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2003, Vol.20, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Survey on Theories and Methods of Formal Analyses for Security Protocols
Feng Dengguo, Fan Hong
2003, 20 (4): 389-406.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.001
Abstract ( 1493 ) PDF (KB) ( 286 )

Theories and methods of formal analyses for security protocol are surveyed.A classfication and a system model of formal analyses is given, and three classes of formal analy sis methods(based on reasoning,based on attack, based on proof)and fo rmal languages used in formal analyses are commented in details.Also disscussed is a new challenge the methods of security pro tocol formal analy sis are facing. Corresponding comments on these theories and methods are also given during the discussion.Challenges formal analyses face are also proposed.

Computer Aided Thermal Analysis Method of a Space Optical Remote Sensor
Ding Yanwei, Lu E
2003, 20 (4): 407-413.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.002
Abstract ( 1559 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

A computer aided thermal analysis method of space optical remote sensor (SORS) is presented, including thermal balance computation, thermo-elastic analysis, thermo-optical analysis, thermo-optical sensitivity analysis and thermal design evaluation. Thermal balance computation is to predict temperature distribution of SORS, thermo-elastic analysis is to compute thermal-induced elastic distortions of optical benches and surface figure of optical elements, thermo-optical analysis is to analyze the effects of above-mentioned distortions on image quality, thermo-optical sensitivity is to discuss sensitivity coefficients of circumferential,axial, radial and temperature level on image quality. These analyses are helpful to understand the effects of space thermal environments on SORS and therewith on image quality, to bring forward targets of thermal control, and to establish reasonable thermal design scheme. Its application in an engineering project indicates that this method is valuable.

Study on Power Behavior of Carbon-Based Double-Layer Capacitor
Zhang Xigui, Xie Jingying, Xia Baojia, Qin Pei, Wang Tao
2003, 20 (4): 414-418.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.003
Abstract ( 1218 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Prototypical carbon-based double-layer capaci tors were prepared using active carbon.Its power properties were determined by constant current discharge test, constant power discharge test and cycling life test.Due to the low equivalent series resistance, the capacito rs exhibited satisfacto ry power characteristics.

A Kind of Non-Fourier Heat Conduction Problem under Isothermal Inlet Condition
Fan Qingmei, Lu Wenqiang
2003, 20 (4): 419-424.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.004
Abstract ( 1158 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

By using the developed numerical method, w hich combines the dual reciproci ty boundary element method (DRBEM)with Laplace transform and inverse transform, a kind of non-Fourier heat conduction problem under iso thermal inlet condi tion is numerically simulated.The dif ferent characters fo r thermal ware heat conduct ion, non-Fourier heat conduct ion and Fourier diffusion is presented, the obvious difference between their marching velocities of the temperature f ront is found.

Estimations of Convolution Noise in PMC
Miao Cailian, Wang Yangsheng
2003, 20 (4): 425-432.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.005
Abstract ( 1332 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

The envi ronment adaptive method plays an important part in improving the robustness of automatic speech recognition.PMC is reviewed briefly and improved to achieve bet ter performance in real adverse environment.The experiments have been done based on Cambridge' s HTK toolkit to implement the continuous Mandarin digit recognition in noisy environment

Construction of Boolean Function with High Nonlinearity
Sun Linhong, Ye Dingfeng, Lv Shuwang, Feng Dengguo
2003, 20 (4): 441-445.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.007
Abstract ( 1247 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

A method for const ruction of Boolean function with high nonlinearity and dif ferential uniformity is proposed, Bent functions and balanced functions with high nonlinearity are const ructed in detail.

