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2005, Vol.22, No.4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Optical Polarization of Ordered Silver Nanowire Arrays : Theoretical Investigation
ZHANG Jun-Xi, ZHANG Li-De, CHANG Ming, YAN You-Guo, LU Qi-Fei
2005, 22 (4): 401-405.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.001
Abstract ( 508 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

We report the numerical calculation results of ordered silver nanowire arrays embedded in anodic alumina membrane (AAM). Furthermore, the reason of optical polarization of the arrays in the visible and infrared wavelength regions is analyzed. To provide the optimal parameters for the design of nanowire grid polarizers at the wavelengths,we can obtain larger extinction ratios and smaller insertion losses by properly selecting the nanowire diameter and spacing.

Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Study of the Beam Property of Wave-Guide DCN Laser
LIU Meng-Kun, GAO Xiang
2005, 22 (4): 406-410.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.002
Abstract ( 634 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

The principle and structure of DCN laserwere introduced in this paper.The EH11 mode approximation in the near field and the far field by Gaussian distributions and the beam property of DCN laserwere studied in detail. The theoretical work well fitted the experimental data.This work is important and necessary for further optical design for EAST tokmak FIR laser interferometer.

IP Orbit Feedback System Design for BEPC Ⅱ
CAO Jian-She, MA Li YUAN, Ren-Xian
2005, 22 (4): 411-415.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.003
Abstract ( 521 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

This paper describes the design of IP orbit feedback system for BEPCII.In the BEPCII the electron and positron beams circulate in the separate rings and collide only at the southern interaction point (IP)with a crossing angle, thus an IP orbit feedback system based on the beam-beam deflection technique is necessary for maintaining an optimum beam collision condition at the IP.Moreover, in order to measure the positions of both positron and electron in the IP at the same time, two special BPMs with 8-button electrodes will be installed at the both side of interaction point.The working principle of the special BPM and the simulation results with finite element method are also described in this paper.

Accelerated Pressure Algorithm for Interferometric Array Configuration
WANG Shu-Zhen, YAN Yi-Hua, SHOU Jian-Jun, XU Guo-Hua
2005, 22 (4): 416-421.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.004
Abstract ( 487 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

The accelerated pressure algorithm, which would improve the Boone pressure algorithm in solution and convergence, can eliminate the top Na uv distribution dispersions of sampling points by moving the array; where Na is the number of antenna in array, namely it can amend the uv distribution maximally in an iterat ive evolut ion, hence the result is as close as possible. The comparison between APA and pressure algorithm showed its validity and high efficiency by the ALMA array configuration. Finally, the simulation-based model of Gaussian distribution is conducted on interferometric array configuration constructing by the national astronomical observatory.

Synthesis of DME via Reforming Biomass Fuel Gas with Biogas
2005, 22 (4): 422-428.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.005
Abstract ( 472 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

In the present work, the biogas produced by anaerobic digestion of biomass was used to reform biomass air steam gasification fuel gas over the ultra-stable NiOMgO catalyst for generation of synthesis gas CO). Different adjustment pathways for meeting the desired stoichiometry of the synthesis gas for the DME synthesis were compared and analyzed. The promoting effect of reforming reaction on the biomass syngas production was investigated. The activity and stability of reforming catalyst were also tested and valued. The desired stoichiometric syngas was obtained by coreforming with biogas and biomass fuel gas. The x (H2)Px (CO) (syngas) is above 115. It contains trace CH and CO. The feeding rate of biogas depends on the composition and flow velocity of fuel gas produced in the gasifier. Above 70 %of the biomass carbon content was converted to DME. The selectivity of DME in the synthesis products was increased to 69.6 %. Compared with commercial nickelbased reforming catalysts, the MgO catalyst exhibits good catalytic activity, reducibility and anticoke ability at high temperature (> 750 ℃). The lifetime test for 100h indicates no coke formation on the surface of catalyst. It also exhibits no structure destroying after lifetime test. Compared with conventional stoichiometric factor adjustment pathways, the technology of co-reforming with addition of biogas was simple and highly effective. The composition of syngas by this technology is suitable for DME production.

