and 6.84 % thanMaximum likelihood and BP neural network, respectively.Meanwhile, the result also confirmed the practicability of CBERS-1 image in land use survey.

Study on Economic Cooperation of East and West Regions in Shandong Province ---A Case Study of Heze City
MA YongHuan, FAN ShengYue
2003, 20 (3): 341-347.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.013
Abstract ( 368 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

Provides a detaited of the necessities and analysis reasons for economic cooperation of the east &west regions in Shandong province.Beginning with the major measures taken, the author analyzed the factual performance about alliance of the east and west regions in Shandong province in order to quicken the development of Heze.Better effects have been acquired, at the same time, we put forward three countermeasures and suggestions.that is, strengthenconstruction of ministrant environment;based on the market, increase the macro-dominations of the government ; quicken to boost the industrialization, upgrade the competition power of the corporations in Shandong province.

Study on Body Storage Level of Mineral Elements from Tibetan Medicine Seventy Flavors Pearl Pill
LI TianCai, SUO YouRui
2003, 20 (3): 348-352.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.014
Abstract ( 349 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Precious Tibetan medicine seventy flavor pearl pill is a typical example of tradition Tibetan medicine.It has a good healing effect and function.However.it is ignored by modern medical science because of its large dose mineral nedicine.That hindered the normal development of tradition Tibetan medicine.In this work Jinhe seventy flavor pearl pill was used as the experiment material, and Wistar mouse was used for the experiment target.The mineral elements content in heart, liver and kidney tissue organs on control group and experimental group during 18 weeks was determined with inductively coupled-atomic elements spectrometry (ICP-AES)and hydride atomic absorption spectrometer (HAAS).Also explaied are the mineral elements of Jinhe seventy pearl pill storage and long term poison result to the major tissue organs of living things.

Construction of Resilient Functions over a Galois Ring
HU Lei, WEN TieHua, FENG DengGuo
2003, 20 (3): 353-357.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.015
Abstract ( 330 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Presents a method to combine resilient functions over a Galois ring by a quasi-affine function to get a new resilient function of higher resilient order.From the discussion of the construction of quasi-affine functions, it is seen that there are abundant choices of quasi-affine functions.

A Kind of Electronic Elimination Auction Without Auctioneers
ZHANG JianHong, WANG YuMin
2003, 20 (3): 358-362.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.016
Abstract ( 341 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

There is a common flaw in all the sealed-bid, that is a tie.Tie appears when two or more bidders choose the same highest price in a round.Because of the tie, the efficiency of auction is influenced seriously.The author presents an Electronic elimination auction which is based on Shamir's (t, n)-threshold system.In this kind of auction there is no auctioneer and bids are shared among bidders in order to realize the bids'anonymity.Meanwhile the author gives a kind of elimination auction to solve tie, so that the efficiency of auction is greatly raised

Relationships Between Population, Longevity and Era: Based on a Chinese Family Tree
2003, 20 (3): 361-367.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.017
Abstract ( 440 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

According to the demographic data from the 6th branch in Qianchuan Sheng Family, the numbers of births, deaths and net populat ion growth of men and women survived to over 15 years old increased roughly in the exponential function during a period of 1507~ 2000. However, this growth pattern varied in different periods. Two times of dramatic decreases in the populations of men and women happened in the late years of Ming and Qing dynast ies during 1601~ 1650 and 1851~ 1900, respectively. After the decreases there were two dramat ic increases. Regressions showed that predicted longevities of the men and women decreased by 2. 95 and 3. 17 years every 50 years during the period. In 1951~ 2000, the numbers of births and net increases remained at relatively high levels, and longevities of the men and women rebounded to 57. 8 and 58. 4 years, respectively. In 1991~ 2000, the longevit ies were over 60.3 and 64. 6 years, respectively.

Determination of Newtonian Gravitational Constant G with Swing Time Method
LUO Jun, HSU Houze
2003, 20 (3): 368-375.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.018
Abstract ( 486 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

The Newtonian gravitational constant G is being determined with relative uncertainty of 105 parts per million by means of a high-Q torsion pendulum and the time-of-swing method, in which the period of the pendulum is altered by the presence of two 6.25 kg stainless steel cylinders.To improve the experimental precision, the properties and the systematic errors of the torsion pendulum have been studied in detail.The experimental results show that the uncertainty of G due to the fiber nonlinearity would be less than 1×10-6, the ambient temperature fluctuation with one degree would introduce a considerable uncertainty about 165 ×10-6 in the torsion spring constant

Stereoselective Ylide Cyclopropanation and Epoxidation
YE Song, TANG Yong, DAI LiXin
2003, 20 (3): 376-380.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.019
Abstract ( 380 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

Focusses on the stereoselective cyclopropanation of sulfonium and telluronium allylide with Michael acceptors.Three strategies (additive, chiral auxiliary or chiral reagent)were developed to improve the diastereoselectivity or enantioselectivity of the ylide cyclopropanation reactions.Some preliminary results of epoxidation reaction of sulfonium allylide were also included.

Study on AB5-Type Hydrogen Storage Alloys for High-Power Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries
YE Hui, ZHANG Hong
2003, 20 (3): 381-387.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.3.020
Abstract ( 377 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

Developing hydrogen storage alloys with high-rate dischareability is the key to extend the application of nickel/metal-hydride (Ni/MH)batteries to high-power fields.Based on the discussion of the thermodynamic and kinetic behaviors, the influence of the microstructure on discharge rate behavior of AB-type hydrogen storage alloys has been investigated.The results show that the addition of B and Mo can significantly improve the discharge capability at high-rate and also at low temperature due to the introduction of the non-stoichiometry with B/A >5 and secondary phase with catalytic activity.Again combined with the optimization of the rare earth composition in A side, a kind of MmNi3.55Co0.75Mn0.4Al0.3Bx alloy (Mm:mischmetal)with excellent rate characteristics has been developed.This kind of alloy is promising for Ni/MH batteries in both high power and low temperature applications.