Yang Siquan, Chen Yaning, Wang Angsheng
2003, 20 (4): 446-451.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.008
Abstract ( 1067 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

With the change of global climate and the intensifying of human action, flood disaster has become more serious day after day, and affected development of economy and society greatly. Therefore, it is urgent to make clear the dynamic mechanism of flood disaster. Taking Ice-dammed lake outburst flood disaster in Tianshan mountains as an example, dynamic mechanism of flood disaster has been studied by using Chaotic theory. During study, some nonlinear features of flood disaster peak discharge, such as correlation dimension D2 and Kolomogorov entropy K, are analyzed based on the time-series of Huangshui channel outburst flood disaster in northern slope of Tianshan. The results show: time-series distribution of Huangshui channel outburst flood disaster has some characteristics of Chaos dynamic system, and the variation of the flood peak discharge is a definite low-dimension Chaotic attractor. The average length of Tp (Tp = 8 d) calculated, which shows the time of forecasting by this Chaotic dynamic system, is close to the reality.

Hydrate Storage Capacity of a Synthetic Natural Gas in the Presence of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate
Sun Zhigao, Ma Rongsheng, Guo Kaihua, Fan Shuanshi, Wang Ruzhu
2003, 20 (4): 452-457.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.009
Abstract ( 1068 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Micellar surfactant solutions were found to increase gas hydrate formation rate and storage capacity. An anionic surfactant, namely sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used to improve hydrate storage capacity of a synthetic natural gas (mol percent of methane, ethane and propane are 92.05%,4.96%, 2.99%, respectively). Hydrate could form quickly in a quiescent system with the presence of SDS. There was a better SDS solution concentration for gas storage in hydrates.

Water Resources Analysis Based on Climatic Indices
Zeng Yan, Liu Changming, Qiu Xinfa
2003, 20 (4): 458-463.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.010
Abstract ( 992 ) PDF (KB) ( 0 )

Northwest China is very short of water resources and it secological environment is very brittle.With the implementing of the st rategy of developing West China, the contradiction between water supply and need becomes mo re pronounced.Based on 40 years of meteorological data of 91 w eather stations and combined with GIS, the dry/wet situation and water surplus/sho rtage quanti ty of different regions in Northwest of China are analyzed according to the climatic indices of precipi tation, potential evapot ranspiration and aridity.The results provide a basic knowledge fo r ratio nal development and use of water resources in Northwest ofChina.

Cropland Potential Productivity in the Typical Region of the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River
Zhou Hongyi, He Liurong, Zhang Baohua, Huang Chengmin, Gong Adu
2003, 20 (4): 464-469.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.011
Abstract ( 366 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

The land resource in Pengzhou, Sichuan Province was divided into 3 agricultural zones,i.e.,plain subregion, hilly and mountainous subregions based on division of land use.The light-temperature production potentiality of paddy rice, wheat, corn, sw eet potato and potato w ere evaluated using Kassam-Wageningen method.Moreover, the potential productivity of cropland was evaluated according to the property of soil in different subregions.In response to the result of evaluation, measures and suggestion were presented.

Nested Meteorological Model System for Air Pollution Prediction
Ju Lixia, Lei Xiaoen, Han Zhiwei
2003, 20 (4): 470-476.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.012
Abstract ( 389 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System and by means of Grid Nesting technique, anested numerical forecasting model system, the City-scale Meteorolog y Model(C-βM)nested to the Regional- scale Meteorology Model(R-αM), has been developed, w hich can supply meteo rology data for air pollution forecast.Comparisons betw een five practical fo recast results f rom R-αM and C-βM and two corresponding outputs of hydrostatic models ———Eta model (only regional-scale forecasting model)and M-βM (only cityscale forecasting model)are made.The result s show that the forecast made by R-αM and C-βM can more accurately reflect the evolution rules of the practical synoptic system than those of Eta model and M-βM.The former two model-predicted results are both more reasonable and bet ter than those of Etamodel and M-βM apparently.The nested model system supplies a good w ork-platform for air pollution operational prediction

Characters of Main Plants Polluted by Mercury in Changchun City
Li Zhibo, Wang Qichao
2003, 20 (4): 477-481.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.013
Abstract ( 471 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