Observation Study of Ozone Vertical Variation and its Impact on Environment in Summer in Beijing
REN Li-Hong, HU Fei, ZHOU De-Gang, WANG Wei
2005, 22 (4): 429-435.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.006
Abstract ( 500 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Utilizing the vertical measurement data of O3 and meteorological factors obtained on the Beijing 325m meteorological tower fromJuly 19 to August 20, 2002, we dealt with the temporal, spatial and vertical distribution of ozone, analyzed the importance of meteorological factors and their impact on relevant pollutant concentration levels from chemical aspects, and discussed the relationship among these pollutants. All these results will provide a physical basis for accurately predicting photochemical pollution in extensive, further research

Geostatistical Modeling of Spatial Uncertainty in a Spatially Explicit Forest Landscape Model Simulation
XU Chong-Gang, HU Yuan-Man, CHANG Yu, LI Xiu-Zhen, BU Ren-Cang, HE Hong-Shi
2005, 22 (4): 436-446.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.007
Abstract ( 649 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

We introduced an effective sampling method (Latin Hypercube sampling) into a stochastic simulation algorithm (LU decomposition simulation). Latin Hypercube sampling is first compared with a common sampling procedure (random simple sampling) in LU decomposition simulation. Then it is applied to the investigation ofuncertainty in the simulation results of a spatially explicit forest model, LANDIS. Results showed that Latin Hypercube sampling can capture more variability in the sample space than simple random sampling especially when the number of simulations is small. Simple as the application is, it gives us general insights about which model results are robust given the uncertainty introduced by interpolation. Application results showed that LANDIS simulation results at the landscape level (species percent area and their spatial pattern measured by an aggregation index) is not sensitive to the uncertainty in species age cohort information at the cell level produced by geostatistical stochastic simulation algorithms. This suggests that LANDIS can be used to predict the forest landscape change at broad spatial and temporal scales even if exhaust species age cohort information at each cell is not available.

The Effect of Landscape Pattern on Soil Erosion in Loess Plateau Catchment---Take Huangjia Ercha Catchment as an Example
YOU Zhen, LI Zhan-Bin
2005, 22 (4): 447-453.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.008
Abstract ( 594 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

In the catchments of Loess Plateau, the landscape pattern has been formed mainly by human activities. So the land use is the key factor of landscape patterns. It is very valuable to pay attention to the effect of landscape patterns on soil erosion. The paper takes the Huangjia Ercha catchment as an example, analyses its landscape patterns in several parts : the patch’s area, the patch’s pattern direction and the patch’s arrange order. We select the patch’s area rate and the patch’s fragment extent to show the patch’s area ; Select the connection extent along the contour and the connection extent along the slope to show the patch’s pattern direction ; Select the patch’s relative position to show the patch’s arrange order. Combining the landform, we divide the catchment into two parts : the sun slope and the shade slope. Then we calculate their landscape pattern factors, analyze the effect of landscape on soil erosion. The results show that : artificial grassland is the main land use type, the rate of tilth is little in sun slope, artificial grassland is connected well along the contour. The landscape pattern in sun slope is in favour of soil and water conservation. But in the shade slope, tilth is the main land use type, the tilth is connected well along slope, and the landscape pattern can aggravate soil erosion. So soil erosion is more intense in the shade slope than that in the sun slope.

Regional Export-Oriented Economic Fluctuations and Regional Growth in China
GUO Teng-Yun
2005, 22 (4): 454-461.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.009
Abstract ( 510 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Based on the augmented production function, an analysis model of regional outward-oriented economic development and regional economic growth is constructed.Applying 1981 ~2000 data on regional GDP and its components, labor inputs and exports for 25 provincial-level regions in China, the instability XI of exports is calculated for every region in China as the relative standard errors around its best-fitted trend during the period 1981~2000.This instability measure and the data above-mentioned are then employed to estimate the analysis model, which controls the effects of capital, labor and exports growth rates, and the instability of exports.The estimation results of the analysis model show that, on one hand, not only the growth rates of capital and labor have positiveeffects on regional economic growth, but also the growth rate of exports has positive effects on regional growth in China during the period 1981 ~2000 ;on the other hand, the instability variable XI has an adverse effect on regional economic growth in China during the same period, and the deleterious effect of the instability is significant.

