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2015, Vol.32, No.2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
Review Article Plasma characteristics and dynamics in a high power pulsed magnetron sputtering discharge
XIA Yuan, GAO Fangyuan, LI Guang
2015, 32 (2): 145-154.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.001
Abstract ( 847 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS) is a promising technology that has drawn attention in both academia and industry in recent years. HIPIMS, also known as high power pulse magnetron sputtering, is a physical vapor deposition technique. The high power has been brought to extremely high discharge current density of several A ·cm-2 and HIPIMS has been successfully developed to produce high plasma densities of the order of 1019 m-3. The plasma properties in sputtering process have shown the great advantages, which make it possible to control the deposition process and optimize the performance of films. In this paper, we show the I-V characteristics of discharge and the design of power supply, as well as the ionization rate of sputtered atoms. Furthermore, the spatial and the temporal evolution of plasma, the non-normal transport of ionized species, and the deposition rate are reviewed.

A lower bound of p-rank of K2(Z[(Cp)2×Cpn])
ZHENG Qian, TANG Guoping
2015, 32 (2): 155-157.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.002
Abstract ( 715 ) PDF (0KB) ( 2 )

First, we reduce the calculation of K2(Z[(Cp)2×Cpn])p to estimation of an exact sequence. Then, we get a higher bound of p-rank of SK1(Z[G], pZ[G]). Finally, we get a lower bound of p-rank of K2(Z[(Cp)2×Cpn]).

Synchronous concentration and purification schemes of arbitrary unknown hyperentangled mixed states
DU Kun, SONG Qiucheng, QIAO Congfeng
2015, 32 (2): 158-165.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.003
Abstract ( 675 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

We present two efficient schemes which can simultaneously accomplish hyperentanglement concentration and purification for two-photon four-qubit systems in an unknown partially hyperentangled mixed state. The first can correct errors in the polarization entanglement and extract maximal hyperentanglement in polarization and spatial mode, using additional partial frequency entanglement. The second uses additional maximal frequency entanglement to purify and concentrate hyperentanglement in polarization and spatial mode deterministically. Both of the schemes are only based on existing optical devices and cross-Kerr nonlinearities.

Numerical study of 3D motion of initially static liquid metal with steady horizontal current injected in a uniform magnetic field
WANG Jinjin, ZHANG Jie, NI Mingjiu
2015, 32 (2): 166-171.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.004
Abstract ( 840 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Study on liquid metal motion in an applied magnetic field is of significance in theory and application. A model of initially static liquid metal in a uniform magnetic field is set up. A steady horizontal current is injected into the liquid metal and the 3D flow afterwards is numerically studied. Different magnetic field directions are considered in this work. Observations are given that electromagnetic (EM) field coupling leads to instability of the liquid metal, and the free surface is draped and distorted. A lot of minor liquid breakup masses and droplets are separated from the surface when the EM field is strong enough. Different strengths and directions of the EM fields can bring about quite different situations.

Study on the ultrastructures of the attachment apparatus of 51 insect species
LIU Zheng, ZHAO Yaling, LIANG Aiping
2015, 32 (2): 172-184.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.005
Abstract ( 773 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The ultrastructures of the attachment apparatus of 51 insect species from 7 orders were examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three types of adhesive structure, the smooth structure, the hairy structure, and the sucker, were found and are described in this paper. Based on the morphology and the distribution of the adhesive structures, the smooth adhesive structures can be subdivided into three types: the smooth arolium, the smooth pulvilli, and the smooth euplantulae; the hairy adhesive structures can be subdivided into four types: the hairy adhesive soles, the hairy pulvilli, the fossula spongiosa, and the adhesive structure transformed from the tarsal thorns; and the sucker is a specific adhesive structure found in the species of Dytiscidae. This study shows that the structures of the attachment apparatus are very diverse in insects and are very distinct at the order level. These facts can be used for taxonomic identifications and phylogenetic studies.