THg (Total mercury)concentration of typical plants in Changchun city was studied.The result indicated that plants have been contaminated by mercury to a certain extent, and difference exists in the THg content of different plant s.Hg absorbency of white poplar, willow and pine was low, w hile that of the larch was high with the elm being the highest.In different components of plants, mercury contents were in the order of :leaf > bark > stem, and the pine was leaf > stem > bark.There was positive correlat ion between different components of plants.In different sites, THg content of plants was different(road >park > contrast site), indicating that traffic was an important factor affect ing THg content of plants.THg content of plants was higher in autumn than in spring, indicat ing that plant leaf accumulates mercury with seasonal change.

Preliminary Study of the Variety of Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Lanzou City Zone
Liu Yu, Hu Fei, Wang Shigong, Zou Han, Yang Debao, Shang Kezheng
2003, 20 (4): 482-487.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.014
Abstract ( 439 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The serious ai r pollution in Lanzhou city is closely related to the property of atmospheric boundary layer.Discusses the spatiotemporal distribution of the air stability in Lanzhou city and its relation to the weather types, applying 5 statistical methods based on the observed boundary lay er parameters.It's show n that the stable atmospheric boundary layer can occur and develop at day time in winter in Lanzhou city.In addition, the mechanism is studied for further application in the air pollution forecast in Lanzhou city.

Independent Component Transformation and its Testing Application on Seismic Noise Elimination
Liu Xiwu, Liu Hong, Li Youming
2003, 20 (4): 488-492.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.015
Abstract ( 367 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

ICA is a novel stat istical method developed recently, which is used to find a representat ion of the Non-Gaussian mult ivariate data. The representation shows that each component of the computed vector is independent stat istically, or as independent as possible. In application, this kind of transformat ion aims to capture the basic structures of the analyzed data, including features abst raction and separat ion of signals. Presents the fundamental theory and fast algorithms, at the same time, implement the Fast ICA and itsupdated version. Compared w ith PCA or K-L t ransformat ion, proposes the concept of Independent component transformat ion ( ICT). On the basis of analyzing the features of seismic signals, does preliminary studies and try to apply ICA on seismic sig nal processing. Research results show the good perspect ive of ICA application to seismic signal processing.

Circadian Rhythm of Birth Rate: Based on 544 Years'Statistics of a Chinese Family
Sheng Ru, Wang Hongtuo, Sheng Chengfa
2003, 20 (4): 493-496.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.016
Abstract ( 427 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Based on demographic data from 1427 to 1971 from a Chinese (Hans)family tree and circular distribution analysis, the authors show that the highest male birth rate was 16.04 % from 21:00 to 23:00 in a 24-hour day, which was 3.89 times hig her compared with the lowest 4.12 % from 15:0 0 to 17:00.For girls, the highest birth rate was 20.09 % from 23:00 to 01:00 and 5.46 times higher than the lowest 3.68 % from 19:0 0 to 21:00.The mean birth peaks of boys and girls were at 22:4 9 and 23:25, respectively,and the difference w as not significant (P>0.05).The mean time for both boys and girls was at 23:11.Birth rates at night (17:00 ~ 05:00) were 12 % and 11 % higher than in daytime (05:00 ~ 17:00)for boys and girls, respectively, and both of the differences were highly significant (P < 0.01).The birth rates of boys were 42.65 %in Yang hours and 57.35 %in Yin hours, with a highly significant difference.The female births were 46.78 % in Yang and 53.22 % in Yin hours, respectively, with a nearly sig nificant difference(P = 0.10).The peak bi rth hours of boys in both ancient (1427 ~ 1840)and modern (1841 ~ 1971)times were 21:0 0 ~ 23:00, w hereas the peak hours of girls were 23:0 0 ~ 01:00 in these times.The birth time of boys during the day seems to be delayed as the age of mothers increase, but the linearregression is not significant.