The Experimental Study of Electroporation of Cell Membrane Induced by Pulsed Electric Field of High Intensity
XIAO Hua-Juan, YAN Ping, MU Qun
2005, 22 (4): 462-466.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.010
Abstract ( 524 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In this paper, cell membrane electroporation induced by pulsed electric field is studied by using liver cancer cells as target cells, Rhodamine Bisothiocyanate-Dextran as fluorescent probes and fluorescence spectrophotometer as measure equipment. The experiments have shown that when the pulse intensity or pulse width increases, the fluorescent intensity will increase accordingly, so will the rate of electroporation of cell membranes. Also we find that electroporation of cell membrane presents memory effects.

Comparison between Acquisition and Retention of Morphine and Food-Induced Conditioned Place Preference
LI Yong-Hui, ZHENG Xi-Geng, JU Ping, LIU Jie, YANG Xiao-Yan, SUI Nan
2005, 22 (4): 467-471.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.011
Abstract ( 534 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

To confirm the hypothesis that persistence of addiction is caused by reward-related memory of addictive drugs. 24 rats, in food restriction, were trained in biased condit ioned place preference procedure. Both morphine and food established condit ioned place preference at the same level after 6 sessions training. Food-induced CPP was extinct, while morphine- induced CPP was preserved after 4 retests. It is suggested acquisition of conditioned place preference produced by morphine and food is similar, however, morphine CPP is maintained longer. The inveterate reward-related memory induced by addictive drugs is a major factor for the persistence of addiction.

Web Performance Testing and Prediction
MA Lin, LUO Tie-Jian, SONG Jin-Liang, YE Shi-Wei
2005, 22 (4): 472-479.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.012
Abstract ( 594 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

This paper discusses performance testing and optimization method of a Web Application and gives a practical sample to show how to test performance of a Web Application and analyzes the testing result. A transductive inference based algorithm is designed to predict system performance based on limited historical testingdata. This paper also discusses briefly how to optimize the performance of a Web Application based on testing result in a general way

Adaptive Observer Design for Bounded Dynamic Stochastic Systems
SHEN Ling, WANG Hong, YUE Hong
2005, 22 (4): 478-487.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.013
Abstract ( 442 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

This paper considers the state observation problem for bounded dynamic stochastic systems by using B-spline model to approximate output probability density functions. First, a form of residual signal is considered for the output probability density function using square root B-spline neural network model, and the on-line tuning of the observer gain is obtained using Lyapunov analysis. Then a new logarithm B-spline model is presented and the adaptive observer is designed. Finally, two simulated examples are used to demonstrate the proposed algorithms, and desired results have been obtained.

The MRAS Flux Observer with Stator Voltage Error Compensator
CHEN Gui-Lan, WEN Xu-Hui, ZHANG Li-Wei
2005, 22 (4): 488-493.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.014
Abstract ( 523 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

When the induction motor system is driven by the voltage inverter, the MRAS (Model ReferenceAdaptive System) flux observer can be used to observe flux. In such cases, the reference value of the stator voltage, not the practical value, is used, which will cause amplitude error and DC offset, and affect the stability of low speed directly. This paper presents a new compensat ion method for stator voltage amplitude and DC offset, which can improve the performance of the speed sensor-less vector control of induction motor. The validity of the proposed method is also verif ied by simulation.

Cryptanlysis of the Improved Summation Generator
MA Wei-Ju, FENG Deng-Guo, WU Zhi-Ping
2005, 22 (4): 494-498.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.015
Abstract ( 465 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

In this paper, the divide and conquer attack, Chepyzhov' s fast correlation attack and Algebraic attack are applied on the improved summation generator.The compute complexity of the attacks and the corresponding length of the keystream needed are also given.

PET Image Analysis Based on Wavelet Transform
YAN Bin, WANG Peng, LI KeHAO Jing, WU Yi-Gen, XIE Qian-He, ZHI Lian-He, WANG Wei, LU Na, YUAN Xiu-Li, SHAN Bao-Ci
2005, 22 (4): 499-505.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.016
Abstract ( 565 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

In this paper wavelet transform and test of hypothesis are combined to detect activated areas in PET images.The algorithm is validated by using the simulation images under different conditions. Compared with the spatial domain algorithm, the wavelet domain algorithm can get more precise results, better SNR trait and more rapid computing speed.The probability of type Ⅱ error in wavelet domain is less than that in the spatial domain, so the wavelet domain algorithm is a kind of sensitive algorithm. Finally, we used this algorithm to process the real PET images and achieved good result.This algorithm may result in important significance to the detection of functional areas, the clinic diagnosis and the evaluation of curative effect.

