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2005, Vol.22, No.5 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Progress of the Study on the High-CO2-Tolerant Algae and its Application in Carbon Fixation Technology
XU Min, LIU Guo-Xiang, HU Zheng-Yu
2005, 22 (5): 529-535.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.001
Abstract ( 448 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Greenhouse effect,mainly due to the increasing of CO2 in the atmosphere,has caused climate changes as well as many other negative environmental problems and it is drawing a lot of attention. This paper introduces the progresses made in the research of high-CO2-tolerant-algae,about which the growth, biophysical and biochemical status and the regulation on molecular levels were systematically studied under the extremely high CO2 condition. And it further discusses its application in CO2 sequestration strategy with the combination of biocarbon fixation technology,and this new thought is very helpful for resdving the problems that the Greenhouse effect brings.

The Research Progress in Synthesis and Application of Gallium Nitride2Based Materials
PENG Bi-Xian, QIAN Hai-Sheng, YUE Jun, CHEN Li-Juan, WANG Chong-Chen, ZHANG Li-Juan
2005, 22 (5): 536-544.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.002
Abstract ( 594 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Gallium nitride is a novel kind of semiconductor,whose direct band gap is 3139eV at the room temperature. It has been proved to be a promising material for electronic and photoelectric devices. A good many of its growth methods have been discovered, and some of them had been implemented in production practice with monitoring systems. Some comparisons were made between different methods. The structure-performance dependence of GaN itself, GaN-based family and multinitrides have been summarized. The main fields of GaN-based material were presented. GaN-based material is being considered to be the excellent candidate of electronic device potentially used in high temperature,high-power and worst environment surroundings.

Empirical Bayes Estimation of Variance Components in Two-Way Classification Random Effects Model
WANG Li-Chun, WEI Lai-Sheng
2005, 22 (5): 545-553.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.003
Abstract ( 504 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

Under weighted squared-error loss function, Bayes estimators of variance components are derived and empirical Bayes (EB) estimators are constructed by nonparametric method for balanced twoway classification random effects model. The convergence rates of EB estimators are established under suitable conditions. Finally, an example concerning the main result is given.

A Fast Text Categorization Approach Based on k-Nearest Neighbor
ZHANG Qing-Guo, ZHANG Hong-Wei, ZHANG Jun-Yu
2005, 22 (5): 554-559.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.004
Abstract ( 413 ) PDF (KB) ( 9 )

k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) is one of the simplest and most effective algorithms for text categorizat ion. However, k-NN search requires intensive similarity computations, part icularly for large training set, the search of the whole set is unacceptable. Therefore, speeding-up k-NN search is a key for making k-NN categorizat ion useful in practice. In this paper a fast text categorization approach based on k-NN, which can classify textual documents quickly and efficiently on condition of searching in the very large training set is presented. Experiment shows that the new algorithm can greatly improve the performance.

HBT Study of the Nuclear Reaction with Exotic Nuclei at Intermediate Energy
WEI Yi-Bin, MA Yu-Gang, WANG Kun, MA Guo-Liang, CAI Xiang-Zhou, ZHONG Chen, GUO Wei, CHEN Jin-Gen, FANG De-Qing, TIAN Wen-Dong, SHEN Wen-Qing
2005, 22 (5): 560-567.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.005
Abstract ( 445 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT)results of the nucleon-nucleon correlation function have been presented for the nuclear reactions with neutron-rich projectiles (Be isotopes)using an event-generator, the Isospin-Dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics model.It discusses the relationship between the binding energy per nucleon of the projectiles and the strength of the neutron-proton HBT at small relative momentum.Moreover, the relationship between the single neutron separation energy and the strength of the halo neutron-proton HBT is revealed.Results show that neutron-proton HBT results are sensitive to binding energy or separation energy.Some researches about the Equation of State (EOS)have been completed,which show that the HBT results are also sensitive to the parameters of the EOS.

Bandwidth of Spikes in Solar Microwave Bursts
ZHU Yan-Xin, WANG Shu-Juan, SONG Guo-Xiang, YAN Yi-Hua
2005, 22 (5): 568-574.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.006
Abstract ( 479 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Two groups of spikes were recorded by the 1.08 ~ 2.04GHz spectrometer of National Astronomical observatories of China on 27 October 2003.The mean and minimum bandwidths of spikes are calculated with two different methods based on the wavelet analysis.The first method determines the dominant spike bandwidth scale based on their scalegram, and the second method is a feature detection algorithm in the time-frequency plane. Finally the results are compared and discussed.

