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陈涛1, 于海琴2, 蒋洪恩3,†   

  1. 1 山西大学考古文博学院,太原 030006;
    2 吐鲁番市文博院,新疆 吐鲁番 838000;
    3 中国科学院大学人文学院考古学与人类学系,北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-26 修回日期:2023-10-25 发布日期:2023-11-03
  • 通讯作者: † E-mail: jianghongen@ucas.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:
    * 国家社会科学基金一般项目“新疆吐鲁番三至十三世纪期间的植物利用与文化交流研究”(22BKG041)

A study on the cultivation and utilization of Chinese jujube in Turpan during the Jin to Tang dynasties based on unearthed plant remains and documents

CHEN Tao1, YU Haiqin2, JIANG Hong'en3   

  1. 1 School of Archaeology and Museology, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China;
    2 Turpan Academy of Museology, Turpan 838000, Xinjiang, China;
    3 Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2023-06-26 Revised:2023-10-25 Published:2023-11-03

摘要: 阿斯塔那墓地位于新疆吐鲁番盆地,由于当地极端干旱的气候条件,保存下了大量植物遗存和文书资料,为探讨晋唐时期吐鲁番先民的农业生产和植物资源利用提供了宝贵的材料。本文首先对阿斯塔那墓地出土的枣遗存进行了科学的鉴定分析,然后结合相关文书记载综合探讨了晋唐时期吐鲁番地区的枣树栽培与利用。研究结果显示,晋唐时期吐鲁番地区的枣树栽培非常普遍,是当地一种重要的特色经济作物。吐鲁番先民对枣的利用方式多样,既直接鲜食,又将其进一步加工成干枣、枣糕或枣麨。此外,枣的药用价值和枣木的优良特性也被吐鲁番先民所认识和利用。

关键词: 吐鲁番, 晋唐时期, 枣, 植物考古, 植物遗存, 文书

Abstract: Astana Cemetery is located in Turpan Basin, Xinjiang. Due to the local extremely arid climate, large numbers of plant remains and documents were well preserved in Astana Cemetery, providing valuable materials for exploring the agricultural production and plant utilization of Turpan people during the Jin to Tang dynasties. Archaeobotanical method was applied on the Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) remains unearthed from the Astana Cemetery. Combined with relevant documents, the cultivation and utilization of Chinese jujube during the Jin to Tang dynasties were discussed. It showed that Chinese jujube was a common and important characteristic cash crop in ancient Turpan. The indigenous people used Chinese jujube in various ways, including eaten in fresh and further processing it into dried jujube, jujube cake or dry powder of jujube. In addition, the medicinal value of Chinese jujube and the excellent characteristics of jujube wood were also recognized and utilized by ancient Turpan people.

Key words: Turpan, Jin to Tang dynasties, Chinese jujube, archaeobotany, plant remains, ancient Turpan documents
