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2005, Vol.22, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
A Bi-level Programming Model for the Optimal Velocity Problems Under Environmental Objective
YANG Wen-Guo, GUO Tian-De, GAO Zi-You, ZHAO Tong
2005, 22 (2): 129-134.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.001
Abstract ( 432 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

In this paper a bi-level programming model is proposed to describe the traffic assignment problem under environmental objective. The upper problem is to minimize the system travel cost and the total amount of CO produced by certain vehicular velocity, while the lower one is a user equilibrium problem under elastic demand. The equilibrium iterative solution algorithm is represented so that the optimal vehicular velocity of the model is obtained. At last some simple numerical results are given to illustrate the applications of the model.

Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study on Long Periods of Polypropylene Three-phase Structure
LIU Kai-Yuan, ZHAO Hui LI Zhi-Hong, DONG Bao-Zhong
2005, 22 (2): 135-139.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.002
Abstract ( 562 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In the paper, small angle X-ray scattering technique was used to study long periods of polypropylene.The results indicate that the correlation function long period of polypropylene and its Bragg long period are not identical. We applied the theory of small-angle scattering and three-phase model of crystalline polymer to study the reason of differences of two kinds of long periods of polypropylene and draw a conclusion that the Bragg long period approaches the correlation function long period plus the thickness of the transition layer. The conclusion is consistentwith our small-angle scattering experimental results.

An Improved Incremental Approach to Speech Corpus Selection
NING Zhen-Jiang, DU Li-Min
2005, 22 (2): 140-146.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.003
Abstract ( 467 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

In this paper, a novel incremental corpus selection approach is proposed, which can control the balance of phone units in the selected corpus more effectively through a process of erasing redundant sentences at each selection phrase.In our experiments, we employ a huge original data source consists of about 20 million sentences and 847-phone-contexts, while corpus generated from this data source has made up of 17865 sentences and has an coverage of 94.3 % according to phone-contexts which appearances frequency in the selected corpus are more than 10.In addition, it achieves a relatively low distribution variance of 0.18 ×10-3.Experiment results show that our approach is much better than traditional algorithms not only in phonetic units coverage but in phonetic units distribution variances.Moreover, Our algorithm has low computation complexity and memory cost.

Same Distribution Principle Based on Riemann-Integral and its Some Applications
LI Zhu-Heng, YAN Yi-Hua, YUAN Lu, SONG, Guo-Xiang
2005, 22 (2): 147-151.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.004
Abstract ( 474 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

A boundary integral equation representation for the non-constant-αforce-free field in the exterior of the sun can be found in Yan &Sakurai (2000),where a local parameter λinstead of the force-free factor αhas been introduced which should satisfy a proposed condition.The property of boundary integral equation presented by Yan has been discussed in Li, Song &Yan (2004), where a kind of important singularity surface integration can be found.In order to calculate this kind of integration, in this paper,we present a concept of the same distribution to Riemann-integral, build the same distribution principle and give some important applications of it.

Double Diffusive Convection in an Annular Vertical Cavity
SHI Ke-Feng, LU Wen-Qiang
2005, 22 (2): 152-156.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.005
Abstract ( 550 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

A numerical study is presented of the structure of double diffusive convection in an annual cavity with horizontal heat and mass gradients due to constant temperatures and concentrations along the vertical side-walls,respectively.The buoyancy ratio N =GrS GrT is equal to-1, where GrS and GrT are the solutal and thermal Grashof numbers, respectively.The structures of double diffusive convection in rectangular and annular cavity were compared.Numerical results are reported for the effect of the Le numbers on the thermal (solute)boundary layer and the average rate of heat (mass)transfer Nu(Sh).The results show that the thickness of solutal boundary layer decreases when the Lewis Number increases, but the thermal boundary is not significantly influenced when the Lewis number varies ;contrasting with the steady increase of the Sherwood number, the Nusselt number varies slowly when the Lewis number is higher than 10.

Experimental Investigation of Laminar Heat Transfer in Silicon Microchannels with New Structure
GAN Yun-Hua, XU Jin-Liang
2005, 22 (2): 157-163.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.006
Abstract ( 508 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

In order to both enhance heat transfer and reduce flow resistance, microchannels having new interlaced structure with hydraulic diameter of 15513 Lm were designed based on the breaking-up thermal boundary layer technology. Using deionized water as working fluid, keeping the three control parameters ) inlet temperature, heating power, andmass flux ) very close, comparative experiments were carried out between the test section having the new interlaced structure microchannels and the test section having conventional structure microchannels. And experimental results show that applying the new structure can diminish pressure drop across test section, reduce friction constant, enhance heat transfer and drop the wall temperature.