Construction of RNAi and root-specific expression vectors of genes related to low Cd accumulation in rice
CHEN Yuxian, FENG Shanshan, CHAI Xingping, CHAI Tuanyao
2015, 32 (2): 185-191.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.006
Abstract ( 793 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

Cd accumulated in soil can be easily absorbed by rice and enriched in the human body through food chain. Investigation of the mechanism for the low Cd accumulation in rice has an important practical value for standard rice breeding and safety of food crops. Multiple genes are involved in the process of the absorption, transport, and accumulation of Cd in rice. The technique of multi-gene co-transformation facilitates the genetic control of low Cd accumulation in rice grain. We cloned two genes that are related to this process, i.e., OsLCD and OsHMA 3 , and a vascular-specific promoter OsMTP 11 P. The RNAi vector pRI-M-LCD and the root-specific expression vector pCB2022-H were constructed by using the gateway technology and traditional enzyme digestion and ligation methods. Through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation, the transgenic rice plants containing both the two transgenes are expected to sequester more Cd into the root vacuoles and to reduce the root-to-shoot translocation of Cd, resulting in low Cd accumulation in grains. The successful construction of the two vectors will be useful in molecular regulation of low Cd accumulation in rice and will lay the foundation for breeding new varieties of rice that accumulates lower Cd in grains.

Investigation of key controlling factors and numerical simulation uncertainty of the groundwater level companying with Yongding river ecological restoration
YANG Xiaofang, WANG Mingyu, WANG Liya, ZHAO Jianhui
2015, 32 (2): 192-199.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.007
Abstract ( 812 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

River ecological restoration with water replenishment could considerably raise groundwater level and might then threaten safety of subsurface engineering and environment, while uncertainty analysis of groundwater level prediction can provide a basis for the effective management of river ecological restoration. Taking the ecological restoration of Yongding River in Beijing as a case, we built a groundwater model and determined the main controlling factors, and then obtained the uncertainty of the simulated groundwater levels by the Monte-Carlo technique, The practical and effective method has been proposed for uncertainty analysis of groundwater numerical model in large scale.

Optimal control theory framework for nuclear and chemical disaster emergency based on the natural cybernetics
HUANG Shunxiang, ZENG Qingcun, HU Fei, WANG Zifa, LIU Feng
2015, 32 (2): 200-206.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.008
Abstract ( 675 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

Nuclear and chemical disaster emergency is a typical problem associated with interactions between the nature and human activities. Natural cybernetics, aiming at optimal and reasonable use of natural resources, is an effective method to resolve this problem. We develop a mathematical model by providing equations for optimal control of the nuclear and chemical accident emergency with the specific expressions of control costs and disaster losses. It also gives the calculation method for the control costs related to accident source control, security alert, evacuation, protection, decontamination, casualties, medical treatment, and so on. This model provides a suitable theoretical basis for solving the nuclear and chemical disaster emergency problem.

Selection and spatial arrangement of industries in reconstruction of disaster-hit area
LI Jiaming, SUN Wei, ZHANG Wenzhong
2015, 32 (2): 207-213.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.009
Abstract ( 662 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Natural disasters are extreme and sudden events caused by environmental factors that injure people and damage property. Thus adjustment in population distribution and recontruction of aregionally industrial system are two key points of disaster recovery. This study aimed to develop a general framework for industrial reconstruction based on some characteristics of disaster recovery such as particularity, urgency, and periodicity. Then this framework was applied to the case of Lushan earthquake. A complete plan, including industry choice, layout, and policy, is provided on the basis of analysies of the regional location, the topography, the stage economic development, and the evaluation of effect on industrial system.

Development features and temporal-spatial evolution of economy in Central Asia in the past 20 years
TANG Hong, CHEN Dabo
2015, 32 (2): 214-220.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.010
Abstract ( 802 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

In the past 20 years, the Central Asia countries achieved considerable economic progress driven by the economic globalization and regional economic integration. The Central Asias GDP reached 303.91 billion dollars in 2010, and at the same time the area has becoming the emerging growth zone of global economic landscape. On the basis of statistical data and literature studies, we investigate the process of economic development space-time evolution and the causes in Central Asia in the past 20 years. The results are given in the following. 1) Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Central Asian countries become independent. The economic development of Central Asia can be divided into three stages: the economic stagnation and decline stage (1991-1995), economic recovery phase (1996-2000), and economic stability growth phase (after 2001). 2) The regional economies scale achieved rapid growth in the different stages, but the regional economic disparities between different countries occur. 3) The time-spatial evolution of Central Asia regional economic development is affected mainly by the high international energy prices, the market economic reforms, the rich natural resources, and the relatively stable political environment.