Thermal Stability and Mechanical Behavior of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Copper
Lu Lei, Wang Longbao, Ding Bingzhe, Lu Ke
2003, 20 (4): 497-503.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.017
Abstract ( 390 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

A bulk nanocrystalline (nc) pure copper with a high purity and a high density was synthesized by means of electrodeposition. An extreme extensibility (elongation exceeds 5000%) without strain hardening effect was observed when the nc Cu specimen was rolled at room temperature. Microstructure analysis suggests that the superplastic extensibility of the nc Cu originates from a deformation mechanism dominated by grain boundary activities rather than lattice dislocation. This behavior demonstrates new possibilities for scientific and technological advancements of nc materials. Meanwhile, the thermal stability and tensile properties of this nc Cu sample were investigated in this thesis.

Membrane Extraction and Flow Injection for On-Line Sample Preparation
Liu Jingfu, Jiang Guibin
2003, 20 (4): 504-509.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.018
Abstract ( 366 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

The objective of this dissertation is to develop on-line sample preparation procedures based on membrane extraction and flow injection (FI) techniques. A novel sample pretreatment technique, which we termed continuous flow liquid membrane extraction(CFLME), was developed for trace-enrichment of polar organic pollutants. The principle and parameters of CFLME were investigated by using sulfonylurea herbicides and bisphenol A as model compounds. At the optimum conditions and with an enrichment time of 120 min and 40 min, metsulfuron methyl and bisphenol A were enriched with an enrichment factor of 1000 and 200, respectively, and the enrichment efficiencies of bisphenol A and the five studied sulfonylurea herbicides were 3.5 ~ 200 fold of that of supported liquid membrane extraction (SLM). Then,an on-line coupled CFLME-HPLC system, with detection limits of 0.05 ~ 0.1 μg/L after 10min of enrichment, was developed for the determination of sulfonylurea herbicides. Futhermore, an on-line coupled CFLME-C18 precolumn-HPLC system was developed for the trace analysis of sulfonylurea herbicides in surface waters at ng/L level. The detection limit of this proposed CFLME-C18 precolumn-HPLC system is 200 fold lower than that of the original C18SPE preconcentration-HPLC detection method. Experiments show that the proposed CFLME technique has the advantages of high selectivity, high enrichment efficiency, low-cost, longterm stability and convenience for coupling on-line with other analytical instruments.On-line sample pretreatment procedures based on FI technique were also studied and approaches for the application of FI technique in routine analysis were proposed. A FI-micropore membrane liquid-liquid system was developed for the routine analysis of anionic surfactants in detergents, and a FI high temperature reaction system was developed for the determination of total inorganic phosphates in detergents and the total reducing sugars in tobacco. To simplify the manifold, aregent-injection-FI technique was proposed for the elimination of matrix background absorption in the determination of chloride in tobacco.

Self-Assembled Germanium Quantum Dots in Silicon Germanium Material System
Huang Changjun, Wang Qiming
2003, 20 (4): 510-516.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2003.4.019
Abstract ( 349 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In Silicon-based optoelectronics research, the self-assembled Ge quantum dots are one of the most promising potential means to explore the novel properties of Si by applying the bandgap engineering. The lattice mismatch of 4.2% between the Ge and Si can provide us various nanostructures in a wide range of size, which can be utilized to realize the future electrical and optical devices. By introducing the growth techniques and device application perspectives of self-assembled Ge quantum dots, describing the morphological evolution of the Ge grown on Si (001) substrate and the optical and electronic properties of these nanostructure,the authors reveal the approaches to fabricate the ordered Ge quantum dots. Some novel findings in our work will be included, such as the reverse shape transition of the quantum dots,the self-embedding effect, the verification of band alignment of Ge quantum dots, the thermal relaxation model of the carriers in Ge/Si multilayer structure, and a new approach to fabricate the patterned substrate for ordered Ge quantum dots.