Development of 2,4,6-Triiodophenol Microspheres with Ethylcellulose
LIU Rui-Li, JIANG Qing-Jun, LIU Shi-Yuan, LI Wen-Xin
2005, 22 (5): 575-578.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.007
Abstract ( 421 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In this paper,2,4,6-triiodophenol-ethylcellulose microsphere was developed by in2liquid drying method, in order to increase the granularity of the X2ray CT contrast agent and to prevent the blood vessel X-ray CT contrast agent from exuding through the vascular wall to the tissue. The influences of the composition ratio of 2,4,6-triiodophenol : ethylcellulose to the microspheres ’ appearance and diameter, and the entrapment of 2,4,6-triiodophenol were studied. It was found that when the composition ratio was 1∶2, the microspheres’ appearance was round, the average diameter was only 3168μm, and the entrapment of 2,4,6-triiodophenol was 4114 %.

Epidemiological Study of Association between Climate Determinants and Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Beijing
YUAN Jin-Song, YUN Hong-Min, LAN Wei, LIU Yan, YU Jie, LIU Xiao-Ping, JIA Shao-Wei, FANG Jia-Zhi, WANG Wei
2005, 22 (5): 579-588.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.008
Abstract ( 591 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

To determine the relat ionship between the spread of SARS and climate determinants, the correlations between 998 climate determinants and the clinically diagnosed SARS cases were investigated. Those significant determinants to the spread of SARS were further analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Significant correlations were found between the spread of SARS and seven climate determinants. The absolute values of correlation coeff icient (r) of the determinants are in the following orders: average relative humidity, temperature, average wind speed, average precipitat ion, average barometric pressure, average cloudiness, average temperature daily ranges. The spread of SARS is negatively associated with average relative humidity, temperature, average precipitation, average cloudiness, whereas was positively associated with average wind speed, average barometric pressure, average temperature daily range. Multiple linear regression was performed and by reference to the most correlated determinants, an equation Y = 2181692-01698X 630-21043X 716 + 21282X 921 (R2 =01847)was established to predict the risk of SARS spread and to set up an alert system. We concluded that there are significant correlations between the climate determinants and the spread of SARS. The most significant climate determinants are the average temperature and average relative humidity from the 13th to 17th days of pre-clinical diagnosis of SARS, and the average wind speed from the 9th to 13th days of pre-diagnosis. The most optimal climate for the spread of SARS is the period with the weather condit ions of the average temperature 1619 e (95% CI 1017~ 2311), the average relat ive humidity 5212% (3310~ 7114), and average wind speed 218m#s-1 (210~ 316).

Influence of Mesophyll Structure on Leaf Spectra and Biochemical Inversion
SHI Run-He, ZHUANG Da-Fang, NIU Zheng, WANG Wen
2005, 22 (5): 589-595.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.009
Abstract ( 509 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

This paper presents an in2depth analysis on the influence of mesophyll structure parameter N in PROSPECT model on leaf reflectance and transmittance spectra. Optimal N values of samples in LOPEX93 data set are calculated by minimizing a whole2band cost function using the iterative method. Simulated spectra under calculated optimal N values are compared with measured ones. Further,inversions of chlorophyll and water content under different N values are performed. Results show that : (1) the influence of N involves the whole2band spectra from visible to near infrared,and the influence decreases with its values ; (2) simulated spectra with optimal N, which is calculated by minimizing a whole2band cost function using the iterative method,match very well with measured spectra ; (3) the inversion accuracy of chlorophyll and water content by using overestimated N is better than that by using underestimated N ; (4) the inversion accuracy of water content is significantly better than that of chlorophyll partially due to the selection of cost function.

Impact of Cone-Picking on Seed Banks and Animals
LIU Zu-Gen, JI Lan-Zhu, ZHU Jiao-Jun
2005, 22 (5): 596-603.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.010
Abstract ( 474 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

In the Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve, there were more than 250 terrestrial vertebrate species, accounting for over 69 %of animals in Changbai Mountain.Many of them were rare and endangered species.Every year there are Korean pine trees that can produce fruit cones in original Korean pine forests, providing a lot of food for animals,which depend on cones very much.However, because of continuously commercial cone-picking, these cones on Korean pine trees sharply became fewer in number in a short time and most of them were dropped during cone-picking.The density of Korean pine seeds on the floor was 1582 ~ 2640 hm-which accounted for 0.3 %~ 0.5 % of that in the 1970s.Furthermore, over 67.8 %of those seeds were rotten in Korean pine forests.As a result, they would badly affect natural regeneration of Korean pines and the food source of animals.Therefore, the impacts of cone-picking on animals were discussed according to the principle of food chains and the relationships between animals and habitats.The result indicated that, on the one hand,Korean pine could not regenerate naturally without animals' help,which affected the normal succession of Korean pine forests thus destroying habitats.On the other hand, animals' number would change because of lack of Korean pine seeds in Korean pine forests, which would destroy food chains there so that distribution of animals will alter in Korean pine forests of Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve.