Study on optimization of the industrial structure in Changchun city since 2000
CHEN Tiantian, ZHANG Pingyu
2015, 32 (2): 221-228.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.011
Abstract ( 640 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The optimization of industrial structure is the key to the revitalization of the old industry base of Northeast China. Besides, it is the basis for assessing the performance to measure the sophistication and rationalization of the industrial structure. Using the method of information entropy, we measured the sophistication of 33 industrial sectors in Changchun. The results show that an industry system has been formed. In the system the transportation equipment manufacturing industry and agro-food processing industry are the pillar industries, and the communication manufacturing industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, non-metallic mineral product industry, production and supply of electricity and heat, and food manufacturing industry are the main supporting industries. By using the method of comparative labor productivity, we estimated the rationalization of industrial structure in Changchun. The results show that the industrial structure trends towards rationality, but the inequality between the industries is still serious. Finally, we put forward suggestions for the optimization of industrial structure by enhancing competitive industries, reforming traditional industries, and cultivating new industries.

Study on temporal and spatial variations of economic development in Chengdu-Chongqing (Cheng-Yu) economic zone
LIU Yunwei
2015, 32 (2): 229-234.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.012
Abstract ( 768 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

The distribution space patterns concerning GDP, per capita GDP, and economy development intensity of Chengdu-Chongqing(Cheng-Yu) economic zone spread outwards in layers and circles from the centers of Chengdu and Chongqing Ctiy. In Chengdu urban zone the amount of connection and also the degree of belonging for each circle is distinct from others, and they spread outwards showing the axial distribution. Thus, the near-zone districts connect more with the urban city, but the radiation area of the urban zone is limited. On the contrary, Chongqing urban zone has a wider and stronger radiation area, and the circles of connection and belonging expand in a fan shape. The economic hinterlands of the two large urban areas of Chengdu and Chongqing occupy half of the Cheng-Yu economic zone. The axis line which connects these two urban areas experiences a process of "connection-disconnection-reconnection".

Quantitative analysis of Lushan earthquake background activity with earthquake multi-parameters
WANG Jingjing, ZHANG Huai, PANG Yajin, SHI Yaolin
2015, 32 (2): 235-242.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.013
Abstract ( 662 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

The Ms7.0 Lushan earthquake occurred in the southern part of Longmenshan fault on 20 April 2013. We calculate several kinds of seismic activity parameters to analyze the background activity of Lushan earthquake and relate them with Wenchuan earthquake. The results show that 1) there were only three great earthquakes above M6.0 occurring in the southern part of Longmenshan fault, which indicates existence of earthquake gap in historic earthquake background; 2) based on the values of a, the background earthquake activity was high during the 30 years before Lushan earthquake; and 3) the spatial difference in b-value before and after Wenchuan earthquake shows decrease of b-value and increase of stress only in part of southern Longmenshan fault zone while Lushan earthquake occurred in the region where b-value decreased apparently.

Relocation of earthquakes in North China using absolute and relative earthquake relocation methods
CHEN Xiaoqing, YU Xiangwei
2015, 32 (2): 243-251.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.014
Abstract ( 741 ) PDF (0KB) ( 2 )

We relocated 17 315 earthquakes totally which occurred in North China (110°-120°E, 35°-42°N) during the periods between 1993 and 2004 and between 2007 and 2012 by using both absolute and relative earthquake relocation methods with waveform cross-correlation. Finally we got hypocenter parameters of 11 453 earthquakes. The distribution of epicenter relocation gives a linear band pattern with NNE direction clearly and has close relation with regional tectonic. About 88% of focal depths are within 3-18 km, which suggests that the seismogenic layer lies in the upper crust in North China. We infer that the lowest boundary of seismicity is about 23 km in North China since 97.6% of the focal depths range from 0 km to 23 km. Epicenter locations distribute as a narrow zone in NE direction along Xinhe fault in Xinhe area. Epicenter locations present a "listric" pattern along NW-SE profile, which is steep in the upper and slower in the lower. The epicenter relocations in Tangshan area distribute in three clusters in Tangshan, Luanxian, and Qian'an areas. Furthermore, there present two small obvious faults in the northern part of Tangshan fault. The small fault in the east is slightly deeper.