Relationship Between Polarized and Bi-directional Reflectance ———Case Study of Poplar Tree Leave Reflectance Data Collected in the Lab
SONG Kai-Shan, ZHAO Yun-Sheng, ZHANG Bai
2005, 22 (2): 164-169.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.007
Abstract ( 462 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Polarized reflectance and bi-directional reflectance of poplar tree leaves in northeast of China are collected with bi-directional reflectance detection instrument in the lab. Analysis on the relationship between polarized and bi-directional reflectance is done. It is found that bi-directional reflectance is approximately half of the summation of maximum and minimum polarized reflectance. It is also found that the relationship between polarized and bi-directional reflectance have a direct relation to the sensor’s viewing geometry. This study can provide the theoretical basis for further research on the relationship between polarized and bi-directional reflectance for remote sensing.

Age Effects on Stand Biomass Allocations to Different Components : a Case Study in Forests of Cunninghamia Lanceolata and Pinus Massoniana
ZHANG Lin, 5 HUANG Yong, LUO Tian-Xiang, DAI Qiang, DENG Kun-Mei
2005, 22 (2): 170-178.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.008
Abstract ( 639 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Forest biomass usually increases with stand age. However, biomass allocations to different components of trees vary greatly with stand age. In this paper, we synthesized and analyzed age effects on stand biomass allocations to different components in Chinese-fir and pine forests, the most important and widely distributed plantations over south China. 95 field plots of biomass measurements with different components and stand ages were from our field data in the Huangmian Forestry Center of Guangxi, and from Chinese literature during 1978~-0031The results indicated that stem biomass, aboveground biomass and total biomass in both forest types increased significantly with stand age. Biomass of branches and roots also increased significantly with stand age in the pine forest. However, in Chinese-fir forest, the branch and root biomasses increased in early ages and then gradually tended to reach a steady state. There was no robust relationship between leaf biomass and stand age in both forest types. The root-to-shoot ratio decreased gradually with stand age in Chinese-fir forest, and there was no significant correlation in the pine forest. Because forest inventory data have become accepted as valuable contributions to carbon cycle research, we expected our in-depth analysis to provide insight into the methods for processing inventory data for estimating carbon accumulation, which leads to more accurate estimates of forest carbon stocks and stock changes.

Establishment of Mathematic-Physical Models for Target Immobilization in High-Throughput Screening
LI Song-Jun, LIU Bai-Ling
2005, 22 (2): 179-186.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.009
Abstract ( 538 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Based on the analysis of the basic process involved in high-throughput screening ( HTS), the present article discusses the possible effect of target immobilizat ion on the screening quality. Judged from intermolecular interactions, the actual process in HTS is more complicated than that in ideal situation. With more or less interactions electrostatic, hydrophobic or hydrogen-bonding can be involved in this process. With the induction derived from these interactions, the immobilization mode of target may be in monolayer or a more complicated mult-i layer form. In addit ion, this article presents the mathematic expressions related to the corresponding interaction forms, including target and target, target and microsphere, and bulk phase and surface phase as well. These expressions are expected to show a certain degree of usability in the future work.

Studies on the Chemotaxis of a Bacterium Pseudomonas sp. Using Crude Oil as Carbon Source
JING Gui-Cheng, GUO Shang-Ping, YU Li
2005, 22 (2): 187-191.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.010
Abstract ( 495 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

A bacterium Pseudomonas sp. using the crude oil as the carbon source was separated from the production water in an oilfield. Its chemotaxis migration ability was really medium, and its chemotaxis mechanism was particularly described in this paper. In visualized experiments, the ordered motion of microorganism to the oil water interface could be watched, and within the scope of the effect ive nutriment concentration grads, the chemotaxis mot ion velocity was not related with the distance from the interface at all and it was much influenced by the temperature. Meanwhile, in experiments using emulational micro-models, it could be observed that bacteria had become enriched at the orifice wall, oil and water three-phrase boundary, and the forming reason and the beneficial effect on MEOR were also discussed.

Optimization of Reaction Conditions in the Asymmetric Synthesis of D-Mandelic Acid Methyl Ester Catalyzed by Saccharomyces Cereviriae
SHENG Jun, GUO Yang-Hao, SHI Xian-Ai, XIAO Mei-Tian, MENG Chun
2005, 22 (2): 192-196.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.011
Abstract ( 486 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

In the process of asymmetric synthesis of D-mandelic acid methyl ester catalyzed by Saccharomyces cereviriae, the most favorite pH for conversion is 7.0.Both the environmental temperature and oxygen concentration all have an important effect on conversion of substrate.Using packed bed reactor filled with immobilized cells to produce D-mandelic acidmethyl ester,25 days later the conversion efficiency can be still sustained in 80 %and the ee value is more than 95 %when the charge was 0.2 mmol (d·g)wet cell.

Security Analysis and Improvement of a Message Recovery Signature Scheme
LUO Wen-Jun, LONG Shi-Gong
2005, 22 (2): 197-201.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.012
Abstract ( 571 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Recently, Lu-Chen proposed a message recovery signature scheme. In this paper, we give a security analysis of Lu-Chen's message recovery signature scheme, and present a forgery attack on the scheme. In the end,we propose an improved scheme, and give a security analysis of our scheme.