Comparison of Oscillating Flow Characteristics of a Metallic and a Nonmetallic Regenerator at High Frequency
WANG Xi-Long, DANG Hai-Zheng, CAI Jing-Hui, LIANG Jing-Tao 1 ZHOU Yuan
2005, 22 (4): 506-510.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.017
Abstract ( 479 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

A dynamic experimental apparatus is designed to investigate oscillat ing flow characteristics of the regenerators under high frequency conditions. Oscillating flow characterist ics of two regenerators, are studied carefully under constant temperature conditions in the paper. They are identical in the geometrical dimension,packed with the stainless steel wire screens and the Nylon screens, respect ively. The results show that the cycleaveraged pressure drop in an oscillat ing flow for a stainless steel regenerator is 112~2 times higher than that in a steady flow, which is close to the experimental results in previous work. While the oscillat ing flow cycle-averaged pressure drop for a Nylon wire screen regenerator is larger than that for a stainless steel regenerator, which is 3 to 5 times higher than that in a steady flow. The results are useful for predicting the pressure drop characteristics of anonmetallic regenerator subjected to a periodically reversing flow with a high operating frequency.

The Running-Mode Analysis of SSL310 Basic Handshake Protocol
MO Yan, ZHANG Yu-Qing, LI Xue-Gan
2005, 22 (4): 511-517.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.018
Abstract ( 533 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The simplified SSL310 basic handshake protocol is analyzed by using a formal analysis method called the approach of the running-mode analysis. By analyzing the protocol, we find three different types of attack. Through an in-depth research,we also find that although these three attacks seem to result from the leak of allowing different versions to coexist, they are different. The major difference is the different role imitation, which probably leads to potential attacks. Finally, some improvement is made to avoid these three attacks effectively, which improves the security of the protocol.

Study on Plasma Sprayed Bioactive Wollastonite Coatings
LIU Xuan-Yong, DING Chuan-Xian
2005, 22 (4): 518-523.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.019
Abstract ( 478 ) PDF (KB) ( 6 )

A novel bioact ive ceramic, wollastonite, was deposited onto T-i 6A-l 4V substrate using plasma spraying technology for improving its bioact ivity and biocompatibility. The process, structures and properties of plasma sprayed wollastonite coat ing were examined using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and etc. In order to upgrade the propert ies of wollastonite coating, the wollastonitePTiO2 and wollastonitePZrO2 composite coatings and dicalcium silicate coat ing are also prepared and examined. The results showed that wollastonite and its composite coatings with certain content of wollastonite possessed good bioactivity, biocompatibility as well as t ight bonding to T-i 6A-l 4V substrate, indicating they may be candidates for bone graft in human body.

Performance Analysis of Low2Order Correction Adaptive Optical System for Non-Kolmogorov Turbulence
RAO Chang-Hui, JIANG Wen-Han, LING Ning
2005, 22 (4): 524-527.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.4.020
Abstract ( 481 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The performance of low order correction adaptive optical systemfor non-Kolmogorov turbulence was studied systematically in this dissertation. The spatial and temporal characterizations of phase fluctuations in nonKolmogorov turbulence were analyzed theoretically. The spatial structure function, the temporal structure function and the temporal power spectrum of phase fluctuations were derived. Some new methods of measuring the atmospheric parameters with ShackHartmann wavefront sensor were proposed. The wavefront residual error of low-order correction adaptive optical system was analyzed by introducing the temporal modal correction coefficient and the modal anisoplanatic coefficient. The anisoplanatic error of low-order correction adaptive optical system with the distributed beacons, to our knowledge, was first investigated. Furthermore, according to the calibrated solar granulation images, the performance of the tip-tilt correction adaptive optical systemfor the solar granulation was studied by post processing method.