Design and implementation of mandarin spoken dialogue system for flight reservation
CHEN Zhenfeng, YANG Xiaohao, WU Weilan, LIU Jia, XIA Shanhong
2015, 32 (2): 252-258.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.015
Abstract ( 847 ) PDF (KB) ( 5 )

We present a spoken dialogue system for flight reservation, which allows users to inquire information about flight in mandarin. We describe the design and the implementation of our system, focusing on spoken language understanding (SLU). Considering that the speech recognizer inevitably makes errors, we propose a new two-stage mandarin SLU approach based on word confusion network. Firstly, the semantic tuple classifier is used to identify the topic of an input utterance using N-gram features extracted from the word confusion network and to parse a semantic tree by recursively calling semantic classification models. Then the rule-based semantic slot filler is used to extract the corresponding slot/value pairs. The advantage of the proposed approach is that it is mainly data-driven and requires minimally annotated corpus for training. Experiment has been carried out in the Chinese flight reservation domain, which shows that the proposed approach is more robust to speech recognition errors than the conventional handcrafted rule-based parser, and substantially improves performance of accuracy when the ASR word error rate is high.

Design and implementation of high-speed floating points FFT processor based on FPGA
SU Bin, LIU Chang, PAN Zhigang
2015, 32 (2): 259-263.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.016
Abstract ( 1078 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

An improved parallel FFT/IFFT butterfly structure is presented. The structure, which is based on the decimation-in-time (DIT) Radix-2 algorithm, contains 8 paths in parallel. IEEE single precision floating complex FFT/IFFT processors are designed by using this parallel structure and achieved with Xilinx ISE 13.1 software. Verifications are carried out with Virtex6 FPGA of Xilinx. The results show that the FFT/IFFT processors can make use of the resources reasonably and enhance both the speed and precision of computation.

Terrorism threat assessment with multi-module Bayesian network
WEI Jing, WANG Juyun, YU Hua
2015, 32 (2): 264-272.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.017
Abstract ( 809 ) PDF (KB) ( 2 )

This study intends to provide decision support for counter-terrorism according to the threat of terrorist attacks. Because of the diversity, uncertainty, and ambiguity of assessment information about terrorist attacks, Bayesian network is proposed to assess threat from the consequence of attacks. This study presents a multi-module Bayesian network threat assessment model for the complexity of the terrorist attacks, and this model combines the qualitative and quantitative assessment. We study the multi-module Bayesian network structure learning, parameter learning, and inference. Finally we compute the terrorism threat degree and conduct instance analysis. Simulation results show that this model effectively assesses the real threat degree of terrorist attacks.

An adjustable local-flooding-based routing protocol for wireless sensor networks with mobile sink
YU Sheng, SHANG Dezhong, ZHOU Meng, ZHANG Baoxian
2015, 32 (2): 273-280.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.018
Abstract ( 810 ) PDF (KB) ( 4 )

With the development of the smart mobile devices, wireless sensor networks with mobile sink have attracted a lot of research interest in recent years. Deploying mobile sink can alleviate the hot spot issue caused by deploying static sinks, and can largely prolong the network lifetime. However, sink mobility can cause unexpected dynamic changes of network topology and data routing paths, which poses challenges in routing protocol design. We propose an adjustable local-flooding-based routing protocol (ALFRP) which uses constrained flooding to maintain efficient routing structure in a network. ALFRP uses a stretch ratio parameter to control the balance between control overhead and data transmission cost. To achieve high routing performance, ALFRP adopts anchor-node chain to reduce protocol overhead and works to periodically rebuilt network-wide data routing tree for load balancing. Simulation results show that ALFRP reduces the routing update overhead by nearly 50% and significantly improves the network lifetime while keeping a very high data packet delivery ratio and low total data transmission cost compared to the state-of-the-art protocols.

A mobile classification security method for SMS based on Android system
ZHANG Mingqing, ZHANG Can, CHEN Deyuan, ZHANG Kenan
2015, 32 (2): 281-287.  DOI: 10.7523/j.issn.2095-6134.2015.02.019
Abstract ( 647 ) PDF (KB) ( 3 )

Currently smart phones can not guarantee the comprehensive security of short message service (SMS). In this study, a mobile classification security method for SMS based on Android system is proposed. We use sequence encryption with low computational complexity to encrypt short messages of minor importance and sequence encryption based on RSA digital signature to short messages related to business information. For short messages containing account numbers or passwords, we use RSA encryption to encrypt them. The applications show that proportion of 0 or 1 in cipher text encrypted by this mobile classification security method is 0.5. This method has stable performance. The mobile classification security method is applicable to resource-constrained mobile phones and other mobile devices.