Chinese Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature (Commendation)
ZHANG Shou-Xin
2005, 22 (5): 604-623.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.011
Abstract ( 496 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

Since 1866, China has urgently needed a volume of standardization code that not only has features of standardization, but also is feasible for dealing with Chinese Stratigraphic Names, due to exist ing problems on stratigraphic standard and poor clearance and management of Chinese stratigraphic names. At the same time, it should be in accordance with the world standard in concepts in terms of philosophy and science. This is why this code is recommended. The code is not a supplement or a note to the Stratigraphic Guide of China; instead, it is a detailed proposal on Chinese Code of Stratigrahphic Nomenclature.

An Active Contour-Based Unsupervised Texture Segmentation
CAI Guo-Lei, YANG Hong-Bo, ZOU Mou-Yan
2005, 22 (5): 624-630.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.012
Abstract ( 390 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In this paper, an unsupervised texture image segmentation method based on active contour is presented. Gabor filters and the anisotropic diffusion method are combined to obtain the texture feature for segmentation. A small set of Gabor filters are used to extract scale and orientation properties of the texture, and original image is also included as a feature channel for the intensity informat ion of the texture. If the diffusion function based on total variation is chosen, vector anisotropic diffusion can smooth the details away with the region border reserved in every channel. Finally the geometric MDL active contour image segmentation algorithm is expanded to vector-value data to segment the features vectors. Experiments on various kinds of texture images show that the method is effective.

Reinforcement-Learning-Based On-Line Neural-Fuzzy Control System
LI Jia-Ning, YI Jian-Qiang, ZHAO Dong-Bin, XI Guang-Cheng
2005, 22 (5): 631-638.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.013
Abstract ( 420 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

To solve non-training data based on-line learning for neural-fuzzy controller, this paper proposes a reinforcement learning-based neural-fuzzy control system and the corresponding learning algorithm. This control system consists of a neural-fuzzy predictor and a neural-fuzzy controller. Based on fuzzy if then rules with certainty grades,the extended neural-fuzzy network proposed is used as the structure of the neural-fuzzy controller. In learning process of the control system, by using reinforcement signal to estimate the desired output of an input state, reinforcement learning is treated and solved according to training data-based learning algorithm. Computer simulations illustrate the rationality and applicability of the proposed control system and the learning algorithm.

Studies on Schr dinger-Poisson Systems
HAO Cheng-Chun, XIAO Ling
2005, 22 (5): 639-644.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.014
Abstract ( 353 ) PDF (KB) ( 1 )

The bipolar(defocusing nonlinear) Schr dinger-Poisson system and quasilinear Schr dinger-Poisson equations are studied. The wellposedness, large time behavior and modified scattering theory is established for the Cauchy problem to the bipolar(defocusing nonlinear) Schr dinger-Poisson systems. The initia-l (Dirichlet) boundary problem for a high field version of the Schr dinger-Poisson equat ions, quas-i linear Schr dinger-Poisson equat ions, which include a nonlinear term in the Poisson equation corresponding to a field-dependent dielectric constant and an effect ive potent ial in the Schr dinger equations on the unit cube are also discussed.

Optical Properties of GaNAs and GaAsSb Semiconductors
LUO Xiang-Dong, XU Zhong-Ying
2005, 22 (5): 645-655.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.5.015
Abstract ( 405 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Under short pulse laser excitat ion, it has been observed, for the first time, a new high-energy photoluminescence emission from GaNxAs1-xPGaAs SQWs. This new emission has totally different optical properties compared with the localized exciton transition in GaNxAs1-x, and is attributed to the recombination of delocalized excitons in QWs. At the same t ime, a competition process between localized and delocalized exciton emissions in GaNxAs1-xPGaAs quantum wells is observed in the temperaturedependent PL spectra under the short pulse excitation. This competition process for the first time, reveals the physical origin of the temperature-induced S-shaped PL peak shift, which was often reported in the disordered alloy semiconductor system under continuous-wave excitation and puzzled people for a long time. We have also investigated a set of GaNxAs1-x samples with small nitrogen composit ion(x< 1%) by PL, and time-resolved PL.After the PL dependence on temperature and excitation power and PL dynamics were measured, the new PL peak was identified as an intrinsic transition of alloy, rather than N-related bound states. This is the first observation in PL, showing that alloy state exists in GaNxAs1-x materials even when N composition is smaller than 011%. Finally by select ive excitation, both type-I and type-II transitions were observed simultaneously in GaAs1-x SbxPGaAs SQWs for the first time.