A Study on Information Exchange and Cooperation in Distributed Intrusion Detection Systems
LIAN Yi-Feng
2005, 22 (2): 202-209.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.013
Abstract ( 466 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

Information exchange and cooperation between components acts as the key problem of distributed intrusion detection system.According to DIDS based on Hierarchical Cooperation Model (HCM), we analyze the requirements of information exchange between detection components in this model.We present the Extended Intrusion Detection Message Exchange Format (EIDMEF)to provide a standard description format which contributes to efficient information exchange and cooperation, such as reporting intrusion incidents, collecting audit data,performing cooperative detection and activating distributed responses to intrusive behaviors.Workflows of information exchange and processing procedure in this model when confronted with different kinds of intrusions are also depicted in detail.

Modeling and Parameter Estimation of a Class of General Hidden Markov Model
2005, 22 (2): 210-217.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.014
Abstract ( 528 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

It is wel-l known that HMM has been widely used in many fields. In this paper we will discuss a more general model, which is similar to Pairwise Markov Model ( PMM) proposed by Wojciech Pieczynski. Compared to HMM, the state process here is not necessarily aMarkov chain. So it has more general applications in image segmentation, speech signal processing, and etc. We will give a complete mathemat ical description for this model with discrete states and discrete observations, including modeling,state estimation and parameter estimat ion, which haven. t been studied before. Based on the method proposed here, we will get a recursive algorithm for the estimation of the state and the parameters.

A New Method to Prevent Heap Overflows
QIU Xiao-Peng, ZHANG Yu-Qing, FENG Deng-Guo
2005, 22 (2): 218-225.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.015
Abstract ( 501 ) PDF (KB) ( 12 )

Buffer overflows are the most serious threat to the computer security. In this paper, the principle of the heap overflows is discussed, and a method of memory management is proposed, which can perform self management to the memory. With this method, the heap overflows can be prevented effectively.

Studies on Mineral Elements for Cultivated Rheum in Daheigou, Qinghai Province
LI Tian-Cai, CHEN Gui Chen, ZHOU Guo Ying, Sun Jing
2005, 22 (2): 226-229.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.016
Abstract ( 480 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

Rheum is called “Xining Dahuang”, which are traditional medicinal materials of local Qinghai.Natural resources are nearly exhausted.Recently, scale of planting is becoming larger and larger.We picked the cultivated Rheum sp.of two-year period in Daheigou of Qinghai Province, and analyzed the content of mineral elements.The results showed that mineral elements accumulation in the root, stem and leaf of cultivated Rheum is different from each other and the needing of mineral elements during different seasons of growing has a dynamic characteristic.We want to provide the scientific evidence for sustainable development and reasonable utilization of Rheum sp.resources

Nitriding Iron and 38CrMoAl Steel with a Nanostructured Surface Layer
TONG Wei-Ping, TAO Nai-Rong, WANG Zhen-Bo, Lv Jian, LU KE
2005, 22 (2): 230-238.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.017
Abstract ( 531 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

The microstructure of the surface layer on a pure iron and a 38CrMoAl steel samples was refined into the nanometer scale by means of the surface mechanical attrition treatment ( SMAT) that generates repetitive severe plastic deformation in the surface layer. The subsequent nitriding kinet ics of the SMAT samples with a nanostructured surface layer is greatly enhanced so that the nitriding temperatures can be reduced to 300 e for iron and about 400 e for 38CrMoAl steel, respectively, which are much lower than the convent ional nitriding temperatures ( above 500 e ). The novel nitriding process not only facilitates reduction of torsion of the treated samples, but also provides a new approach for select ive surface reactions of solids.

Fluid-Rock Interaction in Chinese Sedimentary Basins
CAI Chun-Fang, WANG Ji-Yang, GU Jia-Yu
2005, 22 (2): 239-247.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.018
Abstract ( 501 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The paper summarizes our recent work in fluid-rock interaction in sedimentary basins in China. We show some results of experiments to dissolve microcline, address origin and evolution of oilfield water in terms of stable isotopic composition and chemical data, and present cases to show thermochemical sulfate reduction ( TSR) and bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR) in the Sichuan basin, Ordos basin and Tarim basin. The study implies that water-rock interaction and organic-inorganic reactions in oil and natural gas reservoirs are very common processes which are not fully realized presently.

Comprehensive Studies on Magnetic Clouds in Interplanetary Space and their Associated Events
WANG Yu-Ming, WANG Shui
2005, 22 (2): 248-254.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2005.2.019
Abstract ( 518 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The relationships between the coronal mass ejections (CMEs), interplanetary disturbances and geomagnetic storms are studied, involving the solar source distribution of geoeffective halo CMEs, the periodicity of CMEs, X-ray flares and geomagnetic disturbances, the threshold of interplanetary parameters in causing geomagnetic storms, etc. As a kind of interplanetary complex structure, multiple magnetic cloud (Multi-MC) is proposed for the first time, which probably has strong geoeffectiveness.Based on the observations, some primary characteristics of Multi-MC are summarized. Moreover, the phenomenon of a shock advancing into a preceding magnetic cloud has been investigated as well as its potential geoeffectiveness. A simple theoretical model is developed to estimate the intensity of geomagnetic storm when a shock is entering a preceding cloud.